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1 . 信念能移山。(精诚所至,金石为开。

2 . Take a detour and see the things you might not have seen绕道走走看,看看你可能从没看过的风景。

3 . If I give up, not because I lost, but because I understand

4 . 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

5 . Life is a span

6 . idleness is the root of all evil懒惰乃万恶之源。

7 . Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of

8 . 博学使人谦逊,无知使人骄傲。

9 . Accept your failure and move on接受失败然后继续前进。

10 . 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你。


1 . the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

2 . A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one!一个女人一辈子总得喜欢上一两个坏男人,才能学会对疼爱自己的男人心存感激。

3 . To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。

4 . 人生如朝露。

5 . Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher

6 . (玉盘似的明月高挂在淡蓝色的`天空中,月光像流水一样泻下来,大地一片银白色。

7 . (我们的学校就像一个大花园,多么美丽,多么可爱,我们在这里茁壮成长。

8 . Time tries all things 时间检验一切。

9 . 老马识途。

10 . Life is not the word, the sharp eyes visible wonderful expressions; Book is the word of life, rich feelings in people deeply understood生活是无字的书,眼光敏锐的人看得见精彩的词句;书是有字的生活,感情丰富的人才能深刻领悟。


1 . An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgettingA badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding 一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。

2 . it is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的`惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。

3 . 趁热打铁。

4 . 在回忆里继续梦幻不如在地狱里等待天堂

5 . good company on the road is the shortest cut(行路有良伴就是捷径。

6 . When youth meets love, it is like the compatibility of water and fire

7 . think it over 好好想想…… we have much more food,but less nutrition; 我们有了更多的食物,但所能得到的营养却越来越少了来源

8 . Sense comes with age

9 . 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

10 . Think of me when you are happy, and remember you and me when you are sad


1 . 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。

2 . Youth means limitless possibilities

3 . Those who dare not to be angry are cowards, and those who do not dare to be angry are wise men

4 . For man is man and master of his fate

5 . If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it’s called burden-bearing Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love   举得起放得下的叫举重,举得起放不下的叫负重。可惜,大多数人的爱情,都是负重的。

6 . 幸福,不是长生不老,不是大鱼大肉,不是权倾朝野。幸福是每一个微小的生活愿望达成。当你想吃的时候有得吃,想被爱的时候有人来爱你。

7 . 隔墙有耳。

8 . 勤劳之人不受穷。

9 . 活到老,学到老。

10 . Most of the girls’problem is remembering too much, while most of the boys’ problem is forgetting too soon大多数女孩子的问题是,她们记得的太多,而大多数男孩子的问题是,他们忘记得太快。

