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1 . 谢谢大家!

2 . This is the day to mark the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us这一天就是我们求学结束开始新生活的日子。

3 . I wish to conclude my speech with a prayer for the continued happiness of the newly married couple我最后要说的就是祝福这对新人永浴爱河。

4 . I did not expect at all that you would hold a party like this for me我一点也没想到你们为我举办一个这样的聚会。

5 . It is my great privilege, on this most auspicious occasion, to say a word of congratulation to the groom, Mr Smith, and to wish much happiness to his lovely bride在这个良辰吉时,我很荣幸向新郎史密斯先生说恭喜,并祝他的可爱的新娘幸福美满。

6 . Wearegatheredinthishalltodayforasadpurpose

7 . I certainly am thankful to the company for giving me such a chance, and I earnestly hope that I will live up to everyone’s expectations我非常感谢公司给我这样的一个机会,我诚挚期盼不负大家的期许。

8 . Nowordscanexpresshowthankfulwearetoyouonthisday

9 . We will miss him as a worker amongst us and also as a cheerful friend who could always brighten the day around here他是我们的同仁,也是让我们在这儿的日子充满欢乐的一位开朗的朋友,我们会怀念他的 。

10 . 无论岁还是岁,我们每个人都有着天生的好奇心孩子般刨根追底不厌其烦的渴求***幻想游戏人生的生活方式。在你我心中有着心灵的默契:只要我们的心还能从人们的身上和大自然的怀抱中感受到美丽希望快乐勇气和力量,那么我们依旧年轻无限。当幻想破灭,而你愤世嫉俗,对生活充满悲观情绪,那么你已经老了。即使在岁的时候,只要你积极乐观的追求你心中的幻想,一直到永远,那么你在岁的时候仍有一颗永保青春的心。


1 . never give up 永不放弃

2 . Now, looking back over those four years, I can’t imagine how the time went by so quickly现在,回头看过去这四年,我真无法想象时间过得这么快。

3 . Thisisthedaytomarktheendofourstudiesandthebeginningofanewlifeforallofus

4 . go all out to do everything我相信我可以做一件让世界变得更美好 全力以赴,尽一切

5 . Today is indeed a joyous occasion for all of us present here对我们列席的每个人而言,今天真是个令人欢欣的日子。

6 . I certainly wish Mr Smith the best of luck in everything he undertakes, either academically or socially, at Hope College and in America我祝福史密斯先生在霍浦学院和美国,不论是在学术上或是在社会上,一切顺利,万事如意。

7 . Weareallthrilledthatwoninsuchafamouscontest在这么有名的比赛中你赢了,我们都很兴奋。

8 . WeareheretodaytopayourrespectstoMrSmith,winneroftheTaiwanGolfTournament史密斯是台湾高尔夫球赛的获胜者,今天我们在这里向他表示我们的敬意。

9 . We are here to witness the union of two lives in marriage我们在此为两位联姻作见证。

10 . All the members of your department are before you today to wish you farewell and good luck in your future你部门的所有同仁都来到你面前,祝你一路平安,未来福星高照。


1 . If you don`t ever search, you`ll never be able to find(不去寻找 怎能有发现)

2 . Thank you once again from all of us我们大家再一次谢谢你。

3 . A year seems like such a long time to be away, so we will miss you a lot, and we hope you will miss us, too过了一年,似乎是很久远以前的事,我们会很想念我 你,希望你一样想念我们。

4 . 一些人说“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”我不知道谁写了这些话,但是我一直很喜欢它,因为它提醒了我,我们能够创造我们想要的未来。

5 . Itismygreatpleasuretosayawordofheartywelcometoallthealumniandalumnaewhohavecome–someofthemfromverygreatdistance–toattendthisreunionofformerESSmembers

6 . Words can’t express what is in their hearts Bob and Mary will never forget you for what you have done for them言辞无法表达他们的感受,鲍伯和玛莉将不会忘记你们尽心尽力为他们所做的事。

7 . No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day在这个日子,言语无法表达我们对你的感谢之意。

8 . Happy birthday from all us!我们全体祝你生日快乐!

9 . I hope you will think of me from time to time as I shall be thinking of you always我希望你们不时会想到我,就像我经常会想着你们一样。

10 . Someone said“we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book,whose pages are infinite”I don’t know who wrote these words,but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to beWe are all in the position of the farmersIf we plant a good seed,we reap a good harvestIf we plant nothing at all,we harvest nothing at all


1 . Thank you all once again for coming谢谢你们再度光临。

2 . Thanks for inviting me谢谢你邀请我来。

3 . Letmebeginbysaying“Thankyou”toallwhohavecometoattendthisevening一开始让我向所有今晚出席者说声「谢谢」。

4 . IF you don`t attempt to get over your doubts and fears, you`ll never discover howwonderful it is to live without them (不尝试打消疑问和恐惧 怎能知道无忧无虑地生活是多么的精彩.)

5 . It is my great pleasure to say a word of hearty welcome to all the alumni and alumnae who have come –some of them from very great distance –to attend this reunion of former ESS members我很荣幸对所有的`男女校友们表示衷心欢迎,校友们来----有些是从很远的地方---参加这以前英语演讲学会成员的聚会。

6 . I’m full of excitement我很兴奋。

7 . I owe a great deal to all of you我欠你们大家太多了。

8 . I wish to thank you, first of all, for holding this party for me首先我要谢谢你为我办这个聚会。

9 . 现在,我们坐下来享用晚餐吧。

10 . Thank you!


1 . good morning,dear teacher and my friends

2 . 正如我在前面所说的“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”过去的已经过去,无论我们无力改变,但是未来却在我们前方。相信“我们给了世界什么,世界也将给我们”。并且从今天起,让我们一起做我们自己的主人,一起大声说出“世界是我们的,未来是我们的。”

3 . IamtrulyhappytospeakforallofusincongratulatingMrSmith,thewinneroftheContest我真的很高兴为我们大家向比赛的胜利者史密斯先生表示道贺。

4 . It is my pleasure to call Mary my closest and dearest friend我很高兴的说,玛莉是我最亲密的朋友。

5 . I’msurethatyouwillallbeinterestedinhearingthelatestofwhatishappeningatourschool

6 . ItismygreatpleasurethiseveningtowelcomeMrSmith,whohasjustarrivedfromChicagoandwillbespendingseveralweeksinTaiwan今晚我很荣幸来欢迎史密斯先生,他刚从芝加哥来,将在台湾停留几个礼拜。

7 . Thank you for your kind invitation谢谢你一番好意邀请我来。

8 . 现在,回头看过去这四年,我真无法想象时间过得这么快。

9 . In the first place, I wish to say a word of thanks for holding this send-off party for me为我办这个欢送会,首先我要说声谢谢。

10 . May all your birthdays be happy and gay祝你所有的生日都充满欢乐与喜悦。


1 . Now,lookingbackoverthosefouryears,Ican’timaginehowthetimewentbysoquickly

2 . What a joy it is to have wonderful friends like you!有你们这么棒的朋友,真是高兴。

3 . 亲爱的老师,朋友们:

4 . 我们都是农夫。如果我们播下好的种子,我们将会丰收。如果我们的种子很差,有很多草籽,收割的将是无用的庄稼。如果我们什么也不播种,什么收获也没有。

5 . I really don’t know whether to be happy or sad here today今天在这里我真的不知道要高兴,还是要悲伤。

6 . If you don`t go beyonddifficulty, you won`t grow any stronger(不克服困难 怎能变得强大)

7 . Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to propose a toast to our Mary各位女士,各位先生,我想我们向玛莉干杯祝贺。

8 . Onbehalfofeveryonegatheredheretonight,Iwouldliketosayhowhappywearetoseeyouagain谨代表今晚来此的每一个人,表达我们又再见到您的欢喜的心情。

9 . Unfortunately,duetopressureofbusiness,herhusbandhasbeenunabletocometoTaiwanthistime,butIunderstandhehopestopayavisitnextyear很不巧,因为工作关系,她先生这一次未能来台,但我知道他希望明年能来。

10 . Onbehalfofthejudges,Iwanttotakethisopportunitytoextendourheartfeltcongratulationstoyourteammembersonyourstunningvictoryinthedebatingcontest谨代表所有评审,用这个机会,向你们的队员在辩论赛中赢得漂亮的胜利表示由衷的祝贺。


1 . Whatever you do in the future, good luck and success to you不管你们将来做什么,祝你们好运成功。

2 . Now, let’s sit down and enjoy this dinner现在,我们坐下来享用晚餐吧。

3 . We are young“How to spend the youth?”It is a meaningful questionTo answer it,first I have to ask“what do you understand by the word youth?”Youth is not a time of life,it’s a state of mindIt’s not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips or supple kneesIt’s the matter of the willIt’s the freshneof the deep spring of life

4 . IF you don`t keep your dreams alive, you won`t have your dreams any longer (不让梦想燃烧 怎能让梦想永存)

5 . IF you don`t ever take chances, you won`t reachthe rainbows(不抓住机会 怎能见彩虹)

6 . I am truly honored by the kindness and attention you have shown me today今天你们对我的厚意与关照,我真的感到很荣幸。

7 . We all hope we will have the pleasure of celebrating many more with you我们都希望每年都能高兴的和你过生日。

8 . I’d like to thank Mr Smith not only for coming to this party, but also for making such a nice speech full of good advice and kind words encouragement我要感谢史密斯先生莅临这个聚会,以及发表这么棒的演讲,充满了受益良多的忠告和鼓励的话。

9 . I’m sure that you will all be interested in hearing the latest of what is happening at our school听听我们学校最近发生什么事,我深信你们都会感兴趣。

10 . 早上好!

