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1 . Peter should be allowed to take the test later 应该允许彼得晚些参加考试。

2 . If I were you, I’d talk to someone who looks friendly 如果我是你,我将和看起来友好的人讲话。

3 . Wherearehiskeys?Theyareonthechair

4 . We prefer music that has great lyrics我们更喜欢歌词很棒的曲子。

5 . 我没有许多排球。Idon’thavemanyvolleyballs

6 . Unit你有篮球吗?是的。/不是。

7 . 他的钥匙(复数在哪里?---在椅子上。

8 . I really want a dog, but my parents won’t let me have one 我真的`想要一只狗,但我的父母不允许我养。

9 . Do you think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to work at night? 你认为应该允许 岁的青年人在晚上工作吗? Yes, I do / No, I don’t

10 . As the name suggests, the band has a lot of energy正如乐队名字所暗示的那样,这支乐队很 有活力。


1 . It’sorangeIlikeit橘黄色,我喜欢它。

2 . I’m allowed to go shopping with my friends 允许我和朋友一起去购物。

3 . If you have any idea where might be please call me如果你知道它可能在哪,请打电话给我。

4 . Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money乘坐出租车游览巴黎要花费很多钱

5 . (一会儿落在柜顶上,一会儿神气十足地站在书架上,一会儿把灯绳撞得来回晃动。

6 . Memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little记流行歌曲的词也起作用。

7 . One finger can’t left a small stone独木难支。

8 . 今天星期几?星期二。Whatdayisittoday?It’sTuesday

9 . 他在电视上观看他们。HewatchesthemonTV

10 . What do you dislike about this CD你不喜欢这张 CD 的什么?


1 . Some people say they are boring, but others say they are great

2 . Let’sgoandhavealook让我们去看看吧!

3 . 解析:这句话表现了榕树的大,枝干很多,说明生命力很旺盛。

4 . What’sthisinEnglish?It’sanorange/It’saruler

5 . 请打给玛丽。PleasecallMaryat

6 . It’snice真好

7 . Unit也很高兴见到你(们。Nicetomeetyou,too!

8 . 你(的最喜欢的水果是什么?What’syour(her她的his他的favouritefruit?

9 . We have a lot of rules at my house So do we 我们家有很多家规。我们家也有。

10 . He might be running to catch a bus他可能是在跑着赶公共汽车。


1 . 听起来不错。Thatsoundsgood

2 . Could you please give me some suggestions for vacation spots?你能给我一些有关度假地的 建议吗?

3 . HowmanyEnglishbooksdoyouhave?Ihave你有多少英语书?我有六本。

4 . 古代的人想腾云驾雾,没能实现,只能幻想,而现在我们可以腾云驾雾了。你只要坐上飞机就可以了。

5 . 解析:原本指人想像中的神仙道士的法力。现指支配自然的能力。

6 . 你怎么样?我也做作业。Whataboutyou?Idomyhomework,too

7 . 多少劳动人民的血汗和智慧,才凝结成这前不见头,后不见尾的万里长城。“在我的眼前,那片爬山虎总是那么绿着。”有什么深刻含义?

8 . I don’t think teenagers should be allowed to drive 我认为不应该允许 岁的青少年驾车。

9 . I hardly ever have time for concerts 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会

10 . 请拨。Pleasecall


1 . I think students should be allowed to go out with their friends 我认为应该允许学生们跟朋友一起外出。 I agree / I disagree我同意。 / 我不同意。

2 . 。Whatkindofsportsdoyoulike?=Whichsportdoyoulike?你喜欢哪种运动?

3 . 星期一你们午饭吃什么?WhatdoyouhaveforlunchonMondays?

4 . Whatdoyoudointhemorning?你早上做什么?

5 . I have to stay at home on school nights 在上学的日子里,我晚上必须呆在家。

6 . I know this might seem strict 我知道这似乎太严格。

7 .

8 . Do you ever get to class late? 你曾经上学迟到吗?

9 . My life has changed a lot in the last few years 在过去的几年里我的生活变化很大

10 . I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends 以前我常常花很多时间和我的朋友们玩游戏


1 . We’d like to be away for three weeks 我们大约要去三个星期

2 . Isthathispencilcase?No,itisn’t

3 .  

4 . 它是什么颜色?---是黑白相间。

5 . I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 我以前害怕黑暗 我开着卧室的灯睡觉

6 . What school rules do you think should be changed? 你认为应改变哪些学校规定?

7 . 上午好!下午好!晚上好!Goodmorning/afternoon/evening!

8 . Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want 青少年通常认为应该允许他们对业余爱好想练多长时间就练多长时间。

9 . It’s too hard to understand the voice 听懂那些声音太难了。

10 . What’syourname?MynameisJenny/I’mJenny

