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1 . 为什么当你不再属于我的时候励志网e when you least expect them to。

2 . Laughing is the most touching mask【笑是最动人的面具】

3 . 明知道你的签名写的不是为我,而我却自欺欺人的对号入座。

4 . 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

5 . 总有一缕悲伤属于你。

6 . Graduated from unspeakable joy and sadness 毕业了 说不出的喜悦和苦涩

7 . , if you can&#;t smile and forget, please allow yourself to cry and miss

8 . In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness——在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

9 . In that moment,I seem to hear the sound of the collapse of the world。

10 . , I&#;m sorry, I don&#;t have Lee Jung Hyun&#;s acting skills, I can&#;t perform your so-called crazy


1 . Dying in the sun,in the most gorgeous die surrounded by wild with joy,but bloomed。

2 . No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won’t make you cry。

3 . Classic also have first 。

4 . The time that you are my most fatal时光深知你是我最致命的爱人

5 . Some habits,however,was to change。

6 . Is there a moment,feel is redundant

7 . To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world。

8 . You made my life,Holly,but i’m just one chapter in yours。

9 . , do not make a hypothesis, the reality of it

10 . Be the best version of you 做最好版本的你。


1 . 伤口上撒盐是为了消毒还是痛得更彻底 Add salt to the wound to disinfection or pain more thoroughly

2 . If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time 如果我说我想一个人静一静,

3 . , do not do not envy the allure of the red wolf, grey wolf has hell-bent love

4 . Do you have a little distressed me? 你有没有一点心疼过我?

5 . 我好不容易鼓起勇气说爱你,你却轻描淡写地说让我别闹了。

6 . 我开始相信开始害怕开始敏感开始忘记 I began to believe that began to be afraid to sensitive began to

7 . you are my god(你是我男神

8 . 安静的存在着,安静到让别人感觉不到我的存在。

9 . I love you already tired爱你的我已经累了

10 . Destiny never sympathize with the weak命运从来不会同情弱者。


1 . All heroes from a young, I go to the fart (自古英雄出少年我出个去屁

2 . Reluctant to forget, all for love舍不得忘,一切都是为爱

3 . I just wanna hear you say,Wish me happiness。

4 . 没有一个女子是因为她的灵魂美丽而被爱的。

5 . No pains No gains (一份耕耘,一份收获)

6 . syousya niwa syourei,haisya niwa tyoukai给胜者以奖励,给败者以惩戒。

7 . , I can only love you for a lifetime, but I can not love you for a while

8 . , wherever you go and what weather, bring your own sunshine

9 . The future does not call(那不叫未来)

10 . When you are in despair, the most important thing is to look up to yourself When you succeed, the most important thing is to look up to others


1 . Sleep when tired and smile when awake 累了就睡觉,醒来就微笑。

2 . 给不了你想要的幸福,朋友或情人俄不在乎。

3 . CherishOurlove 珍惜我们的爱

4 . , after you leave me, do you still get used to it? She should not be alone Don&#;t let her be alone

5 . 没经历过才笑别人的疤。

6 . NewUniqueBetter不是每个愿望都能马上实现,必须好好加油

7 . , though I can&#;t express it, I still try to let her know that I love her

8 . 生命并不是一场竞赛,而是一段旅程网e?

9 . While there is life there is hope一息若存,希望不灭。

10 . 当心碎了一地时,该怎么收拾。

