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1 . Never judge by appearances

2 . Do one thing at a time, and do well一次只做一件事,做到最好!

3 . 轻诺者寡信。

4 . Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life苦难是人生最伟大的老师。

5 . Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse

6 . Life is a span

7 . 凡事必先难后易。

8 . Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B Imagination will take you everywhere

9 . Victory won&#;&#;t come to me unless I go to it胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。

10 . You can&#;t have a better tomorrow if you don&#;t stop thinking about yesterday


1 . Don&#;t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally如果你想要成功,不要去追求成功;尽管做你自己热爱的事情并且相信它,成功自然到来。

2 . 勇往直前, 决不放弃!

3 . Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill

4 . 每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的!

5 . 乐学实学,挑战高考;勤勉向上,成就自自己。

6 . 东奔西跑,还是家里好。

7 . Go for it! Just do it!

8 . Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well

9 . Let sleeping dogs lie

10 . Correct idea, Fuxing pro, the idea is not correct, as bane


1 . 人生并不是康庄大道。

2 . 自己会用自己的行动,来证明自己三年后的结果。

3 . 恨别人,痛苦的却是自己。

4 . No matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sun

5 . Desire has no rest

6 . 一个人如果不被恶习所染,幸福近矣。

7 . Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。

8 . 年轻是本钱,但不努力就不值钱。

9 . 伸手,接住你眼角垂落的泪滴,却截不住你眼底的悲伤!

10 . 如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。


1 . 心有多大,舞台就有多大。

2 . We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves There must be contests, and we must win

3 . A man can&#;t ride your back unless it is bent你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。

4 . 一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去?

5 . I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards (AbrahamLincoln America

6 . Grasp now, is to create the future

7 . 人生苦短。

8 . 对任何技能的掌握都需要一生的刻苦操练。

9 . 永不气馁!

10 . 总是听从内心的声音。因为即便它长在你的左边,它却总是对的。


1 . Do what you say,say what you do

2 . 千里之行始于足下。

3 . 有些事不说,不代表不知道。

4 . 岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。

5 . Every noble work is at first impossible

6 . 对明天做好的准备就是今天做到最好!

7 . 泄漏天机。

8 . Don&#;t give up when you are able to fly,to dream and to love

9 . 事常与人违,事总在人为。

10 . Do not change horses in mid-stream


1 . There is but one secret to sucess---never give up!成功只有一个秘诀--永不放弃!

2 . 山高不厌攀,水深不厌潜,学精不厌苦:追求!

3 . I can&#;t afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle

4 . Wasting time is robbing oneself浪费时间就是掠夺自己。

5 . Keep on going never give up

6 . 能量和坚持可以征服一切事情。

7 . The sun is new every day, whether you are working hard every day

8 . You have to believe in yourself That&#;&#;s the secret of success(Charles Chaplin , American actor

9 . 爱因斯坦:逻辑会带你从A点到达B点,想象力将把你带到任何地方。

10 . 一次只做一件事,做到最好!


1 . Children in backseats cause accidents Accidents in backseats cause children

2 . I love it when I catch you looking at me then you smile and look away

3 . So many men, so many minds

4 . 没有创造的生活不能算生活,只能算活着。

5 . 没有朋友,虽生犹死。

6 . Bad Day -- Daniel Powter(超级好听

7 . Life without creation is not a life, it can only be lived

8 . Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great occasions

9 . The first step is as good as half over第一步是最关键的一步。

10 . As long as you are willing to fight, nothing is absolutely impossible



