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1 . CPU:Central Processing Unit,中央处理器,又叫中央处理器或微处理器,即电脑的心脏。

2 . weekly wages 周工资

3 . ·HUB:集线器

4 . computer on your wrist,in your car ,or in the washing machine, we need to be more exactWhat you have on your desk is really a PC

5 . 子树 subtree

6 . 初秋的天气格外明朗清新。 She was a fresh and vigorous woman

7 . 平衡二叉树 banlanced binary tree

8 . 判定树 decision tree

9 . And with today’s relaxed silhouette, a new approach to sewing men’s wear is required

10 . tiny是什么意思:


1 . Computers range in variety and size,from the simple game-playing computers to

2 . part-time employment, part-time job, part-time work 半日工作

3 . 由于目前国际金融市场萧条,美国银行可能过于心急,走过了头。"Do not be too hasty, M Morrel," replied Villefort

4 . 二叉查找树 binary search tree

5 . 越是心急,等待越长"Don&#;t get antsy, kids We&#;ll reach the amusement park soon"

6 . 他们过去以食盐交换马匹。Add the vanilla and salt

7 . ·Moniter:屏幕,CRT为显像管屏幕,LCD为液晶屏幕

8 . v 给加盐;用盐腌制(食物)

9 . Maxtor:“水晶”,美国Maxtor硬盘公司。

10 . 她没有耐心等公共汽车到来。He was impatient to get home


1 . 平衡归并排序 balance merging sort

2 . to clear 清除,清零

3 . basic wage 基础工资

4 . to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除

5 . analyst 分析员

6 . 树 tree

7 . 双链树 doubly linked tree

8 . 我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我唯一想见的人”。i don’t know whether i really love you, but i know i cannot lose you if the earth is going to be destroyed i want to tell you that you are the only one i want to see

9 . A watched pot is long in Boiling

10 . retirement 退休


1 . piecework wage 计件工资

2 . 根 root

3 . 先序遍历 preorder traversal

4 . 结点 node

5 . 图书馆是细小类目的大综合体。Grace wears a tiny golden cross

6 . maximum wage 最高工资 (美作:wage ceiling

7 . 选择排序 selection sort

8 . PC is a term IBM used to describe its first desk-sized computer

9 . 比较新的novice operator

10 . instruction 指令


1 . Attachment,ATA-表示传输速率为MB/sec

2 . 计算机-数据结构基本英语(

3 . 含盐的泉水[沼泽地](鹿常去舐食盐,故名When common salt is added to water, the salt is the solute

4 . ·FDD:软盘Floopy Disk Drive

5 . The gap would be mold of the member

6 . [美]新水兵Raised the money for the new playground

7 . inline processing 内处理

8 . check digit 校验数位

9 . clock 时钟

10 . ·UPS:不断电系统


1 . ·OS:操作系统Operating System

2 . card punch 卡片穿孔机

3 . 数字查找树 digital search tree

4 . ·Power:电源

5 . card reader 卡片阅读机,读卡机

6 . inquiry 询问

7 . 索引顺序文件 indexed sequential file

8 . payroll 薪水册

9 . 倒排文件 inverted file

10 . TFT:有源矩阵彩色显示器,简称TFT显示器,专用于笔记本电脑。TFT显示器具有刷新速度快色彩逼真亮度鲜明等优点。此外,它还具有无闪烁无辐射无静电等“绿色电脑”所必需的特点。


1 . ·VGA:显示卡(显示卡正式用语应为Display Card

2 . 近地天体

3 . ·PCI:外围装置连接端口Peripheral Component Interconnect

4 . 常见计算机英语词汇解释(

5 . brush 电刷

6 . digital computer 数字计算机

7 . channel 通道,信道

8 . 随小增量排序 diminishing increment sort

9 . ROM:Read-Only Memory,只读存储器。

10 . The attempt to blackball it is neo- McCarthyism

