1 . 付出的努力和汗水会得到加倍的回报的。尽心努力,多出来的不会浪费。
2 . 一最好的节约是珍惜时间,最大的浪费是虚度年华。
3 . 你给的伤疤,让我哭不出来;我的心声,你永远也听不到。
4 . 星光不问赶路人,时光不负有心人。所有的灿烂终会在七月开花结果,你们付出的努力将会得到回报。加油,所有的高三学子!
5 . 没试过就别说不行!
6 . 恨过你咒过你,可我还是想念你。
7 . 二十四人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。
8 . 二十三容易成功和难于成功同样能刺激人的愿望。——巴尔扎克
9 . 八人来到这个世界就是受罪来的,从出生到进坟墓,都在莫名其妙地奋斗着。
10 . With everyones support, on everybodys unity, years we go well, by everyones efforts, with all the struggle, years we walked very successfully, may we continue to struggle, let the whole family concerted, years, create brilliant achievements
1 . A gap of the cup, if you look at it from another angle, it is still round
2 . Dont fly already, but blockbuster, soar
3 . 别总拿出你的骄傲,来抹***别人的尊严。
4 . 人和人之间可以和平相处,不要遇到困难就伤害朋友了。
5 . n 低水平;低谷;低气压区
6 . , in general, is calm and happy, painful and happy, boring and happy, with a lot of effort and sweat; Gain a lot, wealth experience Hoping to be a little stronger in , strive to be a man of iron blood!
7 . 未来很远,现在很近,珍惜眼下吧!
8 . Again difficult, oxygen is always enough to suck it!
9 . 你永远无法分辨什么是真爱,因为真爱总伴着失去而来。
10 . 别放弃执着最能打动人心。
1 . 春风满面如我所愿但愿付出的努力能得到更好的回报加油。
2 . 爱情就像大便,水一冲就再也回不来了。爱情就像大便,来了之后挡也挡不住。爱情就像大便,每次都一样却又不太一样。爱情就像大便,有事努力了很久却只是个屁。
3 . 七安逸舒适的生活会磨灭人的意志,紧张火热的工作能增长人的锐气。
4 . I wish you a happy New Year! I wish you a happy New Year!
5 . 书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟。
6 . 二十老骥伏枥,志在千里,烈士暮年,壮心不已。(曹操)
7 . 爱就刻骨铭心,不爱就各奔东西。不需要等待。
8 . Walk past, met, we laughed, cried we love each other, or a quarrelling, we together, is too tired, we company, this year, my biggest happiness is to meet you, love you The New Year is coming May our life be sweet and happy
9 . 六我决不相信,任何先天的或后天的才能,可以无需坚定的长期若***品质而得到成功。——狄更斯
10 . Worried about Life keep friends, keep, keep, years to keep warm, keep moving, keep blessing, keep feeling, keep warm, keep deep feeling, let you more happy, you are more successful
1 . 人有见识,就不轻易发怒。
2 . 咽自己的泪尝自己的血扛自己的梦。
3 . , the weekend comes, the blessing is in: comfortable belt: the sunshine is gathered, the bath huan hai; Release slow: tired jilt, worry kick; Do exercise: swing, take the racket; Snack food: eat melon seeds, drink milk; Text, heart, weekend is wonderful!
4 . The original love is like a flame, finally can be put out by the wind
5 . 谁都看见了我的憔悴,只有你视而不见。
6 . Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet
7 . 不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不要轻言放弃。
8 . The most tiring thing in the world, falsely
9 . 空谈不如实干。踱步何不向前行。
10 . The power that prevents us from flying is the fear that comes from our hearts
1 . Having fun and suffering; With sweat and tears; Hard work, good harvest In the past year, we have tasted the taste of life and achieved certain results In the New Year, we will continue our efforts, starting from the new starting line and producing more fruitful fruits with our labor Come on!
2 . 八成功的花,人们只惊羡它的明艳,然而当初的芽儿浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。——冰心
3 . Friend friendship will not change, go now, dream will not change direction, look forward to progress, happy often accompany, everything as you wish, good luck to you, love life is good, may the years more, all the best
4 . The past is for nostalgia, the years are for remembering, the future is for thinking, now is the heart, happiness is created by sweat, the Spring Festival is used to celebrate May you open your heart and embrace happiness in the New Year!
5 . Time travel through the four seasons, holding tightly in hand; Ordinary and busy to the end of the year, without any shape to think of themselves as a tool; Pine a pine tired body, comb a heart of deposit Make money important, want to take care of yourself more!
6 . Investment knowledge is wise, knowledge in the investment network is even more sensible
7 . 青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。
8 . 人生如战场,遇到劲敌或长久不能取胜时,就必须用智取,人生不可能一帆风顺,在某些关键时候,就必须用计,智慧永远是人取得成功的关键。
9 . The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible ”
10 . n 工作;职业;工厂;工作地点;产品;功;操作;作品;工程
1 . Misfortunes tend to come from comparison, and happiness comes from comparison
2 . 不计后果的爱,最后却变成了痛的记忆。
3 . Time is like water, and the five days are running The weekend comes again, the mood is exceptionally good Everything goes well, and there is nothing to worry about Friends bless, happy and happy around Feelings depend on contact, and return with sincerity Greetings often, but friendship does not run Send me a message Good luck Have a great weekend!
4 . You write more and more polite, not about love
5 . 三十长风破浪会有时,直挂会帆济沧海
6 . 我忘不了你,因为你是我心里永远的伤疤。
7 . 你说时间会冲淡一切,距离会让我们好过些。
8 . is going to be far away, perhaps, tired of being busy; Perhaps, lost in the chase; Perhaps, in the boredom, send oneself But dont worry about it, and give it another year!
9 . 十九冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?
10 . If you believe in yourself, you can do anything
1 . The most powerful Bodhisattva is our hand
2 . Thirty years east of the river, thirty years in the west, Mo bullying the poor!
3 . 七不要急于知道什么才是成功,哪里才是巅峰。你只需要知道自己灵魂中最可贵最有把握的那一点是什么,然后把它发掘出来,把它发扬光大。慢慢的,你自会走向成功。不管别人是否比你更聪明更伟大成就更高。只要你尽量发挥你自己的天赋专长,你自会有属于你自己的成就。
4 . Strike while the iron is hot
5 . 是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。
6 . 六挫折是一块石头,对于弱者来说它是拌脚石,让你停步不前。而对于强者来说它是垫脚石,使你站得更高。
7 . 希望所有人付出的努力汗水都得到应有的回报,乐观的人运气永远不会太差。
8 . 一个胜利者不会放弃,而一个放弃者永远不会胜利。
9 . You promised is too pale let I how to believe
10 . Counting mailbox integral long many, count weibo fans a lot more, other count award will know to go, count the blessings received came know, counting mailbox integration has become the most lucky recollection, count weibo fans have become the most precious feelings, wish you more money to the number of several not over!
1 . 我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人。
2 . Human experience is the life of the ore, the vitality of life in the release of the extract
3 . 最热烈的火焰,冰封在最沉默的火山深处。
4 . On the first day of the year, make your first wish, close your eyes, and put your hands together A life of expectation is joyful, and the anticipation of the day is a pleasant surprise Happy Spring Festival!
5 . 对我而言,世界上最幸运的事,并不是我喜欢的你恰巧也喜欢我,而是付出终会得到回报,努力一定会被认可,善良肯定会被眷顾。
6 . Our destiny offers not the cup of despair , but the chalice of opportunity
7 . 八没有永远的胜利,只有永远的努力。
8 . To know the past life because of this life is to know, to know the results, the author of this life is
9 . 我要怎样才能躲掉。命运的心血来潮。
10 . 一行动是理想最高贵的表达。