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1 . - Excuse me Could you tell me how I can get to the supermarket?

2 . Yes,pleasegoon

3 . It’sagreathonortomeetyou很高兴认识你。

4 . B:Isupposehewon’tbeinuntil:

5 . We’ll see 再说吧。

6 . CouldIspeaktoMrJohnson,please?

7 . B:Well,I’mlookingforaplacetoliveMikethoughtthatasyou’reanestateagentyoumightknowofsomethingsuitable

8 . 一 祝愿祝贺和应答 (Good wishes, congratulations and responses)

9 . - Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time

10 . - It&#;&#;s Wednesday


1 . - Thank you Goodbye

2 . - You can&#;&#;t walk your dog in the park

3 . --联合开发公司。您有什么事吗?

4 . 我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。

5 . TelephoneCalls

6 . 打电话

7 . A:Yes,IthinkIcanhelpyouWhydon’tyoucomeroundandseeme?Doyouknowwheremyofficeis?

8 . - Would you like a cup of tea?

9 . 他回来时我要他给您打个电话吗?

10 . B:PleaseaskhimtogivemeacallassoonashereturnsHehasmynumber


1 . That’s ridiculous 那太荒唐了。

2 . - I&#;&#;ve had a pain in my stomach since morning

3 . 史密斯先生在吗?

4 . - Excuse me Where is the washroom, please?

5 . - Good idea That&#;&#;s much better than watching a bad TV Programme

6 . A:UnitedDevelopmentCorpMayIhelpyou?

7 . - Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

8 . Areyouhavingfun?你玩得愉快吗?

9 . - So do I

10 . - Happy birthday!


1 . - I think I shall read a book instead

2 . “妈妈,我得了第一名,你要给我买一只熊娃娃!”一放学我刚冲到家门口就扯开喉咙激动地大喊。妈妈从厨房走出来,问:“几门功课考第一?”我得意地说:“语文测验我考了第一名!”妈妈撇撇嘴,假装说道:“语文考第一,不买!”我傻眼了,嘴巴顿时撅了起来。妈妈歪着脑袋逗我说:“——的反义!”我高兴得一蹦三尺高,那不就是“语文考第一,买吗?”妈妈点了一下我的小鼻尖说:“我们的涛涛这么聪明,当然要买了,不过不许骄傲,要继续努力,知道吗?”我使劲地点点头,心里像吃了蜜一样甜。

3 . I owe you 我欠你一次情。don’t keep me waiting long 别让我等太久了。

4 . - Thank you very much

5 . That’s for sure 那是肯定的。

6 . 史密斯先生,联合纺织品公司的李小姐想和你通电话。

7 . Couldyouputmethroughtothetoydepartment?

8 . B:Oh,that’sallrightI’llbewaitingforyourcallBye-bye

9 . - I&#;&#;m feeling tired, doctor

10 . Yoursfaithfully,


1 . --不客气。

2 . --太好了,你现在在哪里?

3 . --对不起。我听不清楚。请说大声一点好吗?

4 . - I missed the weather report this morning Did you hear it?

5 . (大约过了分钟)

6 . thetailoringdepartment

7 . Sorry,he’sjuststeppedout

8 . We are in the same boat 我们的处境相同。

9 . :嘿,本。你可以把我介绍给你的老板吗?

10 . - It&#;&#;s very hot

