1 . 既生瑜,何生亮
2 . 现实让爱变得很渺小,生活也不光有爱就能继续。人生有太多的无奈,所以善待自己活好当下。人生没有彩排,每天都在现场直播。超越形成一种智慧,快乐活在当下,尽心就是完美。
3 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
4 . 此乃六祖慧能的悟禅之言。心非心,物非物,心高于物,心是心,物是物,心物合一,心物是一。人在尘中,不是尘,尘在心中,化灰尘。世间人,法无定法,然后知非法法也;天下事,了犹未了,何妨以不了了之。切莫刻意的寻求,人人皆由佛性,重在修心和意,而不是外在的。
5 . 送你一棵幸运草,愿你好事连连有;敬你一杯健康酒,愿你快乐又长寿;送你一条短息语,祝你重阳节日乐!
6 . , what I do today is much better and better than what I have done in the past; the rest I enjoy today is better than all that I know; better - - Charles, Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng
7 . 人生如戏,人生有限而世事无限。从人生序幕拉开直到终场结束,就如在舞台上,随着场景和剧情不断变化;生命如歌,有欢乐也有哀愁,有高音也有低音,有平缓也有曲折起伏;生命如画,浓墨泼洒也好,淡笔轻描也罢,甚至依着兴致涂鸦也无妨,只要自我尽情描绘,哪怕笔法稚嫩。
8 . 子龙一身都是胆也!
9 . 脚踏实地,少做白日梦,少定空头计划。人生总会遇到各种各样的机遇,一旦抓住了,小则能获得快乐,大则能改变命运。但这机遇是可遇而不可求的。我们也可能会失去各种各样的机遇,还会犯各种类型的错误。对自己的过失,切不可无限悔恨,死揪不放。要知道,人非圣贤,孰能无过?重要的是总结经验,少犯错误。
10 . 世界上有多少有才华的失败者,世界上有很多高学历的无业游民-----是因为选择错误。
1 . , what I have done now is far better than all that I have done; the rest I will get is sweeter than all that I know Charles Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng
2 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
3 . resurrection in me, and life in me Those who believe in me will die again, though they die, but those who live and believe in me will never die -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
4 . 今天的优势会被明天的趋势代替,把握趋势,把握未来。
5 . Dontcrybecauseitisover,smilebecauseithappened
6 . 蓝天作信皮,白云作信纸,流星是我的特快专递。送你清风让你心旷神怡,送你细雨洗去你疲惫的汗迹,送你彩虹通向梦想之旅,祝你重阳节快乐!
7 . Nomanorwomanisworthyourtears,andtheonewhois,wontmakeyoucry
8 . 九九重阳,欢笑聚堂,祝您重阳节:亲朋好友相聚来,喜上眉梢笑花开,长慈幼孝夫妻爱,好时好事好运来!
9 . , this is the best of times, this is the worst of times This is the year of wisdom, this is the year of ignorance This is the period of faith, this is the period of doubt This is the season of light, and this is the season of darkness This is the spring of hope, it is the winter of despair We have everything in our future, and we have nothing in the future Were heading for heaven, and were going to hell - Charles Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng
10 . 做人处事,待人接物:重师者王,重友者霸,重己者亡。
1 . 。我们的青春眨眼间就没有了,皱纹一条一条的爬到眼角,我们阻止不了岁月破坏我们的容颜,可是我们可以让心在岁月中慢慢磨砺,如蚌中的沙,慢慢的光润起来,等到我们发苍齿摇步履蹒跚的时候,还可以让珍珠的光泽晕红最后的行程,不是吗?——学会成长
2 . , what I have done is the best thing I ever did in my life What I am about to achieve is the most peaceful and peaceful rest of my life -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
3 . 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。
4 . 。不要奢望别人给你经济上的任何帮助,钱对任何人都是不够用的,有一万元的人想干两万元的事,有万元的人想干万元的事。——学会给与
5 . 治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄
6 . 此句出自“般若波罗密多心经”由唐代玄奘法师所译,尽得禅宗精髓!全句为“色不异空,空不异色,色即是空,空即是色,受想行识,亦复如是”。
7 . 攀登人生的高峰要学会看轻自己。
8 . 结束了自己充满仇恨的一生。也许这才是她最佳的结局。那些像德伐日那样以复仇为生活唯一目的的人,
9 . Attheelectriccompany:"Wewouldbede-lightedifyousendinyourbillHowever,ifyoudontyouwillbe"
10 . Onthedoorofacomputerstore:"Outforaquickbyte"本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览
1 . 有人说《后出师表》不是诸葛亮写的,先不论是谁写的,这里的鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已就是诸葛亮真实的写照,也是最能表现诸葛亮后期六出祁山无力回天时的心情,也成为现代人常挂在嘴边的一个词。
2 . 我甘愿为你和你所爱的人们而牺牲。
3 . 一共八个字却称赞了两件事物,足可见微言大义的春秋笔法。而且朗朗上口,妇孺皆宜。后来关羽虽然也得到了赤兔,但也没听别人这么说过,估计作者肯定是吕温侯的FANS,否则也不会这么肉麻。
4 . 放松心情六秘诀:拿得起,放得下;保留空闲的时间;谋定后动;在轻松的心情下工作;知止;不做能力范围之外的事。
5 . "To, the, world, you, may, be, one, person, but, to, me, you, may,, be, the, world, Shuangcheng""
6 . 生活可能有风有雨,但只要将阳光种在心里,阴霾就不会有生长的土壤。很多时候我们抱怨失去的太多,只不过因为我们把***当作了生活的目标去追逐,却对旅途中的美丽风景视而不见。既如此,何不在心底种一束阳光,你会发现生活从此改变了模样,处处阳光灿烂,鲜花盛开。
7 . 知止方能心定,心定方能静安。
8 . 。不要执著,人生有很多不如意,世界不会迎合你,地球不是为你转的,所以不要执著于拥有,连我们都只是红尘的过客,生是赤条条的来,死又能带走什么呢?——学会放手
9 . 快乐翻过个坎,健康淌过条湾,财运闯过道关,平安跨过重天,把朵幸福送你身边。重阳愉快!
10 . 这一条比较常见,一旦怒从心头起,恐怕下一步很多都会诉诸肢体动作,遑论礼节。所以,最好的方式是从源头解决:制怒!
1 . 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览
2 . 。朋友帮你是善事,是道义;朋友不帮你也无可厚非,不该心怀怨尤。——学会理解
3 . , it is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; I have witnessed everything, we are blind to everything; we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way -- hell In short, it was very similar to the present, and some of the most noisy authorities insisted on the superlative of adjectives For better or for worse, it is the superlative of the comparative -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
4 . 佛曰:一花一世界,一草一天堂,一叶一如来,一砂一极乐,一方一净土,一笑一尘缘。一念一清静这一切都是一种心境心若无物就可以一花一世界,一草一天堂参透这些,一花一草便是整个世界,而整个世界也便空如花草处处皆是佛,一切众生人人皆是佛。
5 . MaybeGodwantsustomeetafewwrongpeoplebeforemeetingtherightone,sothatwhenwefinallymeettheperson,wewillknowhowtobegrateful
6 . Inarestaurantwindow:"Dontstandthereandbehungry,comeoninandgetfedup"
7 . 当我们处于低谷的时候,不要气馁,因为,已经在低谷了,只要努力,便只有上升一种可能。而当我们处于顺境时切不可自满,认为自己了不起,什么事都可以做,要知道过满则溢,溢则倾,倾则亏覆!另外,无论在什么时候都不要为已经打翻的牛奶而哭泣,不要为过去的事而烦恼,事情已经发生,那么就接受不可避免的事实吧。唯有积极采取行动才能改善!
8 . 原文应是:一花一世界,一叶一如来出自《华严经》:昔时佛祖拈花,惟迦叶微笑,既而步往极乐从一朵花中便能悟出整个世界,得升天堂!
9 . 当查尔斯因为家族的犯罪而被无辜判决死刑,西德尼竟然代替他去断头台接受行刑。在生命与爱之间,他选择了后者。他爱露西,为了她的幸福,他为她的爱人献出自己的生命。当他走上断头台的时候,面上依然保持着笑容,他信守对露西的诺言……因为,他的爱便是他的生命。此时此刻,我的脑海中想起了裴多菲的那首诗:“我愿意是急流/山里的小河/在崎岖的路上/岩石上经过/只要我的爱人是一条小鱼/在我的浪花中快乐地游来游去……”
10 . 凋零的不是那季节,而是花朵;成熟的不是那果实,而是岁月;南飞的不是那大雁,而是心情;牵挂的不是那日子,而为朋友。重阳节,气候变,请注意健康!
1 . Onadeskinareceptionroom:"Weshooteveryrdsalesman,andthendonejustleft"
2 . 很多的东西都是“只可意会不可言传”的!佛的很多境界需要自己去悟,去修心佛陀教化众生要抛弃妄念执着,进入到非想非非想的状态!“说”这一行为本身需要一个妄念才能实行,所以不可说!佛陀有这么多经书,这么多就是为了教化众生不得已而为之,故禅宗讲求不执着于文字就是这个道理。有句话很好的说明了这句佛家经典:有的事可说不可做,有的可做却不可说,有的既不可说又不可做。最后送上一段,让大家最自己去体会《涅盘经》云:「不生生不可说,生生亦不可说,生不生亦不可说,不生不生亦不可说,生亦不可说,不生亦不可说有因缘故,亦可得说。
3 . 人生的任何一个阶段,都勿将你目标的绳子放得过长。即便生活只给你留下一个狭小的空间,但只要你心无旁骛地对待生活,方寸之地也能找到属于你的人生黄金。
4 . 。不努力的男人只有两种结果,抽不完的低档烟和干不完的体力活;不努力的女人只有两种结果,穿不完的地摊货和逛不完的菜市场!——学会奋斗
5 . 以想象的,然而为了发泄积愤却拿侯爵兄弟的儿子及其家人抵罪,她走上了一条与那些伪贵族同样残忍的
6 . 一个人应该具备三种素质:激情,谦虚,执着。就像开一辆车,激情和执着是油门,谦虚就是刹车。今天扫完今天的落叶,明天的树叶不会在今天掉下来,不要为明天而烦恼,要努力地活在每一刻……
7 . , it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we with all eyes, we had nothing before; we will be going to heaven, we will beat the hell In short, it was very similar to the present, and some of the most noisy authorities insisted on the superlative of adjectives Say it is good, is the highest; say it is not good, is also the highest - Dickens, Shuangcheng book
8 . 其实只要我们稍加留意,就可以知道那些健康的人,他们懂得有赖于持之以恒的锻炼与轻松的心情是健康的基石。
9 . 幸福就在当下,不在过去也非未来。
10 . 重阳是中国文化中最吉祥的日子,在这金风送爽,桂花飘香,秋菊争艳的日子里,我祝各位幸福久久,健康久久,更祝长辈们多福多寿。
1 . 就这样被感动了。它是一部波澜壮阔的历史,它是一个感人肺腑的故事,它更是一种纯洁而高尚的爱。它就是狄更斯笔下的《双城记》。全书充溢着扑朔迷离的色彩,作者以一连串引人入胜的故事为框架,以十八世纪法国大革命为背景。在黑暗的资本主义社会里,农民阶级和工人阶级忍受着资产阶级无情的剥削。正如作者所说:“昌盛而又衰微,笃诚而又多疑,光明而又黑暗,这是充满阳光希望的黎明,又是阴暗失望的长夜,人们拥有一切,却两手空空。”而主人公西德尼·卡尔顿露西·曼内特和查尔斯·达尔内之间真挚的情感,成为这部名著亮丽的一笔。
2 . 。不管你因为什么结婚,只要你有了孩子,你就要爱这个家,不管它多么简陋多么寒冷,你都有义务让它温馨起来,因为你是父母!——学会承担
3 . 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。
4 . 如同曹刘论天下英雄刘备惊掉了筷子一样,大德刘备尚且如此,常人要做到泰山崩于前而色不变很难。如何面对大惊而不失态?我的理解就是让心时刻保持安住。
5 . 道路,于是她的种种行为使她一步步失去了读者的谅解。最后,恶人有恶报,她戏剧性地因为手q走火而
6 . 佛家讲“色”是指眼睛所看到的一切,这句话基本要阐述的`是万物本空的理念不要对万物起执情,而使身心不得自在,使得谈空却又恋空,其实恋取世事和恋空并无分别,同样是执取而不放一切能见到或不能见到的事物现象,是人们虚妄产生的幻觉。色即是空,使人们认识到事物的现象,认识到诸多的苦和烦恼都是虚妄产生的空即是色,则由事物的共性,因缘关系,让人们知道因果报应,善恶循环所谓:要知前世因,今生受者是,要知后世果,今生做者是。“色即是空,空即是色”是劝人向善的基础。
7 . , it was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it is hoped that the winter is the spring we disappointed; all going to heaven, we were all going the other way -- in short, with the now very similar to that of some of its noisiest authorities insisted on superlatives to describe it Say it is good, is the highest; say it is not good, is also the highest -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
8 . 天下英雄,惟使君与操耳!
9 . 这句出金刚经:所有相皆是虚妄;一切有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,当作如是观。对于爱情:美好的爱情,动人的爱情,原来都是虚幻的!可是虚幻的爱情却也是最美的!如坠梦中,近在眼前,却触摸不到;遥远的总是最美,因为遥不可及,充满想象,却难以了解真正的最美,在于人心所营造的幻境这种美,值得我们凡人一直去追寻,即使花去毕生的时间,得到心碎的结局,却依然在憧憬;对于生活:如果人不执著世间的一切物质名利,就不会被物质名利所控制;正由于人追求这些感官之物,才会变得不快乐一切皆流,无物永驻凡人就是太在乎自己的感觉感受,因为才会身处于水深火热之中,所以记得佛家的句:一切皆为虚幻。
10 . 杂草多了,水流便缓,杂念多了,脚步就慢。
1 . 小时候看三国,很不明白这句话的含义,倒底是在夸孙权还是在骂孙权。稍大了一点后才知道,曹操其实和孙权他爹孙坚是一辈的,这么说没什么不可以。另外曹操的主要意思是夸孙权能守住父兄基业,跟袁绍和刘表的那几个败家子不同。怪不得辛弃疾很是欣赏孙权,并在自己的词里引用了这句话。
2 . 这里的颜,我想不光是指颜容仪态,更多的是指精神状态。也就是说,面对种种哀伤甚至哀痛,在宣泄过心底的`苦与恸之后,需要节制,需要顺变,需要向前,别让颓废从此左右自己。
3 . , this is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; people before everything, we had nothing before us; people are on the way to heaven, we were all going to the gates of hell -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
4 . 人生能走多远,看与谁同行;有多大成就,看有谁指点。
5 . 言多必失,特别是在高兴的时候,其实那时的心态是善而良性的,因为希望倾诉,所以不吐不快;因为希望分享,所以广而告之。但是,心可以亢奋,话仍要沉稳。因为,说出去的话,再也不能收回。
6 . 发条上得太紧的表走不久;马力加到极限的车开不长;绷得太紧的琴弦弹不久;情绪紧绷的人容易生病。因此,善用表的人不会把发条上得过紧;善驾车的人不会把车开得过快;善操琴的人不会让琴弦绷得过紧;善养生的人则会常保持轻松愉快的心情。
7 . , this is the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; people had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to heaven; people are straight to hell -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
8 . Inaveterinarianswaitingroom:"Bebackinminutes,Sit!Stay!"本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览
9 . 又是一季菊花黄,美景使我深思念;让风梢去祝福言,事业有成隹音传,爱情好似蜜样甜;合家欢乐重阳圆,灿烂辉煌在眼前。祝重阳节快乐!
10 . 读万卷书不如行千里路,行千里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如名师指路。经师易得,人师难求。
1 . , when the saints are also, when the perpetrators are also This is also a benighted world, and this is also the wisdom of the world This is also a bright season, this is also bleak season This is also a year, this year This is the spring of the dolly, who read the Man or everything, man or nothing The US made its permanent fall dust float upon the clouds -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
2 . 。不要为了经济富有的朋友疏远了精神富有的朋友,慢慢你会明白,经济上富裕的朋友可以带你吃喝玩乐,也可以带给你复杂纷乱的世俗烦恼,精神富有的朋友也许只能带你去田野里,去溪流畔,没有美酒佳肴,没有香槟咖啡没有舞池,可是她能陪你一起奔跑一起笑得像傻子。——学会自重
3 . 人非圣贤,孰能无过?
4 . 做人不成功,成功是暂时的;做人成功,不成功也是暂时的。
5 . Neverfrown,evenwhenyouaresad,becauseyouneverknowwhoisfallinginlovewithyoursmile
6 . 终于,他向露西表达了自己的情感。每次读起那段话,难免感到心酸,“我希望你知道你是我灵魂最后的梦。我是在堕落的生活中看见你和你的父亲,还有你所经营的那个甜蜜的家,才恢复了我心中自以为早己死去的往日的梦想。我也因此才感到比任何时候都要凄凉可怜。自从我见到你以后,我才为一种原以为不会再谴责我的悔恨所苦恼。我听到我以为早已永远沉默的往日的声音在悄悄地催我上进…………”
7 . , this is the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredlity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we the future has everything, we had nothing before us; we are going to heaven, we are straight to hell When the saints are also, when the perpetrators are also This is also a benighted world, and this is also the wisdom of the world This is also a bright season, this is also bleak season This is also a year, this year This is the spring of the dolly, who read the Man or everything, man or nothing The US made its permanent fall dust float upon the clouds -- Dickenss the book of Shuangcheng
8 . 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
9 . 老马家五个儿子,为大家熟知的只有马良,马谡哥俩。马良的确才华出众,为刘备坐稳西川出了不少力,可惜死得较早。马谡虽说智商较高,也一度取得诸葛亮的赏识,只可惜后来一步棋走错,丢了街亭。因此当人读起这一句话时,一则叹马良死得过早,二则叹马谡聪明一世,糊涂一时。
10 . 即使命运坎坷,也决不能博得人们的同情。