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1 . 世上最幸福的事:坏脾气的她遇到好脾气的他,他却爱上了她。

2 . 天大地大,闺蜜最大天好地好,闺蜜最好

3 . What interests me most is the experience of gulliver in Lilliput The people here were all like tiny little men, and here, in the eyes of the little people, gulliver became a giant of the sky After he was found by the king, he was subdued by a large group of small men, and tied up with a fly, and with a fly The ban was confined to an abandoned building At first, his life was good, it was a war, and the fate of gulliver fell to the ground and became the king&#;s battle tool Fortunately, he later went to another small country to win the love of the king and queen, and enjoyed the prosperity But gulliver was still very much in love with his family and home, and asked the king to let him go The king helped him build the "aircraft carrier" of the little man Eventually he returned home Gulliver&#;s fate was in a moment of triumph, a moment of triumph, and a moment of despair, and it was under the control of others And I, with the plot of the book in a moment of fear, a long sigh But no matter how many hardships, through his faith never change, has been one thousand to find the hope of freedom, even if it is then a spark of hope, he will never give up, never lost the direction, finally succeeded

4 . 凉爽的早上,一家四口去晨练,其乐融融!心情美美哒!

5 . 爱是什么迷甜也不觉腻。

6 . 在一起叫梦分开了叫痛是不是说没有做完的梦最痛。———《能不能给我一首歌的时间》

7 . 其实喜欢的人隔着屏幕都能感受到她的情绪

8 . 今天扇了闺蜜,我知道我们的关系就此结束。

9 . 三当你知道迷惑时,并不可怜,当你不知道迷惑时,才是最可怜的。

10 . Gulliver&#;s travels is a famous work by English writer Jonathan swift The protagonist of the book, like Robinson, loves sailing adventures, and travels around the world to a lot of strange places, such as the adult country, the lilliputian, the flying island and the huizhou I was deeply attracted by the thrilling, funny and funny stories that happened to him


1 . 二十五突然间想起某个人,一阵傻笑。然后,一阵失落。

2 . 往往,心中最爱的那个人,最后却离自己最远。——《问自己》

3 . 四口之家其乐融融的温馨。最幸福的事,我想,便是如此。

4 . 一家四口的快乐生活,成长需要相互陪伴。

5 . 我们说好不分离,要一直一直在一起,就算与时间为敌,就算与全世界背离。——小时代主题曲《时间煮雨》

6 . 十五当爱情不再那么浓烈,我们仍然会依恋,因为习惯了,也因为害怕。

7 . 总有些惊奇的际遇。

8 . 一家四口外地打工生活,有苦也有甜,平淡中的小幸福。

9 . 别老说防火防盗防闺蜜好吗你就不是别人的闺蜜吗,难道也要她们防着你吗

10 . 转身离开,分手说不出来,海鸟跟鱼相爱,只是一场意外。——《珊瑚海》


1 . 看着一家四口对着镜头的那种真挚而发乎于心的笑容的照片,我顿时感到什么才叫平实的幸福。

2 . 二十二用微笑装作不在意你的嘲笑,不关心你的离去。

3 . 一家四口的一日三餐,简简单单挺幸福。

4 . 幸福,莫过于一家四口,窝在床上打闹的时光!

5 . 像我这种人你除了宠着也没有其他办法

6 . 就算做不成被人祝福的爱侣,也不要做不被人知兄妹

7 . 一生都感到庆幸从此遇上

8 . 房子虽然是租的,一家四口却过出另一种幸福!

9 . 二自己不喜欢的人,可以报之以沉默微笑,自己喜欢的人,那就随便怎么样了,因为你的喜爱会挡也挡不住的流露出来。

10 . 难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。——《一遍一遍》


1 . 六千万人的失败,都是失败在做事不彻底,往往做到离成功只差一步就终止

2 . 我想我属于一个拥有你的未来。——周杰伦《手写的从前》

3 . 在我的生命里,最让我撕心裂肺的三个字就是你的名字。

4 . 曾经单纯天真的以为我们是闺蜜,后来才知道原来是互相利用。是你的不信任还是我的太信任弄成现在的结果。

5 . 天凉了雨下了你走了,清楚了我爱的遗失了,落叶飘在湖面上睡着了。《说了再见》

6 . 想给你我的好,你却说不需要。——《小白》

7 . 她闯进了我的世界,我义无反顾的接受了她,可她却毁了我的整个世界---致闺蜜

8 . 如何掉眼泪,自知身份都不对。——《如何掉眼泪》

9 . 八要成功,就要时时怀着得意淡然,失意坦然的客观态度,笑对自己的挫折和苦难,去做,去努力,去争取成功。

10 . 我爱看周星驰的电影,他的电影常常是无厘头搞怪甚至极其夸张,那我爱看周星驰的电影,他的电影常常是无厘头搞怪甚至极其夸张,那幽默诙谐的场面总是能引人哈哈大笑。但看着看着就会莫名萌发心酸的感觉,好像电影里的这个人就是自己,让人慢慢陷入思考。诙谐的场面总是能引人哈哈大笑。但看着看着就会莫名萌发心酸的感觉,好像电影里的这个人就是自己,让人慢慢陷入思考。

