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1 . 让幸福如雨洒落你心间,让健康如水滋润你心田,让短信带去我最好的祝福:愿幸福永远陪伴你!朋友,早日康复,愿您快乐!

2 . I dont know除此之外我别无选择。

3 . , the past belongs to death, and the future belongs to itself

4 . Whether it is night or season, it will not last forever When cherry blossoms bloom, the winter will be over

5 . the wandering footsteps let others crush the dream of a better tomorrow, there is no good things must come to an end maybe this world is really only hazy is true

6 . Having health is not equal to having everything Without health, there is no everything Health is a hollow glass ball that breaks when it falls And our job is a ball that can bounce when it falls Health is a one-way street, everyone should take it seriously!

7 . Take advantage of this period of time, dont run around, read books at home and keep fit When the epidemic is over, let the whole world welcome you from the inside to the outside, and you also welcome the new life with the best posture!

8 . Wait for the spring flowers to bloom, the epidemic is eliminated, there are many beautiful places waiting for us to play!

9 . We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

10 . I cant help it当带有can时,help表示“避开”“抑制”“控制”,所以I cant help it表示“不得不这样做”“无法回避”。


1 . Go out less, gather less, wash hands frequently and ventilate frequently

2 . I hope that the infected patients can eliminate the virus in the careful treatment and care of medical workers, and at the same time use their strong ideas and their super immunity to fight against the virus I wish you all a speedy recovery and look forward to the day when you go home!

3 . Pay attention to protection, do not panic, do not spread rumors

4 . 阳光照耀的地方有我默默的祝福,月光洒向地球的时候有我默默的祈祷,流星划过的刹那我许个愿:希望你早日康复!

5 . , dream as long as it can endure, can become reality Dont we live in dreams?

6 . Life, bitterness and happiness are all there is, separation and separation are all in The epidemic is over! Warm spring flowers

7 . Thats the way it goes

8 . 不能对我撒谎

9 . Cherish the source of nature, totally make a living a life green

10 . 风雨过后阳光美,疾病铲除精神好。天天念叨快出院,苦水吐尽全是甜。朋友牵挂你知道,早日康复了心愿!


1 . I have no other choice but to do so (除此之外我别无选择。

2 . I raise you $ ([玩牌时的赌博]再加美元。

3 . 每天接受你的爱,却不曾说声谢谢,你生病了,我一定要陪在你身边,飞机踏破距离的遥远,鲜花和呵护给你祝愿,希望你能早日康复!

4 . 健康像棵树,多晒晒阳光,它会成长,多经历些风雨,它会坚强,偶尔松土施肥,它会茁壮。生病不用怕,用心呵护,返回健康。

5 . I fold (我不玩了。

6 . Treat kindly the Earth is to treat kindly oneself

7 . 许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。

8 . Its my only choice

9 . The groom and bride are perfect for each other。

10 . Fat chance


1 . Patients with fever symptoms, please go to the fever clinic of medical institutions in time

2 . Wear masks, wash hands frequently, do not give virus opportunity

3 . Mrs Smith:Mary looks so beautiful in the wedding gown, and I recall the moment that I was a bride。

4 . i think i ’ve caught a cold 我想我感冒了So do I. 我也一样。

5 . It was fate fate “逃脱不了的命运,注定的命运”。

6 . We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future

7 . Theres nothing I can do about it没戏。

8 . I’ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。I’m looking for my baggage。我正在找我的行李。

9 . May every one of you, in the crowded street, and the one who is destined to bump into a full, together to white head May the flowers bloom in spring as soon as possible, and butterflies will be treated gently by the world

10 . 我等待这一刻已经很久了。


1 . 请打开窗户,让暖暖的阳光把你照耀;请打开心灵,让朋友的关心悄悄驻守;请打开手机,把问候的短信轻轻收好,祝你早日康复!

2 . 环境保护是当今社会的一大热点问题。随着科技的发展,环保显得越来越重要。在中国,也许是奥运会的临近,也许是人们意识的崛起,环保已经成为我们身边一个普遍的存在了。

3 . Mrs Smith:He is terribly handsome。

4 . I have no clue (毫无线索。

5 . 抛弃灰白的药片,恢复开心的笑脸,告别病痛的梦魇,迎接美好的明天,身体是革命的本钱,健康是幸福的源泉。祝你:早日康复!

6 . Thats the way it goes (没办法呀。毫无线索。

7 . the pursuit of dreams sometimes more powerful than the dream in hand

8 . Say what 你说什么I want to reserve a seat from Los Angeles to Tokyo我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。

9 . 我为这幸福的一对举杯?,愿你们白头偕老。I raise my glass to the happy couple, wishing you a long life together。

10 . I thought you loved him (我想你很爱他。


1 . Something must be done to stop the pollution

2 . When spring flowers bloom and the epidemic is over, we will go to see you!

3 . dont let any reason stop you from pursuing your dream

4 . Only authoritative information can be trusted if we can distinguish the Internet rumors

5 . Unite and work together to prevent the epidemic, so as to unfreeze the ice When winter is over, spring is bound to bloom

6 . 如果我想见云海,云海必须第一时间出现

7 . Its in the past

8 . 不准让我吃醋。

9 . 愿健康快活像阳光普照大地般围绕在你身边,愿荣幸幸福像春雨滋润万物般飘洒在你左右饮食者,人之命根子也。

10 . 保护环境,人人有责。



