2 . 路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。
3 . 燕雀戏藩柴,安识鸿鹄游。曹植
4 . 当你的希望一个个落空,你也要坚定,要沉着!
5 . 毫无理想而又优柔寡断是一种可悲的心理。
6 . 王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。
7 . 勇气,是人类一切品格中最宝贵的品格
8 . 人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。
9 . 王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁。陆游
10 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving
1 . Using Technology to Learn More Information More Quickly
2 . 一个人的长大是敢于惨烈地面对真实的自己:在选择前,有一张真诚坚定的脸;在选择后,有一颗不抛弃不放弃的心。
3 . 恋爱的味道:早恋就是一个青水梨,暗恋就是一棵无花果,初恋就是一枚野山楂,失恋就是一串酸葡萄,热恋就是一盘红苹果,狂恋就是一块甜西瓜,婚恋就是一包盐瓜子,婚外恋就是一枝刺玫瑰。
4 . 总的说来,电脑有优点也有缺点。但如果人们能够正确地使用电脑,电脑对他们的一生都是有用的。
5 . 一个能思想的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。
6 . 捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。曹植
7 . 贫不足羞,可羞是贫而无志。
8 . 人,只要有一种信念,有所追求,什么艰苦都能忍受,什么环境也都能适应。
9 . 理想的人物不仅要在物质需要的满足上,还要在精神旨趣的满足上得到表现。
10 . 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。
1 . 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。
2 . Addiction to learning in a technology-supported environment while losing a certain degree of imaginative capacity must not be regarded as healthy signs Healthy or not, now that the Internet is here to stay, there is no turning back It is therefore advisable for students not to allow the Internet to get an upper hand
3 . 我从来不把安逸和快乐,看作是生活目的本身,这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏的理想。
4 . 爱情是美好的但它也可能是伤人的武器。爱情最重要的是不让对方受到伤害,要让她得到快乐,得到幸福。
5 . 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天阕。岳飞
6 . 壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。岳飞
7 . 人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。
8 . 天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。
9 . 艺术的大道上荆棘丛生,这也是好事,常人望而却步,只有意志坚强的人例外
10 . 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。苏轼
1 . 烈士之爱国也如家,有抱负,有作为的人。
2 . 位卑未敢忘忧国。陆游
3 . Furthermore, because most answers seem to be only a few clicks away, students are likely to refrain from thinking imaginatively and working out solutions on their own Computers follow instructions and help students get ready answers So powerful is the Internet that except for a few things which are not meant to be known, for all the rest there are search engines like Google The result could be too much information and too little imagination Nevertheless, whileinformation has limit, imagination can go beyond the borders of computer screens In view of this, students had better understand that a computer is capable of doing a job of perhaps persons, but even computers can hardly match the imagination of a human mind
4 . 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。
5 . 因为相信,所以就这样坚定地爱着;因为相爱,所以明白,千年长长的轮回里,人与人之间的遇见,便是前世那一段未了的情,便是今生的注定,逃不掉,躲不开……原来,想念一个人,可以这么深;原来,想念是毕生困顿。
6 . 决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运的,只是一瞬之间。
7 . 谁若游戏人生,他就一事无成;谁不主宰自己,永远是一个奴隶。
8 . 我们为祖国服务,也不能都采用同一方式,每个人应该按照资禀,各尽所能。
9 . 一个没有受到献身的热情所鼓舞的人,永远不会做出什么伟大的事情来。
10 . 穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。王勃
1 . 原本充实的世界只因你的离开而变的空虚;让我平静的心而变的焦虑;但我只有默默的等你回来。
2 . Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help of technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly Use reasons and examples to support your answer
3 . 故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。
4 . 精忠报国。宋史·岳飞列传
5 . 位卑未敢忘忧国。
6 . 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。
7 . 古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。
8 . 不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。陶渊明
9 . 有一种爱是寡言的,它的付出是由于一种希冀。希冀所爱的人,拥有比自己更加幸福的生活。
10 . 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。范仲淹
1 . 你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。
2 . 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。李清照
3 . To sum, computer has advantages and disadvantages But if people can control themselves to use computer properly, it is useful for their whole life
4 . 生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。
5 . On the other hand, computer has so many attractive things that some people will be addicted to it Some of them may busy finding funs on it, and then ignore their real duty, such as, study and work As a result, it will have great bad effect on their future
6 . 一方面,电脑使人们的生活变得更容易。人们可以做很多以前不能做的事情。他们可以不买报纸,只坐在电脑前,点击鼠标,打开网站就看到新闻。网上购物,看电影,听音乐,玩电脑游戏,都是人们常常用电脑做的事。但是没有电脑的话,他们则无法轻易地做到这些事。此外,电脑对他们的学习和工作也是很有帮助的。人们在电脑上上课,工作。
7 . 贫不足羞,可羞是贫而无志。吕坤
8 . 苟利国家,不求富贵。礼记·儒行
9 . 我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。
10 . 老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已。