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1 . CanIhaveabite?

2 . 例如:There is no doubt that he came late

3 . 主语+ is + the +形容词最高级+名词+(that+主语+ have ever + seen(known / heard / had / read,etc

4 . 例如:He spent as much time as he could remembering new words

5 . It’sbetterthannothing

6 . I would as lief (as soon die as live in dishonor

7 . Can you play the piano or the violin?你会弹钢琴还是会拉小提琴?

8 . 时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。

9 . For the past + 时间,主语 + 现在完成式/现在完成进行时… (过去……时间来,……一直……

10 . YourparentsgiveyoulifeYoushouldn’ttakeitforgranted


1 . The sooner we begin our work, the sooner we shall finish it

2 . [注] 当比较级作表语而又不处于句首时, 可以不用the 相关联。 如:When we encounter more difficulties, we should be more spirited; when we are more at danger, we should be more courageous

3 . 例如:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse

4 . No one is to be compared with him for resourcefulness He has no equal in playing ping-pong ball

5 . LoveispreciousDon’ttakeitforgranted

6 . 该吃午饭了。

7 . 注意:此句型可以转化为简单句句型:It is time for sth/for sb to do…

8 . Mhittheceilingbecauseherhusbandforgottheiranniversary

9 . 她气得满脸通红。

10 . (It is No wonder that (难怪……


1 . 他刚来,就下雨了。

2 . 注意,全世界都知道还可以改为以下句型:As is known to us/As we all know, … (众所周知,……。

3 . 帮助别人是值得的。

4 . [附注] 关于等差句有以下几点需要注意:

5 . It&#;s less cold than it was yesterday

6 . 例如:All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims

7 . You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it。

8 . 例如:Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed

9 . Now there is a growing awareness/ recognition of the necessity to。/ Now people are becoming increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of。

10 . Are you good with old people?你与老人们相处得融洽吗?


1 . YouneedtocalmdownYou’regoingtoofar

2 . The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance

3 . It’ssuchagreathonortomeetyouIhaveheardsomuchaboutyou

4 . I’msosorrythatIhavestoodyouupyesterdayIhavetoworklate

5 . 过了很久,他们才意识到犯错了。

6 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

7 . Facts speak louder than eloquence (Actions speak louder than words

8 . 我宁愿呆在家也不愿意和他去看那部恐怖电影。

9 . [注] 其他如first, leave…for或两个独立分句等也可表示择比, 如: He said he would resign first

10 . 例如:I would rather walk home than take a crowded bus


1 . Henry was beaten black and blue, you can&#;t see a white spot about him。

2 . I’m glad to see you again 很高兴再次见到你。

3 . 主语+ be closely related to … (与……息息相关

4 . I want something to eat 我想吃点东西。

5 . [注] 注意本句型可省略被比对象, 如: Better be with the dead Better let the furnace cool a bit

6 . 注意:比较级也可以用来表达最高级的意思。

7 . 主语 + do good/ harm to sth (对……有益/有害

8 . [注] 使用比较级要注意两点:

9 . 不,不在。它们在门上。

10 . Heraiseshiseyebrowsatthenews

