1 . Without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations, are silent joy and sharing在友谊里,不用言语,一切的思想,一切的愿望,一切的希冀,都在无声的欢乐中发生而共享了。 --(黎)纪伯伦
2 . To preserve a friend three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities
3 . “Friends are the siblings God never gave us” – Mencius“朋友如手足。”——孟子
4 . A man is known by the company he keeps
5 . 烈火试真金, 苦难试友情。
6 . Take things as they come 既来之,则安之。
7 . A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman
8 . 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。
9 . 时间如雨后的彩虹,缓缓悄悄的消逝于蔚蓝天际。
10 . 以友谊换友谊。
1 . 冬者岁之余,夜者日之余,阴雨者时之余。
2 . 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。
3 . 最简短的回答就是行动。
4 . “The only way to have a friend is to be one” – Ralph Waldo Emerson“交到朋友的唯一方法就是变成一个完整独立的人。”——拉尔夫沃尔多爱默生
5 . 凡事必先难后易。
6 . Suspicion is the poison of friendship ---St, Augustine, Bishop of hippo 怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药。---希波主教 圣奥古斯丁
7 . if you would be loved, love and be lovable 想被人爱,就要去爱别人,并让自己可爱。 ——Benjamin Franklin
8 . Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness,some common interests---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 确保友谊常青的要素是:诚实朴实自然体贴和某些共同兴趣。---美国思想家 爱默生
9 . A life without a friend is a life without a sun 人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光。
10 . 选书如择友。
1 . 青春就像是切洋葱,我们都泪流满面,却还乐此不疲。
2 . The early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。
3 . A man should keep his friendship in constant repair 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊天长地久。
4 . People lack the willpower, rather than strength—— Hugo
5 . 时间仿似一条直线,没有起点,亦无终点。
6 . The finest diamond must be cut 玉不琢,不成器。
7 . The unexamined life is not worth living -- Socrates
8 . 有生命必有希望。
9 . 等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。
10 . 不要急着说你别无选择,也许在下个路口你就会遇见希望。
1 . 山河在,不愁草木不生;壮志在,不愁事业不成!
2 . Don’t lose faith, as long as the unremittingly, you will get some fruits —— Tsien Hsueshen
3 . The cat shuts its eyes when stealing 掩耳盗铃。
4 . 烈火试真金,逆境试强者,珍惜眼前时,再创更高峰!
5 . 眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。
6 . One day, the ten day of ten money, money Little strokes fell great oaks Dripping water wears through a stone
7 . 时间给勤奋者以荣誉,给懒汉以耻辱。
8 . 偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。
9 . A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you
10 . 在我们生命中出现的人,一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。
1 . “One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives” – Euripides“一个忠诚的朋友抵得上成千上万的亲戚。”——欧里庇得斯
2 . Be swift to hear, slow to speak
3 . Bread is the staff of life
4 . 人生没有彩排,每天都是直播。阳光,源自你内心的清澈。
5 . 要看日出必须守到拂晓。
6 . When two people are in love, they are eager to have more sweet kisses But why they are in quarrel, they are hurting each other by the mouths that once used for kissing? Every time when I was upset or tired, I can only kiss by myself
7 . The darkest place is under the candlestick 烛台底下最暗。
8 . the principle of training, and understanding to care人生离不开友谊,但要得到真正的友谊才是不容易;友谊总需要忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。 --(德)马克思
9 . 树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。
10 . Heaven revolves, the gentleman to unremitting self-improvement —— Wen Tianxiang
1 . A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us
2 . 读书可以使我门的思想充实,谈话使其更臻完美。
3 . 所谓情话,就是你说了一些连自己都不相信的话,却希望对方相信。
4 . In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends 在顺境中,朋友结识了我们;在逆境中,我们了解了朋友。——CCollins
5 . 日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。
6 . 明天,是勤劳的最危险的敌人。
7 . The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man 烈火验真金,艰难磨意志。
8 . 听别人的话有时刺耳,说明还有人注意你;
9 . For man is man and master of his fate
10 . The course of true love never did run smooth 通向真爱的路从无坦途。——Shakespeare
1 . “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend” – Martin Luther King, Jr“爱是唯一能化敌为友的力量。”——马丁路德金
2 . 事常与人违,事总在人为。
3 . “Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity” – Khalil Gibran“友谊是甜蜜的责任,而不是机遇。”——卡里纪伯伦
4 . Be just to all, but trust not all
5 . A friend exaggerates a man’s virtue, an enemy his crimes 朋友宣扬人的美德,敌人夸大人的罪过
6 . “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me” – Henry Ford“最好的朋友促使我变成最好的自己。”——亨利福特
7 . Friendship is like money, easier made than kept 友谊如金钱一般,容易得到却不易保持。 ——Samuel Butler
8 . Speech is silver, silence is gold 能言是银,沉默是金。
9 . 东西新的好,朋友老的好。
10 . 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。——王勃