1 . A man’s best friends are his ten fingers
2 . samuel johnson british writer, critic 健康当然比金钱更为重要,因为我们赖以获得金钱的就是健康。
3 . the administration of the law can never go lax where every individual sees to it that it grows not lax in his own case, or in cases which fall under his eyes (mark twain, arerican writer
4 . Sickness is felt, but health not at all
5 . Energy and persistence conquer all things (Benjamin Franklin
6 . one never notices what has been done;one can only see what remains to be done ——marie curie 切不要注意已经做了哪些,而只能去考虑还有哪些有待去做。——居里夫人
7 . 胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。
8 . Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life
9 . 塞翁失马,安知非福。
10 . Nothing so popular as goodness
1 . always aim for achievement and forget about success——helen hayes 永远要争取去做出成就,别去多考虑成功。——海伦
2 . 没有目标的生活如同没有罗盘的航行。
3 . accidents will happen in the best regulated families 家规再严,事端难免。
4 . 美德和幸福犹如母女。
5 . If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee
6 . if there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyers (charles dickens, british novelist
7 . Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher
8 . pay what you owe,and youll know whats your own 付清你所欠下的债,方知什么是属于自己的。
9 . Sow nothing, reap nothing
10 . Man struggles upwards; water flows downwards
1 . no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law(thomas jefferson, america president
2 . law is the crystallizaton of the habit and thought of society (woodrow wilson, american president
3 . happiness lies, first of all, in health
4 . anonymous 良药苦口利于病。
5 . 人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。
6 . Classic A book which people praise and don’t read “经典之作”是人人皆称赞却不愿去读的`书。
7 . 没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远适用的宪法,甚至一条永远适用的法律。(美国总统 杰斐逊 t
8 . When youre good to others,you are best to yourself
9 . A guest should suit the convenience of the host
10 . Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself?
1 . time is a bird forever on the wing ——robertson
2 . 生活是绘画,不是做算术。
4 . 死亡无人能免,但非凡的成就会树起一座纪念碑,它将一直立到太阳冷却之时。
5 . nthony burgess british novelist 一天洗两次澡是真干净,一天洗一次澡也说的过去,一周洗一次只是避免对公共场合造成污染。
6 . 人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图
7 . 人生如一首乐曲,要用乐感,感情和直觉去谱写,不能只按乐律行事。
8 . Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity
9 . cheerfulness is the promoter of health
10 .
1 . 吃一堑,长一智。
2 . I have nothing to offer but blood , toil tears and sweat (Winston Churchill, British Politician
3 . 春不播,秋不收。
4 . Business is business
5 . 我坚信我一定能成功。
6 . If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life
7 . 忧伤足以致命。—— William Shakespeare 莎士比亚
8 . early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
9 . 早睡早起会使人健康富有和聪明。
10 . 早睡早起,使人健康富有明智。—— Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林