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1 . YouaresogorgeousonthestageImeanit

2 . Keepintouch(withsb

3 . Forgiveandforget(不计前嫌,冰释前嫌,不记仇

4 . If Cowperwood were convicted, Stener needs must be

5 . Idon’tknowhowIdiditIjustfollowedmynose

6 . Don’ttakemoneyforgrantedYouhavetooweityourself

8 . 疑问句型

9 . 你的酒窝没有酒而我醉得像条狗。

10 . Mhittheceilingbecauseherhusbandforgottheiranniversary


1 . He was often spoken about He was well looked after That man can be relied upon

2 . She is bound to be received warmly We are liable to be overheard here

3 . 缩句。首先把句子分成"谁""做什么"或"什么""怎么样"两部分,然后找出每部分的主干词,再去掉修饰性的词语,把主干词连成完整的句子,但要保留原句的主要意思。如:曹操在营寨里听到鼓声和呐喊声。应缩写为:曹操听到鼓声和呐喊声。不能缩为:曹操听到呐喊声。

4 . 肯定句和否定句。如:("肯定句"改为"否定句"街上的人很多。--街上的人真不少。将肯定句改为否定句,一定要在句子中加"不""没有"等词,然后将"不""没有"后面的词换成反义词。

5 . You’regoingtoofar!Howcanyousaythattoyourboss

6 . Makeendsmeet(收支相抵)

7 . 疑问句

8 . Allright!IwillfinishthereportforyouYouowemeone

9 . ,

10 . TheteacherraisedhiseyebrowswhenheheardthatTomdroppedoutoftheschool


1 . Shoot!Ibrokemyarm

2 . He wanted the letter to be typed at once She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post

3 . You’regoingtoofar!

4 . It’sadeal(成交,就这么定了

5 . YougethurtandyoumoveonNobigdeal

6 . Thepriceofcars____________betweenAugustandSeptember

7 . 虽然英语的句子结构较为复杂,却有章可循。归纳起来,英语主要有以下几种基本句型:

8 . [附注] 表示被动行为的`施动者主要用by,但也有用with, 不过with已近于表示行为的工具,后面不能接人的名词,如:I was much impressed with the beauty of the music He is deeply impressed with your generous donation

9 . Ifyoutellherthebadnews,youwillonlyaddfueltothefire

10 . TheWorldCupisabouttobeginChinesesoccerfriendswillhavetostayuplateagain


1 . The story will be continued in our next month&#;s issue

2 . YouwillcomeandeatatmyplaceIt’sadeal

3 . Volunteershavetoworkaroundtheclockinordertosavelives

4 . 改为:战士的英勇顽强,奋不顾身的优秀品质令人敬佩。

5 . 微笑的背后,伤心和痛苦,又有谁会了解?

6 . I’msohappyforyouImeanit

7 . TherearetimeswhenIdon’tseeeyetoeyewithmybestfriends

8 . A:Let’shavedinnertogethernextweek

9 . She asked to be sent to work in the countryside

10 . I’msosleepyIstayeduplatelastnight


1 . Hekeepsintouchwithhisfriendsfromchildhood

2 . Ionlygotaticketforstandingroom,butit’sstillbetterthannothing

3 . It’sadealLet’sgotravelingthisFriday

4 . Idon’tgoDutchwhenIgooutwithgirls

5 . Sheisagreenhandindriving

6 . Wedon’thavemuch,butit’sbetterthannothing

7 . Robert Finn was dismissed by the boss of the factory

8 . Don’tmentionitLet’sforgiveandforget

9 . Sincethefigurehas____________

10 . 陈述句和反问句:转换特点:陈述句反问句(肯定------(否定(否定------(肯定如:马跑得越快,离楚国就越远。----马跑得越快,难道不是离楚国就越远了吗?


1 . 有怎样的现在就有怎样的未来

2 . Heworksaroundtheclock(日以继夜tomakeendsmeet

3 . LoveispreciousDon’ttakeitforgranted

4 . 陈述语气:的了

5 . Everything that is good is sure to be praised and everything bad is sure to be exposed

6 . B:ThinknothingofitForgiveandforget

7 . "把"字句或"被"字句。改写时可这样思考:什么"把"什么怎么样;什么"被"什么怎么样。注意:不能改变句子的意思。如:我打死了一只老鼠。应改为:我把一只老鼠打死了。不能改为:一只老鼠把我打死了。

8 . 电视观众的人数在晚上点到点之间急剧上升。

9 . 是不是没有了我,你会更好过。

10 . Raiseone’seyebrows(吃惊,震惊


1 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite?

2 . 被动不定式。它可以在句中作主语定语复合宾语状语等。

3 . 你流多少泪,你的人生就有多精彩。

4 . 我因为等待都快疯了,现在你快向我走来把。

5 . 月和月期间汽车价格波动。

6 . Ifyoudon’thaveenoughmoneyonyou,wecangoDutch

7 . 语气词:附着在词语句子末了,表示语气。

8 . I’magreenhandIdon’tknowhowtooperatethismachine

9 . 前后矛盾。如:油菜地里一片金黄的菜花,五彩缤纷。"一片金黄"与"五彩缤纷"相矛盾,应把"五彩缤纷"去掉。

10 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire


1 . Wecan’tturnbacktheclock,butwecancreatethefuture

2 . 句子不完整。如:战士的英勇顽强,奋不顾身的优秀品质。改为:战士的英勇顽强,奋不顾身的优秀品质令人敬佩。

3 . He was killed with a bullet I was struck with an idea

4 . Whydoyouhaveworkaroundtheclockthismonth?

5 . Whatisthis?

6 . Iworkthreejobsandfinallycanmakeendsmeet

7 . Aroundtheclock(日以继夜

8 . S+V

9 . I’msorryIwon’tstandyouupagainYouhavemyword

10 . Greenhand


1 . I’mgoingtoEuropenextweekKeepintouch

2 . Seeeyetoeyewithsomeone(和某人观点一样

3 . It’ssuchagreathonortomeetyouIhaveheardsomuchaboutyou

4 . Achilles’heel

5 . He is not likely to have been notified about it Cast iron is apt to be broken

6 . LastmonthIdidn’tmakeendsmeet

7 . 答句:This(that?)+be动词+abook(pen?)。

8 . 祈使句,语气词是:“吧”,表祈使语气。

9 . .强调凡是重要的意思都应在表达时予以强调。为此说话时人们可用各种方法,如提高声音放慢语速使用短句或加上手势。写文章时,也可以使用倒装感叹重复反问等方法对应该强调的词语和句子加重语气。

10 . He preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do

