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1 . That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest

2 . 利欲熏心惊慌不已漫山遍野初出茅庐寒冷刺骨

3 . ": Someone walking hurriedly life, traveling all over the great lakes throughout stratus twilight snow, like the actor, the choice of cosmopolitan; it was a lifetime holding tea book will Magnificence years, boiled into the scents of tea, Zen come with a product, with a thin pen lyrical, poetic also picturesque; it was his life shuttling between feasting, laughter Seduction, pleasure in life Toast to the roots were lingering under flowers Can anyone choose life Kongzong, to poetic life"

4 . 生活是一份咱们每日都收到的礼物。

5 . Life is a do it yourself project Be ambitious and just do it

6 . .multiply (将…乘…

7 . .chopsticks (常用复数筷子

8 . The home is where the heart is The heart is where you are

9 . "co-Jin wine, red crisp hand, hold long co oath Ink concentration, apricot Chan, beauty grace worry constantly Can blue, cherry now, stringed harps Xiao Yi chaos Outline hook, heart description, dare forget good generals However, after all the years mottled cheeks, tears two lines"

10 . If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars如果你因失去了太阳而流泪,那么你也失去了群星——《泰戈尔诗集》


1 . .frustrate 使沮丧, 使失败

2 . If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?( P B Shelley, British poet 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱 P B

3 . Love me little, love me long --John Heywood

4 . .grape 葡萄

5 . .modem 调制解调器

6 . 从生到死,生命是个简短的旅程。

7 . 树林被微风一吹,发出“沙沙”的响声,从远处看,好像大海起伏的波涛。

8 . .biology 生物(学

9 . beneficial 有益的

10 . 秋,要用心聆听。雁啼鸣虫呢哝,溪水潺潺蛐蛐铮铮,委婉动听。如诗,如画,如舞,如歌的意境里,轻盈的秋风,跃动着雨中韵律。听雨中,充满浪漫的微笑,浅笑含嫣。心灵在明媚的阳光下绽放,绽放出一片枫叶的火红。听风,听雨,听心语,这就是秋之心韵。


1 . .click 咔哒声;发出咔哒声

2 . .chips (口语炸士豆儿条

3 . .code 密码, 符号

4 . ": Destiny is a very fleeting thing, life if not tears, no deep-seated pain experience, then maybe life would be complete, in the case of a moving, whom once moved, allowing this move into the life, Perhaps time in CLS a ride, so that each ray of light has spilled over my heart"

5 . 和煦的阳光,透过稠密的树叶洒落下来,成了点点金色的光斑。

6 . .invent 发明, 创造

7 . 什袭而藏惊天动地扣人心弦大公无私面无人色

8 . Home is where I can shut the door and be by myself

9 . ": walked around the corner, through neon, eyes, time and space through the prelude, see, Bana open, butterfly butterfly fall from term of that cut, tangled Canhong thoughts, sad Allure Fuzzy feelings shuttle, time had gone, like a deserter same time from our side to promote the warehouse ran hastily Hearts miss too much, my mind wandering too much"

10 . "Each flower is a beautiful spirit, each flower has a beautiful wish My heart, in a blossoming flower in shallow drunk A blossoming, clusters, a tree&#;s flowers competing bloom, spring concentrated color, dyed in the spring picture, drunk spring mood"


1 . 下雨了,雨点像一粒粒晶莹的银白珍珠,滴到地上,渐渐地汇成了一条条小溪。

2 . 满天红云,满海金波,红日像一炉沸腾的钢水,喷薄而出,金光耀眼。

3 . .harvest 收获

4 . 抱头鼠窜雾鬓风鬟竹影婆娑顶天立地听其自然

5 . .brochure 小册子

6 . 幽幽离殇,谁的红袖予谁添香。是谁在风中悲凉的呓语,声声断人肠,你的三千丝的飘逸香,将我的痴心缠绕,隔岸垂柳,漫天飞舞的絮,又是谁不死的情结。垂泪千行,朦胧了这季花季的伤。你十指轻颤的涟漪,晕开这夏的桃红。落花满园,埋葬了谁的思恋。

7 . .invite 邀请, 招待

8 . 天,如打翻的墨水瓶,晕染深沉;雨,似笺纸上的墨痕,要下不下;窗外一片狼藉,微弱的光,刺破惺忪的双眼,把我从无边的沉睡中,拉回这个世界,又是一个星期二,起床上班下班起床,日子单调的仿佛开启了循环模式,只是这片天空偶尔呈现出不一样的色彩,时而晴空万里,时而大雨如注。

9 . .province 省

10 . .mark 记号;标记;痕迹


1 . Love cannot be compelled --Chaucer

2 . comprehensible 可理解的

3 . ": What is the husband [] Hold up very warm, invisible miss; Quarreled something wrong, but also cheeky came to hold your hand; Most like to see you happy laugh, and then also against you giggle; Miss you call, your phone will be ringing off the hook; You have a unique grouping on his QQ, phone book, there you have special call; Cry for you, for you to laugh, for you to hurt someone else&#;s heart"

4 . flesh 肥胖的

5 . 柳梢有气无力地低垂着,仿佛要钻进地皮,躲开酷热的太阳。

6 . .thief 贼

7 . 几行衰柳,乱发似的垂挂着,脱光了叶的枝条,在冷风里摇荡。

8 . .sign 标记, 符号, 痕迹

9 . .chart 图表

10 . all but 几乎;除了都


1 . 我以后要把学到的知识活用,决不生搬硬套。

2 . alien to与相反

3 . Marry in haste, and repent at leisure --Ray

4 . ": desk studying room, move to the right in front of the figure, the heart have you micro tilted his head, charming smile greet the eyes, drunk Than the picture of the thousands of landscape, since ancient times as a beauty drunk, run to the world, then why not? Light waves smoke yarn, silk fan after Yu Jin, Yan dimple are almost touching"

5 . .baker 面包师

6 . 大坝两旁的杨柳,有的像是白发婆娑的老人,有的像是秀发披肩的少女,为长长的大坝,拦成一个珠帘丝垂的走廊。

7 . above all 首先,尤其是

8 . 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没有选择了。

9 . distinct: clear 明显的, 清晰的

10 . 假如生活像一床被子, 那么爱就是其中的线。


1 . account for 解释

2 . agree with同意

3 . .tomb 坟墓

4 . .flight 航班, 飞行

5 . 人生,有起落。学会挥袖从容,暖笑无殇。人生,既要淡,又要有味。不甘心就不要放弃,看不过去就起来改变。要么就证明自己的能力,要么就闭嘴接受现实。所有好走的路都是下坡,失败是可以接受的,但是没有试图奋斗过的失败是没有借口的零分。

6 . 咱们所谓的人生只是一篇廉价物品商店里听来的传奇故事。

7 . .decorate 装饰, 修饰

8 . 生活是不断经历学习和享受的旅程。

9 . ": step one drop of ink, a lifetime love to read Affection between you and me have long interpreted as a beautiful poem Que Que, eyes always think first saw the beautiful amazing, how many net passing sea, a few people look back? See Pretrial blossom, either Yunjuanyunshu I have the peace of mind you, not love Cheng pulls heart hurt, do not ask what tomorrow from? This gave birth to you, I will not miss the beaten beautiful mountain stream I will cherish the love, if you never betray, dependent life and death I will"

10 . political 政治的

