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1 . 如何保护环境已经成为世界最大难题之一。

2 . 校园寝室我的家,人人都要爱护它。

3 . No way (根本不可能。否定语气,非常强烈,是不礼貌的说法。毫无办法。

4 . 明之尚美,馨德亦缘

5 . time is really fast, but I will never stop chasing the pace of dreams, even if there is only a little hope, I do not give up, this is my perseverance

6 . 一粒沙里看出一个世界,一朵野花一个天堂,,我们共同的乐园,永恒在那里收藏。

7 . 用我们的行动,创建温馨家园

8 . 享清雅之居,得明净之风。

9 . We must win the battle of epidemic disease! If one side is in trouble, support from all sides! We believe that when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, China will still be prosperous We believe that the hardworking and strong Wuhan people can create miracles, and the people of the whole country stand with you and wait for cherry blossom! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

10 . dont let any reason stop you from pursuing your dream


1 . 节能是一种美德,环保是一种时尚。

2 . 寝室不在新,温馨则行,距离不在远,有谊则灵。

3 . Why are you doing it? (你为什么做这样的事呢?

4 . I only have five dollars (我只有美元。

5 . 高兴时,在宿舍里肆无忌惮的大笑,丝毫不顾淑女应有的拘谨,用自己的欢快感染整个宿舍的气氛。

6 . , the business can control efforts and investment, but can not control the results When life is proud, find a way out, frustrated when there is retreat, BMW has a spare tire, your life?

7 . maybe I go after the dream, but I can like idol drama, everything is so practical, life is very pure reality

8 . 或许大家性格迥异,但是宿舍也就是家,是生活学习的重要场所。大家都希望她温馨,整洁,也希望她是青春绽放的角落。

9 . Patients with fever symptoms, please go to the fever clinic of medical institutions in time

10 . 天堂固然好,可离我们太遥远,寝室虽然小,可让我们很温馨。


1 . 让寝室光彩,让生活精彩,我的地盘我主宰。

2 . 水的量是适宜的饮料是越来越少了。

3 . 幸福是什么呢?我想大学的宿舍生活将是我们永远的幸福。

4 . 撒播快乐的种子,收获友谊的果实。

5 . , if people framed themselves in a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern

6 . I cant help it (戒不了啊。

7 . 一间温馨浪漫的小屋,几个志同道合的人,一段真诚浇铸的情感,便组成了我们求学生活中最珍贵的家的回忆。

8 . We will surely overcome this epidemic! Spring return to the earth, spring flowers bloom, everything will pass! To fight in the front line of medical staff, angels in white salute!

9 . 让关爱的声音传遍每个角落,让互助的力量传递份份真情。

10 . It is everyones responsibility to fight against the epidemic


1 . 许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。

2 . We hope that the people of the whole country will make concerted efforts to overcome the virus as soon as possible

3 . sometimes, chasing the dream of people, than grasp the dream of the people to play more strength ah!

4 . It beats me (不知道。

5 . The true joy of life is the commitment to a goal which one considers to be great

6 . 文明宿舍一条心,团结友爱溢温馨。

7 . It is hoped that front-line workers and Wuhan people in Wuhan can overcome the virus as soon as possible and restore normal life order Wuhan, hold on! Go China!

8 . Better than nothing 句子开头的Its被省略。

9 . 在那些逝去和仍在继续的校园生活记忆碎片里,宿舍生活永远占据着大部分的回忆。亦如在我们的人生旅途中,家庭生活永远是主旋律。

10 . 人离灯熄,人走水停。


1 . 废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,***死大量的鱼。

2 . 漂泊在外的心灵渴望着家的关怀,异地求学的我们离不开宿舍的温暖。

3 . 斯是陋室,唯吾德馨。

4 . Pray for Wuhan to win the virus as soon as possible! Let the brave and loving rebels go home safely as soon as possible! #Unite as one to fight the epidemic situation the motherland refuels, prays to defeat the virus as soon as possible

5 . 户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲;寝室如我家,温暖无限大。

6 . 我们不应该在公共场所吐痰/砍伐的树木。

7 . Rescue the Earth is to rescue future

8 . Thats the way it goes (没办法呀。毫无线索。

9 . We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees

10 . 幸福都是在自己的门口发现。


1 . ,陈少帅说:“爱过方知情重,醉过方知酒浓。”忧伤的句子

2 . 宿舍整洁美观,更显才子佳人落落大方。

3 . 宿舍如我家,干净整齐靠大家

4 . One side has difficulties, eight sides support, unite to fight the epidemic together, hope to defeat the virus as soon as possible!

5 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

6 . I have no other choice (我没有别的选择。

7 . We broke up Its history (我们分手了,一切都成为过去了。

8 . the pursuit of dreams on the road, destined to be lonely

9 . 真挚的友情不需要承诺,注定的缘分不需要相约。

10 . 光有你,不行;光有我,不行;我们一起,才行。



