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1 . 看看在那边的女孩

2 . 原来爱情会过期,剩下的只是回忆。

3 . Laughter is for others to see, tears to swallow their own

4 . every day without you is like a book without pages没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

5 . No one with me in the evening, no one asked me porridge

6 . 别倾心于容貌,因为它具有欺骗性,也别倾心于财富,它也会消散,倾心于那个能带给你笑容的人吧,因为一个笑容能使漫漫长夜如白昼般明亮。

7 . the involved/ concerned/ interested party

8 . 别到处宣称世界对你不公平,世界不欠你任何东西,因为世界比你早诞生的多。

9 . Take the hand of someone else, don&#;t be my hero

10 . 主动的人是不是卑微到不能被珍惜。


1 . Don&#;t go around saying the world owes you a living The world owes you nothing It was here first

2 . 有些形容词与某些名词搭配时,可前可后,但与另外一些名词搭配时,只能有一个位置。

3 . It&#;s nice of you to go, or else you&#;re always afraid you&#;ll go

4 . —个人的缝隙,隔开了我们的距离。

5 . Only because of the young, the future would like to think too good

6 . 最后一集电视剧将在周六上午播出。

7 . 被忘却,被记得,那都是别人的事。

8 . 形——大小长短高低及形状,如:small,tall等。

9 . “But I could feel your tears cause you are in me“ Answered water

10 . 他那个有意思的讲座重新燃起我对火山学的兴趣。coordinate immediate interests with long-term interests


1 . The original love will expire, and the rest is just a memory

2 . We are not in a place, please take good care of yourself

3 . No matter what happens, don’t be discouraged (无论发生什么事,都不要气馁。

4 . 我不知道我现在做的哪些是对的,那些是错的,而当我终于老死的时候我才知道这些。所以我现在所能做的就是尽力做好每一件事,然后等待着老死。

5 . eternity is not a distance but a decision永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

6 . Miss is a song, I sing in my heart is low

7 . If the memory does not speak, can also open a flower

8 . Everyone has his inherent ability( power or capacity? which is easily concealed by habbits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness( or inertia?

9 . Sometimes suddenly can not find themselves, to lose their own

10 . 鱼对水说你看不到我的眼泪,因为我在水里水说我能感觉到你的眼泪,因为你在我心里。


1 . 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。

2 . 如果记忆不说话,流年也会开出花。

3 . 偷偷的看着你,偷偷的隐藏着自己。

4 . Like the outcome after an exam, death makes us aware of anything, That is, it’s too late to take a tumble

5 . Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life

6 . Don’t lose heart, whatever happens (不管发生什么都不要气馁。

7 . 等你爱我,哪怕只有一次也就足够。

8 . 动了真感情的人都会喜怒无常,因付出太多,难免患得患失。

9 . 不知不觉,是这世上最可怕的力量。

10 . I feel at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away 我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。


1 . 我们不在一个地方,请照顾好自己。

2 . the most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a womans heart在这个世界上,男人最珍贵的财产就是一个女人的心。 where there is great love, there are always miracles哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

3 . Every time I see you online, the group is always a little bit

4 . 世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外

5 . Don&#;t wait for people who don&#;t have to wait, don&#;t hurt the heart!

6 . I have a simple philosophy: Fill what&#;s empty Empty what&#;s full Scratch where it itches

7 . 只能后置的形容词:

8 . 如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情。

9 . 她真是漂亮

10 . To cultivate only the feelings, not love


1 . After all, the man or woman of style, the fall

2 . love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 love is like a butterfly it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

3 . 经验是个很苛刻的老师,因为她总是一上来就把你考倒,然后才给你上课。

4 . Not only the intoxicating wine obsessed, feeling sad not to hurt

5 . 原来,他的故事,从来都与我无关。

6 . 连时光都在嘲笑我不该对你太认真。

7 . 知道吗?我所有的坚强,都靠硬撑。

8 . why i have never catched the happiness? whenever i want you ,i will be accompanyed by the memory of为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候,就让回忆来陪我。

9 . promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。

10 . Girls always look on themselves as proud princesses, with the exception of a small number of either extremely ugly or exceedingly smart ones


1 . 所谓的 hottie 就是指那种很辣的辣妹, 穿著打扮各方面可能都非常地时髦 或是你也可以说, hot babe 或是 hot chick 但有一点请注意, 也许你在国内对一个女孩子说, 你真是个辣妹啊! 她可能还会蛮高兴的, 但是在美国你不可以去跟女孩子说 you are a hottie 那么你可能换回一巴掌

2 . 牵了别人的手,就别再做我的英雄。

3 . Originally, his story, has nothing to do with me

4 . 颜——颜色,如white,black等。

5 . 你给我一巴掌我问你手为何如此凉。

6 . It is a problem difficult to work out。这是一道难以解决的问题。

7 . 有些形容词:置于名词之前与之后,含义不同。

8 . 我能做到的最好,不是你要的刚好。

9 . 词组或形容词后面有介词短语或不定式短语等补足成分时,形容词必须置于名词后。

10 . 说了流泪无用,却还是禁不住落泪。


1 . 单个形容词:

2 . Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do

3 . He is a boy deserving of sympathy。 他是个值得同情的男孩。

4 . 形容词词组:

5 . 于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。

6 . All things are difficult before they are easy(凡事必先难后易。)[放弃投机取巧的幻想。]

7 . 吃不到的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。

8 . 终归还是女人的风情,男人的沦陷。

9 . “ Something is out of our control, so we have to command ourselves“ said Linghu Chong, a known character in a Chinese novel about persons adept in martial arts(武侠小说? Who is, however, f*cking he?

10 . Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there


1 . The man in the black list is the one I love the most

2 . 你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;你逝去的时候,你笑着,而周围的人在哭!

3 . 能力会让你青云直上,到达顶峰,但必须靠足够的人格魅力,才能让你留在那里。

4 . 往昔已逝,静如止水;我们无法再做改变。而前方的未来正生机勃勃;我们所做的每一件事都将影响着它。

5 . 寒风啸,滴水冰,夜静风停探孤影。

6 . 能够培养的只是感情,而不是爱情。

7 . Never need to remember, never forget

8 . Some things, there is no way to tell others

9 . You don&#;t think I give, but that&#;s all I have

10 . 有些事情,是没有办法告诉别人的。

