1 . companion/partner 同伴
2 . 聪明的;巧妙的 smart
3 . abuse 滥用
4 . so that the local people lost their homes
5 . purity 纯洁性
6 . admiration 崇拜
7 . 暮云收尽溢清寒,
8 . Five starts for my best teacher
9 . 地铁站 subway station
10 . 乘坐 take
1 . Smoking has been found to have a bad effect on the health of the smoker and the people nearby
2 . The job turned out to be harder than expected
3 . Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities
4 . 物理学和化学的一个成果是使得科学家们能在生物学和医学上获得重大发现。
5 . 骨头看起来是脆硬的,但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击。
6 . 人类骨骼有二百多块骨头组成,住些骨头石油坚韧而相对缺乏弹性的,被称为韧带的结蒂组连在一起。
7 . humanity 人性
8 . 好 well
9 . anecdote 轶事
10 . Elizabeth Blackwell,美国第一个女医生,创建了员工一直为女性纽约诊所。
1 . depression 沮丧;低沉
2 . 萧萧远树流林外,一半秋山带夕阳。——宋•苏轼《九日次韵王巩》
3 . 这个;那个 the
4 . 我们 we
5 . architecture 建筑
6 . I think that you should accept the plan without __________(争辩
7 . 停 stop
8 . colleague 同事
9 . This kind of film is suitable( 适合的 for both children and a_________
10 . 古台摇落后,秋入望乡心。
1 . Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live
2 . indifference 不关心
3 . specialty 专业
4 . 小的 small
5 . match 匹配
6 . I am really fond of reading books, and that’s why my favourite sybject is literature
7 . joy/delight 欢乐
8 . 起立 stand up
9 . commercial 商业广告
10 . 测试 test
1 . Along with these physical changes, there come many psy chological changes
2 . hardship 艰难险阻
3 . 季节 season
4 . 很;非常 so much
5 . strategy 策略
6 . Everglades是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律保护。
7 . 气势两相高。
8 . 乌龟 turtle
9 . 鞋子 shoe
10 . expection 例外
1 . vexation 烦恼
2 . 电子卡片 e-card
3 . import 进口
4 . 心怯空房不忍归。
5 . 凉鞋 sandals
6 . 我真的很喜欢读书。正因为如此,我最喜欢的科目是文学。(be fond of; that’s why
7 . 鱿鱼 squid
8 . 秋景有时飞独鸟,夕阳无事起寒烟。——寇准《书河上亭壁》
9 . The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse
10 . decision n决定,决心,决议,结果,果断,坚定
1 . He has been teaching for ten years, so he is very e______________ in teaching
2 . 讲台 teacher’s desk
3 . In the eastern part of New Jersey lies the city of Elizabeth, a major shipping and manufacturing center
4 . charm 魅力
5 . withdrawal 退出;撤退
6 . 沙发 sofa
7 . 玩具 toy
8 . 风定小轩无落叶,青虫相对吐秋丝。——宋•秦观《浣溪沙》
9 . 会议应该在星期二召开,但是我们不得不推迟。(be supposed to; put off
10 . 蜘蛛 spider
1 . 说 say
2 . 我言秋日胜春朝。
3 . 打电话 talk on the phone
4 . 花瓶 vase
5 . cohesion 凝聚力
6 . soul 灵魂
7 . 《秋思》——【唐】张籍
8 . 七 seven
9 . fidelity 忠实
10 . 相望试登高,心飞逐鸟灭。