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1 . He would as soon kill himself as betray his country

2 . This story eventually got translated into English He got dismissed He got plucked He got drowned last year I don&#;t want to get mixed up with the police again

3 . [注] 比较级前可加一些增强语气的词,如:much, even, still, a little (bit, slightly, far , any, no, a lot 等。

4 . 主从复合句

5 . 。

6 . One of my suitcases is small, and the other one is medium

7 . 简单句,即只有一个主谓结构的句子。除了特殊情况,英语句子中都有主语谓语(或表语,有时候还有宾语;而且除了倒装句等特殊句型,一般情况下,主语谓语宾语的先后顺序是固定的,不可能宾语跑到谓语前面,或者谓语跑到主语前面。目前很多语法书都把英语的简单句归纳为五种基本句型。实际上,英语简单句还可以简化为三种形式:

8 . Weather___, well go out for a walk

9 . 引导方式状语从句的连词有:as,as if,as thugh,in the

10 . 答案D with +名词(代词+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常用with来引导。由于本句中名词手与分词绑是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选D


1 . The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance

2 . (正 His younger brother was much stronger than he His younger brother was stronger than he

3 . 不要使用无比较对象的孤立的比较级。如:(误 We saw many smaller houses on both sides of the river

4 . Better late than never Better to do well than to say well

5 . "I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me"

6 . I preferred these ruins to Kate&#;s pointed yellow boots He prefers doing to talking

7 . "If there is a scoundrel upon earth, that scoundrel&#;s name is HEEP"

9 . Sooner than marry that man, Eva would earn her living as a waitress

10 . 典型例题:


1 . I had as soon you broke his neck as his finger

2 . 动词是句子的中心。包括行为动词,系动词,助动词,情态动词。划在一起。(一般做谓语

3 . 用其他介词短语表示: Mr Zhu is the strictest among the teachers of our school It is the finest thing under the sun

4 . He offered me his seat

5 . He preferred to be assigned something more difficult to do

6 . 【讲透考点】

7 . "…the+比较级…" 这大多是一种习惯用语。 如: So much the worse a change for the worse all the more = more and more

8 . The sooner we begin our work, the sooner we shall finish it

9 . Facts speak louder than eloquence (Actions speak louder than words

10 . She asked to be sent to work in the countryside


1 . [附注] 表示等比的还有以下一些方式:

2 . I would (或had rather join you in research work than go on holiday to the seaside

3 . I saw him in I heard the glass broken just now

4 . ( hand前不能加his。

5 . A being tied B having tied C to be tied D tied

6 . The socialist system has demonstrated absolute superiority over the capitalist one

7 . [注] 注意本句型可省略的成分较多, 常见于谚语俗语中 如: The sooner, the better

8 . He got killed in the war The boy got hurt on his way home from work

9 . 等差既可以指出相差的数目, (用by+数词表示 也可以指出相差的范围, 如: of +名词, with regard to, in point of, with respect to, with reference to, with relation to, in the sphere of, in the field of等等。例句: She is the more patient of the two In point of commerce, Shanghai is more prosperous than Nanjing With reference to territory, China is larger than America

10 . The revolutionaries preferred death to dishonor I prefer to work rather than (to sit idle


1 . 找出以下的表语

2 . I saw a girl

3 . [Sooner than+动词原形…(主句 主语+would +动词原形…]

4 . In the past/ last/ recent。 years, there has been a sharp increase/ decrease in。/。 has experienced an alarming rise/ decrease in。According to an official report/ survey/ poll。

5 . She is bound to be received warmly We are liable to be overheard here

6 . John doesn&#;t work so hard as Henry

7 . 主 谓 宾宾

8 . I caught the last bus from town; but Harry came home even later (He came home later than I

9 . 主从复合句即是复杂句,它也是由两个以上的句子构成。与并列不同的是,各分句之间的意思是紧密相连的,所以我们不能简单地把各个句子拆开来看,而必须将各分句综合起来进行理解。有时候,分句里面有可能还包含分句。

10 . They made the girlangry


1 . Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose

2 . 简单句只包含一个主谓结构,并且各个结构都是由单词或短语组成,不包含任何从句。简单句有五种基本句型。

3 . Mr Milton would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals

4 . (正) The face of his father looks older than that of his uncle His father&#;s face looks older than his uncle&#;s

5 . The food on the ship was no better than on any other ship on which Billy had sailed

6 . 在连词前切开,将连词与后面的并列句和从句划在一起。如果是and和or连接的并列成分,则不切,将并列成分划在一起,在句子做同一成分。

7 . "第, , …大" 可用 "the 序数词+最高级" 表示, 如: My home town is the second largest city in our province

8 . "…名词A+in+preference to+名词B" 如: After the noun reason, use that in preference to because

9 . 当介词是in时,其前后的两个名词均不加任何成分(如物主代词或冠词,也不用复数。但 with 的复合结构不受此限制

10 . Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it


1 . One of them is English

2 . 主语 + 谓语(不及物动词; Grammar sucks

3 . 在过去的年,在方面有了急剧的增长/下降。根据一项官方报告/调查/民意测验。。

4 . He lay there, his teeth set, his hand clenched, his eyes looking straight up

5 . 主 谓宾 宾补

6 . He was killed with a bullet I was struck with an idea

7 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

8 . = the sooner you do it the better it will be = By how much sooner you do it, by so much better it will be

9 . I like that least of all The least用作最高级时,往往被其后面的形容词的反义词的最高级所取代。如: This is the most difficult (不用the least easy book I&#;ve ever read This is the most uninteresting (很少用the least interesting book of the three

10 . (方式状语从句


1 . He is none the happier for his wealth A good tale is none the worse for being twice told

2 . He brought me a pen

3 . It is worth next to nothing How could Napoleon compare with Lenin?

4 . = In whatever degree sooner you do it, in that degree better it will be The more, the merrier The more, the better

5 . The least means shall be used to achieve the greatest end Which of the boys studies best?

6 . Mr Green is not so old as he looks It isn&#;t as cold as it was yesterday

7 . 被动不定式。它可以在句中作主语定语复合宾语状语等。

8 . 【相似题型】

9 . 四.S十V十O十O 主谓双宾结构

10 . Sooner than do such work, I would starve


1 . It&#;s less cold than it was yesterday

2 . The new edition is less expensive than the old one

3 . Is your father senior to mine? My father is junior to yours

4 . I swim

5 . with +名词(代词+现在分词/过去分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语

6 . [注] 极比句中表示范围的词语,除了用差比句附注第三列出的词以外,还有以下几种。

7 . I love you

8 . He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate others

9 . The more I think of it, the happier I am

10 . I would as lief (as soon die as live in dishonor

