1 . We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin
2 . 时光不会等你,就犹如我也不会等你,你若来我深情相拥,你若走我定不留。
3 . I have no other choice (我没有别的选择。
4 . 工作不会伤身,伤身乃是忧虑。
5 . 你所做的事情,也许暂时看不到成果,但不要灰心或焦虑,你不是没有成长,而是在扎根。
6 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over
7 . 保护环境,人人有责。
8 . Why are you doing it? (你为什么做这样的事呢?
9 . Friendship is love without his wings 友谊是没有羽翼的爱。
10 . The recent epidemic makes my mood very depressed Its a luxury to go out I hope the epidemic will pass quickly and the day of spring will come!
1 . We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees
2 . chasing dreams and trapped in the depths of the depths of the lost mind, as the mirror clear water reflects the distorted smile
3 . 不要急着逃跑,也不要急着给答案。如果还有时间,就做现在做的事。时间能让你看清很多东西,包括你自己。
4 . Keep the enviroment clean and tidyWe have only one earthWe should try our best to pretect it,make our home more and more beautiful
5 . 一个今天胜似两个明天。
6 . 潮汐洗涤往事,年轮画成句号,就让记忆,此地深埋。
7 . 如何保护环境已经成为世界最大难题之一。
8 . 我们不应该往地上扔垃圾。
9 . 与高冷无关我只是不需要那么多的点头之交。
10 . The epidemic has been spreading for so many days I wish the motherland, refuel for the motherland, and refuel for Wuhan! I hope that our Chinese people will no longer be affected by the virus, put into work as soon as possible, and build a more prosperous motherland!
1 . your dream is not what you find in your sleep but what makes you not sleep
2 . But some people dont care about it
3 . Industry is fortunes right hand,and frugality her left
4 . , the ideal is not a fine magnetic bowl, broken not curium complement; ideal is the flower, withered can open again
5 . I have no clue (毫无线索。
6 . You do not gather, I do not gather, you and I reject the virus
7 . Life, bitterness and happiness are all there is, separation and separation are all in The epidemic is over! Warm spring flowers
8 . 身边没撕破脸的人太多了,明明看透了很多人却不能轻易翻脸,对讨厌的人和事露出微笑是我们必须要学会的恶心。
9 . can not touch, unreal also true, the mirage in dream Can not see, between heaven and earth, the pursuit of dreams to the end
10 . I thought you loved him (我想你很爱他。
1 . It is very important to take care of our environment
2 . 我们不应该在公共场所吐痰/砍伐的树木。
3 . Pray for Wuhan to win the virus as soon as possible! Let the brave and loving rebels go home safely as soon as possible! #Unite as one to fight the epidemic situation the motherland refuels, prays to defeat the virus as soon as possible
4 . everyone should take action with a dream and be strong with a reason if the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are
5 . Ill never win Im throwing in the towel (我赢不了你,我认输了。
6 . 或许再见面时,我们不会再有埋怨,只是像许久未见面的老朋友淡然处之,一点点聊起那时我们的冲动,遗憾与青涩,把所有的酸楚都扔进时光的垃圾桶,如果真的能够重来一次,我或许还会选你。
7 . 时光易逝。
8 . I have no other choice but to do so
9 . 切莫依赖明天。
10 . , accident and tomorrow do not know which comes first No crisis is the biggest crisis, to meet the status quo is the biggest trap
1 . 知识胜过金银
2 . Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies 爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧。
3 . 别人早就看开的事情你只是比别人慢了点。
4 . The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great
5 . Pay tribute to all the staff who are fighting in the epidemic situation! May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring May all the good things come and all the unhappiness disappear Come on, Wuhan! Go China!
6 . 人越成长便越害怕失去:各奔东西的同学,各自成家的朋友,渐渐老去的父母,把握不住的时间。除了好好珍惜现在之外,我们别无它法。
7 . , the ideal lost, the flowers of youth will wither, because the ideal is the youth of light and heat
8 . 脆弱的人才会四处游说自己的不幸,坚强的人只会不动声色的越加强大。——许灵子
9 . 他爱不爱你不要紧,你自己有钱就行;工作顺心不顺心不要紧,你自己有钱就行;年纪越来越大不要紧,你自己有钱就行。所以你看啊,这世界上还有什么麻烦呐,只要你自己有钱就行。
10 . 能管理好自己的情绪,你就是优雅的,能控制好自己的心态,你就是成功的。
1 . 有些事,你把它藏到心里,也许还更好,等时间长了,也就变成了故事。
2 . Unite and work together to prevent the epidemic, so as to unfreeze the ice When winter is over, spring is bound to bloom
3 . 人生于世,委屈在所难免,消化了就是成长的动力,消化不了就会变成脾气。
4 . 我想把你写做一部故事,或欢喜,或洒脱,你不要急,我慢慢写,慢慢写,写到你两鬓斑白,写到你步履蹒跚。
5 . 或许,发怒,是用别人错误惩罚自己;烦恼,是用自己的过失折磨自己;后悔,是用无奈的往事摧残自己;忧虑,是用虚拟的风险惊吓自己。
6 . 云要走,让风怎么挽留,我不会恳求任何人留下,因为不属于我的终究不是我的,没必要去争取不爱的人,没理由去紧抓不属于自己的东西。
7 . Please reduce to crowded places
8 . We broke up Its history (我们分手了,一切都成为过去了。
9 . , the more noble a mans ideal, the purer his life
10 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。
1 . Would you lend me ¥,? (你能借给我日元吗?
2 . the happiest thing in life is to try your best to follow your dreams
3 . Whats the answer? (答案是什么?
4 . 撰写青春的疼痛,谁又躲得过浮华乱世。
5 . Tomorrow comes never
6 . Pay attention to their own health, do a good job in self-protection
7 . 努力是一种生活态度,与年龄无关。所以,无论什么时候,千万不可放纵自己,给自己找懒散和拖延的借口。对自己严格一点儿,时间长了,努力便成为一种心理习惯,一种生活方式。未必人人都可以做到优秀,但至少可以努力做到比昨天的自己更优秀。
8 . 生活的原则其实很简单。路走不通时,选择绕行就好了,心不畅快时,学会看淡就好了,情慢慢走远时,问心无愧就好了。
9 . May there be no disaster in the world May all our compatriots infected with or suspected to be infected with new viral pneumonia recover as soon as possible, and the epidemic situation can be controlled as soon as possible May the medical staff of angel in white who are fighting in the front line, as well as all simple and kind-hearted rebels, volunteers, be safe and healthy and return home as soon as possible! Huoshen mountain, Leishen mountain, Zhongnan mountain, Sanshan town poison! Doctors heart, benevolent heart, Chinese heart, ten thousand hearts to fight the epidemic! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!
10 . The wonderful life of people lies in the process of pursuing their dreams Without demanding other peoples disappointments or likes
1 . Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment
2 . 你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。
3 . The days flow quietly Whats better at home than at the front line What if you cant go out? Just pray that the game with virus will end soon! Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving for our life and health, should have a stable sun, moon and stars
4 . 勤奋是成功之母。
5 . Trees are very helpful and important for us
6 . 我们应该种更多的花和树。
7 . 很多人还是不明白,要说服女孩子,其实不要用逻辑,不要用道理,要用心。
8 . 你做得再好,也还是有人指指点点;你即便一塌糊涂,也还是有人唱赞歌。所以不必掉进他人的眼神,你需要讨好的,仅仅是你自己。
9 . 每一次的跌倒后重新站起来,都会让人变得愈发坚强。生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。
10 . we are in the flowering season, full of vigor and vitality is our pronoun, passion is our portrait, chasing dreams, we are ready to wait for the embodiment
1 . 曾经看不惯,受不了的,如今不过淡然一笑。学着看淡一些事情,才是对自己最好的保护。
2 . I dont have a clue
3 . 放手如同牙拔掉的那一刻,你会觉得解脱。但是舌头总会不由自主往那个空空的牙洞里舔一次又一次。不痛了不代表你已完全无视留下的那个空缺。但牙总是要拔,因为太痛所以终归还是要放手。
4 . Not a chance!用于没有可能性时。
5 . Just saw another struggling in the front line of the doctor died, tears immediately fell down! May the dead rest in peace! May the virus be eliminated as soon as possible! Hope that the medicine for prevention and treatment will be developed as soon as possible! Wish Chinese mother no more disaster! Would like to stay at home you and I are less out of the door, do not go out, do not spread rumors! To fight against this epidemic situation to make their own meager force!
6 . As we know , water is very important to man
7 . 希望你明白,我凡事都看的开,但这并不影响我记仇。
8 . 让别人徘徊的脚步踩碎你明天美好的梦想,天下没有不散的宴席。也许这人间真的只有朦朦胧胧才是真。
9 . Snow scenery is beautiful, but in order to fight the epidemic in an all-round way, we still need to go out less and not gather together! When the spring is warm and the epidemic is over, lets have a look at the beautiful world!
10 . Better than nothing 句子开头的Its被省略。