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1 . A work ill done must be twice done

2 . 岁岁平安:Peace all year round

3 . We&#;d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past

4 . 人这一生,最快乐时过儿童节,最艰苦时过青年节,最劳累时过父亲节或母亲节,最悠闲时过重阳节。最诗意最美好的,则是与家人一起赏月的中秋节。

5 . 祝你的努力和汗水尽快变成明天成功的果实。劳动节快乐!

6 . In the morning, the sun shines on the grass We stand and hold our doors and windows, doors are very low, but the sun is bright

7 . Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen

8 . I made a present for you I hope you like it

9 . There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do

10 . with their own hands to create brilliant,for the most beloved people to happiness!


1 . 吉祥如意:Everything goes well

2 . 和气生财:Harmony brings wealth

3 . On the arrival of the may send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing,wish you and your family have a nice and peaceful Labour Day!

4 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day

5 . Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here May your memories today be warm ones May your dreams today be dear may your joy last through the year

6 . 祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。

7 . 假如你打算去行街睇戏,我绝对乐意奉陪,连直落唱埋卡拉OK,我都没问题。

8 . 愿情人节带给我们丘比特之爱和暖融融的浪漫。情人节快乐!

9 . The world is brutal today, even more brutal tomorrow and wonderful the day after, but most guys would die by tomorrow and never see the sunshine the day after tomorrow

10 . The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going


1 . May your birthday bring lots of joy in the year you have begun Accept my wishes for many happy returns on your birthday

2 . 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

3 . Today is international labor day men,I wish the women festival happiness,beautiful every day!

4 . to work,and to hard-working,work is the wealth of the most reliable

5 . And then find a favorite person, so at eight in the evening to six points is happy, this is life

6 . 如果累了就好好休息,错了别埋怨自己,苦了是幸福的阶梯,伤了才懂得珍惜,醉了就是折磨自己,笑了便忘记曾经哭泣,闷了给您发个信息,祝祝天下父亲:父亲节快乐!

7 . Where would we be without you, mom?

8 . 你敢不敢在那天早晨,给TA一个承诺:我会爱你一生一世。

9 . lost, very missed in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,常常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!

10 . 祝你生日快乐!愿生日带给你的欢乐中蕴涵着一切美好!


1 . 喜欢在春光明媚的早晨,享受那娇艳欲滴的一抹新绿;喜欢在阳光灿 烂的午后,感受那一片绚烂所淋浴着的温暖。

2 . 为庆祝你跨越二十岁,我们准备了一个盛大的生日宴会。

3 . You are the best mom that a son ever had

4 . 今天虽然是劳动节,但也要多多注意休息,保持身体健康。祝节日快乐,生意兴隆!

5 . 一如既往的我,愿情人节快乐!

6 . nothing says valentine&#;s day like chocolate-covered strawberries

7 . Let me join all your other friends in wishing you a happy birthday Today specially belongs to you Take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do

8 . 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

9 . 在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。

10 . Wishing you a birthday that is among your very best I hope that all the years ahead will be as happy as you have been in the past


1 . 敬贺诞辰!愿这一切充满欢乐成功!

2 . Congratulations on your birthday May the coming year be filled with happiness and success

3 . 张开双臂,拥抱每一个充满希望的早晨,让阳光从身上温暖到心底。

4 . 人生最痛苦的事情,莫过于父亲节到了,我们不在他身边;人生最最痛苦的事情,莫过于在他身边,忘记父亲节到了。发条短信告诉你,趁早准备送祝福哦!

5 . 妈妈们应该得到的不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。

6 . To mother on Mother’s Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me

7 . 你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。情人节快乐。

8 . 真诚,不必隐藏,把所有的话语,都写在那小小的贺卡上。祝我新爱的人,情人节快乐。

9 . 在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。

10 . 五一还在上班吧,劳动节就应该劳动,不要有怨言哟!祝你节日快乐!


1 . may day is a time cleaning,remove trouble dont keep!

2 . our love grows stronger with every passing year happy valentine’s day, sweetie

3 . labor is hard,fruit is sweet;without hard work,there is no sweet fruit

4 . 姑娘好像花儿一样,小伙儿心胸多宽广,为了开辟新天地,唤醒了沉睡的高山,让那河流改变了模样这是美丽的祖国,是我生长的地方。

5 . Happy Father&#;s Day to you and good luck in everything!

6 . 劳动创造了历史,劳动创造了未来。五一节快乐。

7 . 平时工作忙碌,趁着五一狂购物。两手不空满载归,慰劳自己绝不误!

8 . 祝你幸福,愿你快乐,庆祝今天你来到这个世上。在生命航程新的一年中,愿幸运时时与你相伴!

9 . 生意兴隆: wish your business success

10 . 妈妈,我们很乐意为您准备早餐,不过我们想,如果带您上馆子,会比较保险一点。


1 . Wishing you a wonderful birthday You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too

2 . I hasten to congratulate you on the coming of your birthday May gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way

3 . 在这特殊的日子里,我想说我真高兴,时光没有改变我们的友谊,祝你生日其乐无穷。

4 . 人生旅途上,您就是那明亮灯火,永远闪烁在心中。时时带着挂念,刻刻给我温暖,把寒冷驱散,把温馨装满。父亲节,愿您快乐安康!

5 . and the home-Sheng everything This grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky!

6 . 我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。

7 . 母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。


9 . labor created history,labor to create the future happy may day

10 . Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mother’s Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death


1 . filled the air in this ribbon, into concerns sent to your remote hopefully we intergovernmental concerns, is no longer coming national day holiday period 把这满街飞舞的彩带,化作关切,遥寄给你。但愿我们间的关切,不再是国庆佳节来临的时刻。

2 . autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! !金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

3 . 我为您做了一件礼物,希望您会喜欢。

4 . 五一是个加油站,为你身体加满油!

5 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

6 . girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth

7 . 年年生日来而复去,留下永久的快乐回忆。愿今天的每时每刻都充满明媚,似阳光普照鲜花绽放!

8 . Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before

9 . Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades Laugh or cry as you like, and it&#;s meaningless to oppress yourself

10 . I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness

