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1 . Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself

2 . 三 C F A D B

3 . 请打给玛丽。PleasecallMaryat

4 . B The same to you

5 . M: Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital?

6 . Now, you want to know about life in the past, right? I can tell you When I was a boy, things were different I had to get up at six every morning That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold And we didn&#;t have any hot water in the house We had to wash in cold water We didn&#;t have a bath-room My dad had some chickens I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening And we had to go to bed at seven o&#;clock every night We couldn&#;t watch TV because there wasn&#;t any On Sundays we had to go to church three times-morning, afternoon and evening And we couldn&#;t play outside on Sundays But it wasn&#;t too bad We had some good times We could go out and our parents didn&#;t have to worry about us There weren&#;t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days We had to work hard and we weren&#;t able to buy all those things in the shops today Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier

7 . Only ten students attended the class because all the rest were off sick

8 . 一般疑问句:

9 . where 指地点,在定语从句中作状语。例如:

10 . (年天津市中考试题


1 . Q: Where are the two speakers?

2 . You’ll be right/well soon

3 . Areherbaseballsunderthebed?No,they’renot

4 . ()以单数名词或代词,动词不定式短语作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;主语为复数时,谓语用复数,例如:

5 . ad卓越的;极好的

6 . A No, you can’t B Sure, I’d love to C Yes, I want

7 . A What’s the date

8 . MyfriendisstrongHehasshorthairHelikessports我的朋友很强壮,他有着短头发,他爱运动。 IlikemusicShelikespainting我喜欢音乐,她喜欢绘画。

9 . The girl whose mother is ill is staying at home today

10 . A You are happy


1 . A It doesn’t matter B It was a pleasure

2 . 她的棒球(复数在床底下吗?不是。

3 . Nobody but two boys was late for class

4 . Putyournotebookinyourbag把你的笔记本放进书包。

5 . 这里有我的全家福。Hereismyfamilyphoto

6 . C He was hurt in a traffic accident?

7 . ()表时间距离价格度量衡等的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。例如:

8 . ---_________, but I must finish my homework first

9 . 学生们和老师都不知道这件事。

10 . 二 解题技巧


1 . Yes, I’ll be free then

2 . C I’ve got a new bike

3 . Hello/Hi

4 . M: What’s your sister’s name, Alice?

5 . A In a classroom B In a hospital C In a clothes shop

6 . (I A C A B

7 . bYes, that’s all right

8 . A The same to you B You do too

9 . No, she won&#;t

10 . I hate the people ________ don’t help others when they are in trouble


1 . C Jack got enough money

2 . A the manager believe Jack

3 . A is B are C has D have

4 . 。Shespendsatleasthalfanhourinthegymeveryday。每天她至少花半小时在体育馆。

5 . ad醒着的

6 . ad勇敢的`;无畏的

7 . That was the room in which we had lived for ten years = That was the room

8 . Is that… (speaking?

9 . 断,如:推理出对话发生的时间地点对话人物关系和身份等。

10 . ----_________


1 . 陕西省的听力的题目分为三个部分,下面我们按照题目地类型分别加以说明:

2 . 迪斯尼乐园

3 . 初三英语系列复习资料()定语从句的考点集汇,讲解和训练

4 . A Boring B Colourful C Amazing?

5 . A Me too B Thank you C That’s all right?

6 . aHello! May I speak to …?

7 . M: May I speak to Emily?

8 . This table cloth is made of paper这张桌布是由纸做的。

9 . How often did he get his money?

10 . What’shisname?HisnameisZhangPeng他叫什么名字?他叫张鹏。


1 . M: Why didn’t Peter come to school yesterday, do you know, Alice?

2 . B Yes, he could

3 . (B C C B C A C A C B

4 . M: What do you usually eat for breakfast?

5 . Let me have…kilo/box, etc

6 . all在句中的位置是放在所有格,定冠词和指示代词的之前。

7 . 答案:A。该题考查的是主谓一致。Neither…nor是一组连词,可连接连个并列主语,其谓语动词应同靠近的主语I保持一致, 因此应选A。

8 . 那么多的绿叶,一簇堆在另一簇上面,不留一点儿缝隙。那翠绿的颜色,明亮地照耀着我们的眼睛,似乎每一片绿叶上都有一个新的生命在颤动。

9 . 夜间野生动物园

10 . 他们将到加拿大渡过整个假期。(所有格后)

