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1 . 【什么是老公】.抱起来很温暖,看不见很怀念;.吵完架做错事,还会厚脸皮跑来牵你手;.最喜欢看你开心的大笑,然后也对著你傻笑;.漏接你电话,就会打爆你手机;.你在他QQ上有唯一的分组,电话薄里有对你有特别称呼;.为你哭,为你笑,为你去伤别人的心。

2 . 幽幽离殇,谁的红袖予谁添香。是谁在风中悲凉的呓语,声声断人肠,你的三千丝的飘逸香,将我的痴心缠绕,隔岸垂柳,漫天飞舞的絮,又是谁不死的情结。垂泪千行,朦胧了这季花季的伤。你十指轻颤的涟漪,晕开这夏的桃红。落花满园,埋葬了谁的思恋。

3 . 乱世培育英雄英雄支配世界《Doctor异乡人》

4 . 人生犹如花草,容颜终将在岁月的风尘中老去。能在时光的雕刻刀下,让自己保留清晨阳光般的笑容,端庄厚重的气度,深刻内敛的内涵,那将是上苍赐予我们一生最宝贵的财富。能够牵手就是幸福,想想劳燕分飞的还有多少;能够相思就是幸福,想想同床异梦的还有多少。

5 . No man or woman is worth your tears ,the one who is won&#;t make you cry!没有任何一个人值得你流泪,真正值得的人不会让你哭——托玛斯布朗英文诗歌 Love

6 . Frankly,my dear, I don&#;t give a damn 坦白的说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎(《乱世佳人》)

7 . 我爱一个人就可以不顾一切。

8 . 推开一扇叫岁月的门,许多年华终被渐次搁浅,苍凉红尘,云舒云卷,谁与谁能缱绻如蝶,穿越季节的界限?风雨飘摇里,红尘阡陌中,终是几度月圆月缺,终是几度花开花落。翻开中的那一季花事,独自氤氲雨夜的缠绵,心绪在湿润中沐浴缱绻。

9 . 谁将要主持婚礼?Who will officiate at the wedding?

10 . 就算与全世界为敌,也不委屈自己。


1 . 你为什么这么刻薄呢,没有人比你开得玩笑更糟糕了。

2 . 命运,是一个很飘渺的东西,人生假如没有泪流,没有体会刻骨的伤痛,那么也许人生就不算完整,期遇一次感动,为之一次动容,能够让这份感动融入生命,也许是时光里华彩的一程,让每一缕曙光都泻满我的心声。

3 . 只要能保护你的话我怎样都无所谓。《心情好的日子》

4 . I owe you 我欠你一次情。don’t keep me waiting long 别让我等太久了。

5 . 人的一生就像是在雾中行走,远远望去,只是迷蒙一片,辨不出方向和吉凶。可是,当我们鼓起勇气,放下忧惧和怀疑,一步一步向前走去的时候,就会发现,每走一步,我们都能把下一步路看得清楚一点。;往前走,别站在远远的地方观望!;我们就可以找到正确的方向。

6 . ": step one drop of ink, a lifetime love to read Affection between you and me have long interpreted as a beautiful poem Que Que, eyes always think first saw the beautiful amazing, how many net passing sea, a few people look back? See Pretrial blossom, either Yunjuanyunshu I have the peace of mind you, not love Cheng pulls heart hurt, do not ask what tomorrow from? This gave birth to you, I will not miss the beaten beautiful mountain stream I will cherish the love, if you never betray, dependent life and death I will"

7 . Sam: Well, I should be going Ill talk to you later那么,我得走了。再聊。Adam: Yeah See you好的,回头见。

8 . 你们能喜结连理真是太好了!It’s great for you to tie the knot!

9 . “你是为了让全人类生存下来,而我是为了让全人类有价值地继续生存。”《地球百子》

10 . "fleeting, time, time Please do not take away the memory of those who have me appear, be remembered also a beauty Life is so vast, I can not see the starting point, nor saw the finish line Maybe I&#;ll just chase slowly, slowly losing, slowly get, then eleven distinct bittersweet memories, to see who staged the most beautiful chapter, writing the most moving chapter outlines That year we Together seen faint moonlight"


1 . 婚礼上常用到的`英语句子:

2 . "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" “不论我们的灵魂是什么做成的,他的和我的是一模一样的”-艾米莉勃朗特的小说《呼啸山庄》

3 . tomorrow is another day “明天是新的一天”——《乱世佳人》

4 . 伏案苦读间,移向右前方的那个身影,心有灵犀,你微侧过头,迷人的微笑映入眼中,醉了。却比画卷中万千山水,自古为美人一醉,倾尽天下又何妨?轻波烟纱,玉锦帛扇后,靥颜动人几可。

5 . it was the best of times, it was the worst of times “这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代”——狄更斯《双城记》

6 . ": Human life is like a walk in the fog, from afar, just a misty, discerned direction and good and bad But when we the courage to put down the apprehension and suspicion, walked forward step by step, you&#;ll find, every step, we can see clearly the way to the next point ; Move forward, do not stand in a place far watching! ; We can find the right direction"

7 . 天,如打翻的墨水瓶,晕染深沉;雨,似笺纸上的墨痕,要下不下;窗外一片狼藉,微弱的光,刺破惺忪的双眼,把我从无边的沉睡中,拉回这个世界,又是一个星期二,起床上班下班起床,日子单调的仿佛开启了循环模式,只是这片天空偶尔呈现出不一样的色彩,时而晴空万里,时而大雨如注。

8 . 你一定要明白,我所做的一切都是为了你。

9 . 若是有真情,爱意如溪水,若是有真爱,爱意如阳光,若是两情相悦,又岂在朝朝暮暮,女子淡淡的情愫,深深地想念,浓浓的爱意,蜜蜜的言语,醉了他的情,醉了他的意。

10 . It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom 它是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青春不谢 ——《泰戈尔诗集》


1 . 音乐,对你来说意味着什么梦想

2 . "co-Jin wine, red crisp hand, hold long co oath Ink concentration, apricot Chan, beauty grace worry constantly Can blue, cherry now, stringed harps Xiao Yi chaos Outline hook, heart description, dare forget good generals However, after all the years mottled cheeks, tears two lines"

3 . 有些事,有些人,不是真的想忘记,就一定会忘记。

4 . 从此我要坚强,就像太阳那么闪亮。

5 . ": always wanted, to find a warm sunny morning, marching Morrowind, will collect between good flower dews send to you, if you received a water wash is Qiannian heart Should life every time I met, are cumulative leading edge, then I am willing to hell and high water, the lips Nama smile, have you written the poem, in order, so tempting tenderness extended indefinitely"

6 . "Joshin Shouzhi can be Shido, such as mirror grinding, keep dirt go out, without seeking Duanyu When was fate Buddha said: Red feet, but the storm Among beings, benevolence, though small Buddha of compassion also let me Lights the fire of the word love on ice, violent and then the ice melt, ice melt off the fire So Buddha said can not say"

7 . 鸽子不要悲伤,不要放弃你的希望。

8 . 流年似水,岁月蹉跎,不知不觉的便遗忘了许多。曾经那些熟悉的容颜,似乎也都在岁月的风声里越去越远了,只余下一些记忆的痕迹,散落成一地的斑驳,再也找不回昨日的似锦繁华。看惯了花开花落,潮涨潮汐,也就不会再留恋什么。要走的,走了,来了,又走了;不想走的,也走了。行走在红尘,回首已是淡定;笑立在风中,看尽风景。伸出手,想握住眼前的一切,殊不知,手握得越紧,得到的却是满手空;放开手掌,眼前的一切却是那么真实。

9 . 成功男人身边总是会有很多女人围着转,就算不是女人,也有可能是男人《女人俱乐部》

10 . “大人,不好了,难产了!”一个老臣慌忙跑来报告给周瑜,而镜头一转,原来是小乔在给一匹马接生。


1 . My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes 我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼睛里找到了它的天空 ——《泰戈尔诗集》

2 . ": Days like spilled ink bottle, blooming deep; rain, like ink marks on Jianzhi, to under no less; a mess out of the window, faint light, dreamless eyes pierce, boundless me from slumber , back to this world, but also a Tuesday, get up, go to work, work, get up, opened the day seemed monotonous cycle mode, but this piece of the sky occasionally showing a different color, sometimes blue skies, sometimes rain fell in torrents"

3 . 扪心自问我也很不开心,咬住不放会开心点吗?不会的。所以我觉得你现在应该踏前一步,就会放下以前不快乐的事了。《叛逃》

4 . ": Life, there are ups and downs Learn Huixiu calm, warm smile no mourning Life, it is necessary to light, but also flavored Do not willing to give up, look up, but opinions change Or to prove their abilities, or to shut up and accept the reality All good way to go downhill, that failure is acceptable, but no attempt had failed struggle is no excuse for zero"

5 . 孙尚香主动请缨要参与赤壁大战,她眨着一对小燕子式的大眼睛,带笑的说:“天下兴亡,匹女有责。”

6 . I’m sorry I missed that 对不起,我没听清I made reservations yesterday我昨天预订的。

7 . 多年以后变成了朋友不认识的自己,忍不住问了身边的人,你信不信友谊永固这几个字,你曾经说过友谊永固的人是不是还在你身边。《女人俱乐部》

8 . Whatever comes, I’ll love you, just as I do now Until I die(无论发生什么事,我都会像现在一样爱你,直到永远 ——《乱世佳人》

9 . Mrs Smith:He is terribly handsome。

10 . Thanks for taking me the movie 谢谢你带我去看电影。no thanks 不用谢


1 . 女人哪,就应该趁年轻的时候找一个,吵一吵呀闹一闹,就算为了柴米油盐吵呀,那也是开心的。《产科男医生》

2 . Wrong cannot afford defeat but right can错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败 ——《泰戈尔诗集》

3 . 因为青春,所以来得及

4 . i think i ’ve caught a cold 我想我感冒了So do I. 我也一样。

5 . 我还喜欢你那对着大海,大喊的劲头,身子向前倾,脚尖上翘,帅极了《心情好的日子》

6 . 始于阴谋,止于原谅。

7 . 有个姑娘,挺不错的

8 . 有时候觉得,时间过得真快,那时的我们肯定想不到,今天的我们是这个样的,你说对不对?

9 . 新郎和新娘真是天生的一对。

10 . 人们都爱春天,爱她的风和日丽,爱她的花红柳绿,爱她的雨润万物;人们都爱夏天,爱他的绿树成阴,爱他的荷花映日,爱他的热情似火;人们都爱秋天,爱她的天高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的硕果累累;人们都爱冬天,爱他的银装素裹,爱他的冰清玉洁,爱他的五谷丰登。


1 . Mary: Hi, Tom, this is Mary Im a friend of Jims汤姆,我是玛丽,吉姆的朋友。Tom: Hi, Mary Jim has told me about you Whats up你好,玛丽。吉姆提起过你,有什么事吗?Mary: Today is Jims birthday and were having a party for him tonight Do you think you could come今天是吉姆的生日,今晚我们想为他开个生日聚会,你能不能来?

2 . 母亲是烦恼中的一曲古筝,当你意志消沉时,她会使你眼前飘荡一片青翠;母亲是困惑时的一丝细雨,当你感到迷茫时,她会在你心中扬起一点希望;母亲是失意时的一杯暖茶,当你感到痛苦时,她会给你带来一阵温暖。

3 . 心灵需要在等候中坚守,坚守无风的日月,坚守落花的寂静,坚守情感的空白,坚守生活的平凡。人生有了等候与坚守,就能无坚不摧,沐浴清风,笑看花开,情波荡漾,终身无悔。心若无恙,奈我其何。我们都只是一株小草,看不透神秘的未来,也改变不了无奈的过去。

4 . 上帝作证,我是个好女孩。

5 . 牵挂是一种忧伤的幸福,当你牵挂一个人时,你就会想他是不是也在牵挂你。因为喜欢才牵挂,因为牵挂而忧伤,用心去感受对方的牵挂。牵挂是一份烂漫,一份深沉,一份纯美,一份质朴。

6 . 青春就是再近的距离,也要跑着去。

7 . Mr Smith:The minister is doing a good job I’m not sure if they’ll be as happy as we are。

8 . to be or not to be,that is a question “生存还是死亡,这是一个问题”——莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》

9 . Mrs Smith:Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown, and I recall the moment that I was a bride。

10 . 我不明白为什么他被选来做伴郎。既然他更有魅力,为什么玛丽不和他结婚。

