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1 . One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadneis kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love

2 . 一夜被蛇咬,十日怕麻绳

3 . I just did it And let go of trying to look 我只是一个人独处,并不去想怎么尽量看起来酷。

4 . 闲时不烧香,急来抱佛脚

5 . 如果你想博学些,就请勤奋些;如果你想尊严些,就请自强些;如果你想荣耀些,就请努力些;如果你想健康些,就请环保些;如果你想长寿些,就请宽心些。

6 . 三十年河东,三十年河西

7 . ,岁月,是一首诗,一首蕴含丰富哲理的诗,岁月是一峰骆驼,驮着无数人的梦想。

8 . The writing is simple and simple。 The writer once declared, "I would like to describe the ordinary facts with the simplest and simple writing style, because I write this book mainly to report to you, not for your entertainment。" Although Gulliver travel around the world, different scenarios encountered different, but after the whole novel layout, consistent style, Gulliver every sea antecedents and consequences have a detailed explanation, the complicated plot according to the time and space sequence of description, the text concise and vivid, strong story, and so。 For a long time at home, but also with the "read Gulliver" to the sea。 This time, Gulliver rides the ship was hijacked ship, Gulliver escaped, was rescued by a flying island called "Laputa"。 These people look abnormal, strange clothing, all be in a brown study。 The king and the nobility lived in the flying island, people live in Balnibarbi island on three。 Gulliver left the flying island, Balnibarbi came to visit, and visited the island&#;s "La Polytechnic college"。 The Academy&#;s department is the result of the topic be a wild legend, everywhere desolate, the collapse of the housing, the people had no food, no clothes。

9 . 人生没有真正的完美,只有不完美才是最真实的美;人生没有一帆风顺,只有披荆斩棘才能路路顺;人生没有永远的成功,只有在挫折中站起才是真正的成功;人生没有永恒,只有闪光的人生才算是生命的永恒。

10 . 人生中最大的乐趣是奉献;思维中最美的花朵是智慧之花;前进中最快的脚步是继续;朋友中最好的记忆是笑声!


1 . 千羊之皮,不如一狐之腋

2 . 牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶持

3 . 一个人一生可以爱上很多的人,等你获得真正属于你的幸福之后,你就会明白一起的伤痛其实是一种财富,它让你学会更好地去把握和珍惜你爱的人。

4 . 海内存知己,天涯若比邻

5 . 把工作当享受,你就会竭尽全力;把生活当乐趣,你就会满怀信心;把读书当成长,你就会勤奋努力;把奉献当快乐,你就会慷慨助人。

6 . 在浩翰的大海中航行,迷失方向,水手将葬身海底;在茫茫的戈壁中跋涉,迷失方向,旅者将暴尸荒野;在无边的探索中寻找希望之光,迷失方向,你将会与成功擦肩而过,抱憾终生。

7 . , what I do today is much better and better than what I have done in the past; the rest I enjoy today is better than all that I know; better - - Charles, Dickens, the book of Shuangcheng

8 . I realize this may sound super dorky You&#;re probably thinking that I must be pretty weird and very lonely Interestingly enough, I was way more lonely before I started spending time alone The feeling like I needed to be around people all the time to take a deep breath -- that was loneliness The feeling of complete anxiety and fear when a boyfriend broke up with me -- that was loneliness But this? This is peace This is fun This is what self-esteem is built of Here&#;s how I learned to spend time alone

9 . I know now that I&#;m not going into the relationship as a half, I&#;m going in as a whole So whether it works out or doesn&#;t work out, deep down, I haven&#;t lost anything I&#;m still me I&#;m still complete I still have the friendship I&#;ve built with the me that I&#;ve grown to know and love over the past years That&#;s the greatest relief I&#;ve ever known

10 . 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针


1 . 千夫诺诺,不如一士谔谔

2 . The first step is the only difficulty 迈出第一步是最艰难的。

3 . ,船的命运在于漂泊;帆的命运在于追风逐浪;人生的命运在于把握,把握信人生,方能青春无愧。

4 . 贫贱亲戚离,富贵他人合

5 . ,有些记忆被焚烧掉,有些记忆被埋在心底,纯真年代如流水划过金色年代。

6 . 年轻的时候会想要谈很多次恋爱,但是随着年龄的增长,终于领悟到爱一个人,就算用一辈子的时间,还是会嫌不够。慢慢地去了解这个人,体谅这个人,直到爱上为止,是需要有非常宽大的胸襟才行。

7 . 在他檐下走,怎敢不低头

8 . Still water run deep 静水常深。

9 . 如果你想快点成名,那么就得慢点睡觉;如果你想快点长智,那么就得慢点骄傲。如果你想慢点老化,那么你就得快点学习;如果你想慢点淘汰,那么就得快点迈步。

10 . ,别在树下徘徊,别在雨中沉思,别在黑暗中落泪。向前看,不要回头,只要你勇于面对抬起头来,就会发现,分数的阴霾不过是短暂的雨季。向前看,还有一片明亮的天,不会使人感到彷徨。


1 . 荷花虽好,也要绿叶扶持

2 . 长他人锐气,灭自己威风

3 . Later someone told me that there are a few people from the waist to the ground because I jump between them, actually hurt himself。 But they soon came back again。 A person go to him to see my whole face, he lifted his hands looked up, surprised, shouting with a sharp and clear voice: "the boss, Gul" the rest of the sentence shouted several times, but I still do not know what they mean。 The readers could believe that I had been lying like this very uncomfortable, and finally struggled to get rid of it。 Lucky me, suddenly broke the rope and pulled out of the ground that tied my left arm peg。 I put my left arm up to the front, only to find the way they bind me。 At this time, I pulled hard, though it was very painful, I loosened the rope that tied my hair on the left side, so that I could slightly turn my head two inches。 But before I could catch them, they ran away; they shouted, shrill shouts after, I heard someone shouted loudly: "brother in Thor ng"; in a blink of an eye, I feel a hundred arrows hit my left hand, like the needle stung me; they continued to the sky shot for a while, as we lost like the Europeans, I think there are a lot of arrows on me (although I don&#;t think), some also fell on my face, I hurried to cover his face with his left hand。 This burst of arrows later, I was overwhelmed by grief to groan, after a while I was struggling to get out, they put a longer than those who just put arrows, some people still want to use a spear to my waist; fortunately, I was wearing a leather vest, they stabbed in。

4 . 女人如果不性感,就要感性;如果没有感性,就要理性;如果没有理性,就要有自知之明;如果连这个都没有了,她只有不幸。

5 . 一度著蛇咬,怕见断井索

6 . 千人诺诺,不如一士谔谔

7 . 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧

8 . ,月光清幽。淅沥的雨滴打在茅屋上,昏黄的灯光下,母亲密密地缝着游子的夹衣,忽然,一阵冷风挤进茅屋的窗隙,母亲似乎着凉,带着浓浓的倦意咳嗽了几声。我梦中惊醒,怔怔地看着灯下年迈的母亲……

9 . 尽管小说以一个意外的“大团圆”收场,但当读者流着眼泪读完该书时,却感到无限的遗憾心酸。有人说爱情是自私的,但在狄更斯的《双城记》中,我却能深深地感受到一种超脱世俗的最纯洁最崇高的爱。它隐藏在内心深处,但却无比的深厚;它默默地承受煎熬,为的只是使心爱的人幸福;它总是无私地付出,而不求一点儿的回报。这种爱在无形中上升到一个新境界,永恒地放着凄美而迷人的光彩。

10 . 一棒一条痕,一掴一掌血

