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1 . This Spring Festival, do not blind string, friendship is not a meal Dont run around this Spring Festival You cant catch pneumonia

2 . 知识胜过金银

3 . your future depends on your dreams

4 . 年年花相似,岁岁人不一样;鹊桥一相会,留你在心中!

5 . I hope the epidemic situation will pass quickly Spring is a good start!

6 . , if people framed themselves in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern

7 . 爱人是种无奈,被爱是种姿态,等爱是种期盼,无爱是种能耐。但是我还是要和你抓紧谈恋爱,七夕快乐哦!

8 . “It’ll happen when you least expect it”“爱情将会发生在你最不经意的时候。”

9 . 祝七夕情人节快乐!你在我心中永远是最具有气质,最个性和最具吸引力的!不管将来怎样,你依然是我最爱的人!

10 . 即便遥不可及,我也不轻言放下,哪怕天理不容,我也要坚持到底,我要用我的行动向世人证明爱的真理,不惧怕任何阻力,即使化作星星,我也要用我的光,点亮每一颗心……


1 . As we know , water is very important to man

2 . Wit once bought is worth twice taught

3 . Its my destiny都已经过去了。

4 . Go out less, gather less, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently

5 . We should not throw litter onto the ground

6 . 爱不是你喜欢谁,而是你遇到了谁;爱不是一阵子,而是一辈子;爱不是你想得到多少,而是你先付出了多少;爱是一种,即使给你一片森林,在你眼中也只有一棵树是完美的。七夕祝你感情甜美如意!

7 . “Just don’t turn into some crazy cat lady”“千万不要变成一个爱猫狂啊,大姐。“

8 . 鹊桥飞架南北,你我共度良辰,我的宝贝,我想你!

9 . Wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic is eliminated, there are many beautiful places waiting for us to play!

10 . “One day when you’re married, you’ll wish you were single”“等有一天结婚了,你会希望你还是单身的。”


1 . It beats me

2 . 由经验而得的智慧,胜于学习而得的智慧;一次亲身的体会,胜过两次的教师教导。

3 . 我们不应该在公共场所吐痰/砍伐的树木。

4 . “Don’t you ever get lonely?”“你从没有感到过孤单吗?”

5 . , the business can control efforts and investment, but can not control the results When life is proud, find a way out, frustrated when there is retreat, BMW has a spare tire, your life?

6 . 与兄弟姐妹乐乐,与情人乐乐,不如回家与乞巧共乐。又是一年七夕到,还是一心对你好。不是生命长相守,就是一世单相恋!

7 . 一年一度七夕日,牛郎织女鹊桥会。感天动地情深切,爱莫能助伤离别。你我凡间平常人,郎情妾意过生命。不羡鸳鸯不羡仙,安居乐业享团圆。

8 . I have no idea

9 . 在这牛郎织女相会的日子,我要说咱们好幸福的,是赛过神仙哥哥姐姐的,我爱你,我要伴你到天长地久!

10 . Thats the way it goes (没办法呀。毫无线索。


1 . The waste water will pour into rivers,lakes and fieldsIt will harm the crops ,kill a large number of fish

2 . 如何保护环境已经成为世界最大难题之一。

3 . 鹊桥美丽如故,思念堆积无数。心头对你思慕,七夕爱情倾诉。爱你如山坚固,真情一片永驻。携手追寻幸福,步入快乐旅途。七夕到了,爱你一万年。

4 . Pay tribute to all the staff who are fighting in the epidemic situation! May you come back safely when the flowers bloom in spring May all the good things come and all the unhappiness disappear Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

5 . Different , I hope that the epidemic will disappear early and embrace the warm spring flowers!

6 . 七夕虽是牛郎和织女每年一次见面的节日,但我能天天和你在一齐,看你,亲你。亲爱的,你说呢?

7 . I have no clue (毫无线索。

8 . 所谓梦想,不是你睡觉时梦到了什么,而是想到了什么令你激动得没法睡觉。

9 . We can&#;t live without water

10 . 应对你默默的等待,我无法喊出那圣洁的爱,只好立于相思树下,用岁月的剪刀,把思念精心地剪裁。



