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1 . "I would rather die with my head high, with indestructible faith and profound belief in the destiny of our country, than live in humility and renounce the principles which are sacred to me"

2 . Mr Green is not so old as he looks It isn&#;t as cold as it was yesterday

3 . A merry Chistmas from all of your students

4 . "Would you like to be taught Latin?" - I asked

5 . These arms are supposed to have been used by partisans during the anti-Japanese war

6 . The least means shall be used to achieve the greatest end Which of the boys studies best?

7 . It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!

8 . [注] 比较级前可加一些增强语气的词,如:much, even, still, a little (bit, slightly, far , any, no, a lot 等。

9 . The road to a lover&#;s house is never long

10 . But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end 只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散。


1 . [注] most前,如果没有the,则不是表示比较,而表示 "很", "非常", 如: The present world situation is most favorable for the people The meeting proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere

2 . 有些语句的词序变动较大阅读和翻译时要弄清其结构。如:Easier said than done (=It is easier to be said than to be done In science, more than in any other human institution, it is necessary to search out the past in order to understand the present and to control the future (= It is more necessary in science than in any other human institution to search out…

3 . Don&#;t wait to be loved, to love

4 . I wish you a happy New Year All affection and best wishes to you and yours以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

5 . 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

6 . 不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善。

7 . No words are necessary between two loving hearts

8 . [注] 使用比较级要注意两点:

9 . This book is more interesting than that one

10 . 句型 "not to speak of" 等词组也可用以表示差比, 如: Even a worm, when trodden on, will turn, not to speak of a man outraged


1 . 句型[主语+…choose+名词A+before+名词B] [主语+before+从句]

2 . A hero should choose death before dishonor He chose this before all others

3 . I am willing to work myself to death before I give up I would do anything before that

4 . Don&#;t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend

5 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

6 . Love understands love; it needs no talk

7 . Don&#;t wait to have time, to be able to serve

8 . May happiness follow you everywhere …just like we do

9 . 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。

10 . Let the rain of spring, the showers of summer, the freshness of autumn, and the passion of winter surround you I wish you a happy birthday and warmest wishes for your birthday


1 . 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

2 . 用of 引出的短语表示范围: Of all the writers of the time Lu Shun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the people

3 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

4 . [注] 如果形容词后有一个单数可数名词, 不定冠词应置于名词之前形容词后, 如:He is as poor a speaker as I

5 . Word can say so little when someone cares so much Mother, Im wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that Id so like to say &&How thankful I am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you

6 . get up 起床;起立;(风浪火)大起来;打扮;安排;组织

7 . First impression of you is most lasting

8 . [注] 从反面表达最高比较级的方式很多,甚至可以不用比较级的词语,如:

9 . (正) The face of his father looks older than that of his uncle His father&#;s face looks older than his uncle&#;s

10 . The most short-sighted man could see that at a glance, with his naked eyes," said Martin


1 . Love is a fire which burns unseen

2 . 和你共渡余生,比任何一件事都重要!

3 . 我如此幸运能拥有你,你使我成为勇敢又快乐的人。

4 . You make my heart smile

5 . "How about a game of bridge?" - "I can&#;t think of a better idea"

6 . 拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

7 . Light does not travel at the same speed through all materials; it goes slower through some than through others

8 . If Cowperwood were convicted, Stener needs must be

9 . 我的心因你而笑。

10 . [注] 还有一些带比较级的词组,也含有比例发展的意味;但这些词组多用于表示同一事物的发展程度,一般不带被比对象。 "…ever+比较级+ (and+比较级…" 如:The story gets ever more exciting


1 . [注] 注意本句型的两式不可混用。不可说 "I prefer doing this rather than that" 只能说 "I prefer doing this to (doing that 或 I prefer to do this rather than do that

2 . 生命如花,爱情是蜜。

3 . 请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。

4 . The task is reported to have been completed yesterday

5 . 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

6 . 容易发生歧义的句子最好不用被动句,如:The tall doctor shook his head

7 . Passionate love is a quenchless thirst

8 . Our room is a little larger than theirs and it has more furniture in it

9 . 不是每天都能过生日,希望你今天生日快乐,愿你年年岁岁幸福永伴!

10 . Too much help is sometimes worse than no help

