1 . 在这辉煌快乐的圣诞佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝一切顺心如意!
2 . n exhibition
3 . 我们不能在一起过圣诞节真是太可惜了……您一定乐得跳起来了!
4 . Dont wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend
5 . 我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。
6 . 在展示板上展示你们的作品。
7 . 实景展示 Virtual show ;
8 . The lines you showed for the married women would be most suitable for our market
9 . When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。
10 . 通常,这样的展示是在大西洋另一边进行的。
1 . 世界之大,只愿和你做朋友,孤独寂寞我不在乎,你好我就心满意足,结识你是老天给我的幸福。今天是你的生日,千万个思念带着祝福:祝生日快乐!
2 . Remember: Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older
3 . column 柱
4 . Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long
5 . No words are necessary between two loving hearts
6 . 当我遇到你的那一刻,我知道我将永远在你身边!
7 . 瓦伦蒂诺喜欢看名人在重大场合展示他设计的服装。
8 . 相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。
9 . 新年过后,我们会再回来。
10 . vt show ; demonstrate
1 . 展示层 presentation layer ;
2 . hang up / off 挂起;挂断电话
3 . May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight
4 . 朋友请细心呵护,耐心调养,不要让岁月风干我们的灵魂,要让雨露把生活滋润的与鲜花一起怒放。祝生日快乐,万事如意!
5 . Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out
6 . Christmas time is here I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you
7 . building permission 营建许可证,建筑开工许可证
8 . May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way愿明亮喜庆的新年烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢欢喜喜度新年!
9 . 我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!
10 . 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!
1 . May peace and love be your gift at Christmas and always!献上祥和与爱心,在圣诞以至永远!
2 . A Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year
3 . A Christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all theyear through Have a beautiful Christmas and a happy New Year
4 . 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。
5 . 不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值。
6 . In love folly is always sweet
7 . 寿星佬,我祝你所有的希望都能如愿,所有的梦想都能实现,所有的等候都能出现,所有的付出都能兑现。
8 . 不要非要等到一份最好的工作,才要开始工作。
9 . 在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。
10 . Usually, the presentation is made on the other side of the pond
1 . cut up 切碎;使…难过
2 . 圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。
3 . 爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火。
4 . Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you 在这世上珍贵的东西总是罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。
5 . excavation 挖土,掘土
6 . come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼
7 . Christmas comes but once a year But when it comes it brings good cheer
8 . 展示的英语单词
9 . Warm greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!
10 . Wishing you many future successes请多保重!