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there be句型people做主语(there be 句型主语是哪个)

there be句型people做主语(there be 句型主语是哪个)

there be句型people做主语【一】

1 . It’sreportedthat

2 . 做运动与健康息息相关。

3 . It’ssaidthat

4 . I’m happy to meet you 很高兴见到你。

5 . 注意:此句型一般可以改为如下复合句句型。

6 . bringatent带顶帐篷来

7 . 每个成功男人的背后,都有一个女人。每个不成功男人的背后,都有两个或更多。

8 . IwilllentyouthemoneyYouowemeone

9 . I hope our dreams come true 我希望我们的梦想成真。

10 . 例如:For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination

there be句型people做主语【二】

1 . I’m looking forward to seeing you 我期望见到你。

2 . B:OhIblewit

3 . 做某人分内的事

4 . Stopaddingfueltothefire,It’salreadytroublingenough

5 . I would like to talk to you for a minute 我想和你谈一下。

6 . welcesb欢迎某人

7 . It’sannouncedthat

8 . 发展孩子的独立性

9 . 例如:No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it不管英语有多么难,你都应该尽你最大的努力来学它。

10 . I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise 我应该节食/涨工资。

there be句型people做主语【三】

1 . 例如:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory

2 . 一听到这个出乎意料的消息,他惊讶到说不出话来。

3 . Turnbacktheclock

4 . TherearetimeswhenIdon’tseeeyetoeyewithmybestfriends

5 . Achilles’heel

6 . 重点句型:

7 . 例如:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much

8 . invitesbtapart邀请某人参加聚会

9 . IhaveheardsomuchaboutyoufrommysisterIt’ssonicetofinallymeetyouinperson(亲自,本人

10 . 后座上的小孩会生出意外,后座上的意外会生出小孩。

there be句型people做主语【四】

1 . 例如:It is time for lunch

2 . PleasehelpmethistimeIoweyouone

3 . Itmustbeadmittedthat

4 . B:GoodIt’sadeal

5 . —I usually take a shower at six forty我通常六点四十淋浴。

6 . Culdupleasecleanurr?

7 . insurprise惊讶地

8 . I’mafraidyourwordswilladdfueltothefire

9 . It is universally acknowledged that +从句(全世界都知道……

10 . develpchildren‘sindependence

there be句型people做主语【五】

1 . Itiswidely-acceptedthat

2 . 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。

3 . passsbsth把某物传给某人

4 . 我宁愿呆在家也不愿意和他去看那部恐怖电影。

5 . Upon/On doing…, … (一……就……

6 . Shoot!IforgottobringmyIDcard

7 . Ihavetdsewr

8 . CanIhaveabiteofyourapple?

9 . —No,I can’t不,我不会。

10 . YourdishlooksmoredeliciousthanmineCanIhaveabite?

there be句型people做主语【六】

1 . You’regoingtoofar!

2 . 这本书值得读。

3 . 例如:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours

4 . 例如:Whatever he asks you to do, please refuse him

5 . Let’s have a beer or something 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。

6 . 老实说,不论你喜不喜欢,你别无选择。

7 . 例如:He spent as much time as he could remembering new words

8 . HisAchilles’heelisheispride

9 . 我可以用一下你的电脑吗?

10 . It’safactthat

there be句型people做主语【七】

1 . Thisprogram’sAchilles’heelislackoffound

2 . Overwork does harm to health

3 . I’msohappyforyouImeanit

4 . (It’sNobigdeal

5 . 例如:It was not until recently that the problem was solved 直到最近这个问题才被解决。

6 . Itisoftenthecasethat

7 . 注意:此句型可以改为prefer to do…rather than do…句型。

8 . Tom’s birthday is this week 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

9 . TurnleftatthenextcrossingAndfollowyournose,youwillseetheplaceyou’relookingfor

10 . AlthoughIoftendon’tseeeyetoeyewithhimIstillrespecthim

