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his the pen is blue 连词成句(his pen is blue同义句)

his the pen is blue 连词成句(his pen is blue同义句)

his the pen is blue 连词成句【一】

1 . scarletn猩红色

2 . B:I&#;dliketoseeanovercoatfortheautumnNottooheavyandnottoolight

3 . (A:shopassistantB:MrSmithC:MrsSmith)

4 . B:Large,please

5 . 它是由真象牙做的,而且做工精细。

6 . A:Forme?Oh,noWedon&#;taccepttipsButthankyouallthesame

7 . MayIseetheseties?

8 . 我想买一个中等尺寸的景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。

9 . 钟声送走揪心的痛苦,为了我们不能再见的人,钟声送走贫富间的宿怨,钟声迎来全人类的祥和。

10 . 对不起,先生,它们已经卖完了。

his the pen is blue 连词成句【二】

1 . Thisisyoursize,it&#;salovelydressandverysmart

2 . Letmeseethecrimsonone,inmysize,please

3 . B:(toC)YouwanttobuysomeChinesesilkandsatin,don&#;tyou?

4 . A:Thankyou,sirWillyouwaitamomentplease?I&#;llhaveitwrapped

5 . symbolizevt象征

6 . B:GoodCanItryiton?

7 . B:YouhavesomanyantiquesandChinesepaintingshereAretheygenuine?

8 . 请随我到试衣间。

9 . 哦,这些仙鹤看上去就像真的一样。

10 . A:Thepriceismarkedyuan

his the pen is blue 连词成句【三】

1 . 夫人,您要买什么?

2 . MissLiu:TerrificItlooksjustgreatonyou

3 . A:Yes,itisIt&#;svelvetyandthecolourisbrilliant

4 . 请下次再来。

5 . ButpleasewashitinlukewarmsoapwaterandrinsewellDon&#;truborwringit

6 . A:Fourhundredyuanaltogether,includingthepostageandthechargeforthepackingYouknow,we&#;llhavetomakeaspecialbox

7 . directoryn购物指南;电话簿

8 . A:YesThecounterisoverthereLetmeshowyoutheway

9 . Sevenfeetwillbeenough

10 . B:Yes,mayIseetheseties?

his the pen is blue 连词成句【四】

1 . 宽二英尺四英寸。

2 . 这条挺好看。

3 . A:DoubleHorse

4 . ShopAssistant:Goodmorning,sirCouldIbeofanyservicetoyou?

5 . 我可以试穿一下吗?

6 . 您想买些中国绸缎,是吗?

7 . 我该付多少钱?

8 . infashion风行,流行

9 . 要点儿什么,先生?

10 . Howdoyoulikethis,ma&#;am?

his the pen is blue 连词成句【五】

1 . B:Yes,butmayIhavealookfirst?

2 . B:GoodI&#;lltakethesetenorangesHowmuchwouldthatcometo?

3 . A:CanIhelpyou?

4 . TheskinoftheCantonesestylecakeissweet,softpuffypalatableandfilledwithheavystuffing

5 . AttheDepartmentStore(

6 . Asktheshopassistanttocutapairforus

7 . C:Thebrocade,pleaseHowmuchisonepiece?

8 . 夫人,您还要什么吗?

9 . B:Doyouhavenaturalsilkfabrics?

10 . Assistant:Eightthousandyuan

