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1 . how are you doing? 你好吗?

2 . No current will not venture, there is no climbing mountain

3 . 我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。下苦功,三个字,一个叫下,一个叫苦,一个叫功,一定要振作精神,下苦功。——***

4 . its funny 很滑稽。

5 . its about time 是时候了。

6 . Adversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it

7 . 不幸与幸运都是正直的试金石。

8 . TAll mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good

9 . Learning to read literature book, is also not good Previous literary youth, often disgusted with mathematics, science, history, biology, that these are insignificant, and later became even common sense is not -- Lu Xun

10 . as soon as possible 尽快。


1 . 人生最宝贵的是生命,人生最需要的是学习,人生最愉快的是工作,人生最重要的是友谊。——斯大林

2 . Learn to pay attention to details, not crude and careless so you can gradually, learning and exploration, find the objective law -- Xu Teli

3 . 必须记住我们学习的时间有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人事纷繁。——斯宾塞

4 . 假如你家的窗户是玻璃做的,别用石头打你的邻居。

5 . 驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点 机会,不停止一日努力。

6 . The future truly outstanding enterprises, will be able to try to make all sectors of personnel dedicated, and have the ability to continue to learn the organization -- Peter Senge

7 . go right ahead 一直往前走。

8 . If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life

9 . In the river of truth seeking, only to learn, continue to learn, hard to learn, learn creatively to the mountain across the mountains -- Hua Luogeng

10 . 学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思。我就是靠这个方法成为科学家的。——爱因斯坦


1 . 钉子有两个好处:一个是挤劲,一个是钻劲。我们在学习上要提倡这种“钉子”精神,善于挤和钻。——雷锋

2 . 山路不象坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。

3 . i am wasting my time 我在浪费时间。

4 . 最的欢迎的是善行。

5 . 教学必须从学习者已有的开始。——杜威

6 . thats interesting 很有趣。

7 . 天才不能使人不必工作,不能代替劳动。要发展天才,必须长时间地学习和高度紧张地工作。人越有天才,他面临的`任务也就越复杂,越重要。——阿·斯米尔诺夫

8 . It takes a lot of thought and effort and downright determination to be agreeable 要做到与人融洽相处,需要仔细地思考,认真地努力和痛下决心。

9 . As long as the heart is still jumping, we must work hard to learn -- Zhang Haidi

10 . 对所学知识内容的兴趣可能成为学习动机。——赞科夫


1 . Growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness 智慧的增长可用痛苦的减少来精确衡量。

2 . Men have forgotten this truth But you must not forget it You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed You are responsible for your rose//

3 . i knew it我早知道了。

4 . 谁能最恰当地评价一个人,他的敌人还是他自己?

5 . it dosent matter 没关系。

6 . me too 我也一样。

7 . 谁在装束和发型上用尽心思,谁就没有精力用于学习;谁只注意修饰外表的美丽,谁就无法得到内在的美丽。——杨尊田

8 . Learn to learn, is a very happy person -- Mi Nande

9 . People want to live independently, learn useful skills Cade:

10 . 要建设,就必须有知识,必须掌握科学。而要有知识,就必须学习,顽强地耐心地学习。向所有的人学习,不论向敌人或朋友都要学习,特别是向敌人学习。——斯大林


1 . The nail has two advantages: one is squeezing and a drill We should advocate this kind of "nail" spirit, be good at squeezing and drilling -- Lei Feng

2 . Initiative is doing the right thing without being told

3 . Can not put the childs spiritual world into a simple learning knowledge If we try our best to concentrate all our childrens spiritual strength on our lessons, his life will become unbearable He is not only a student, but also a person who has many interests, needs and desires --Sue Home Linsky

4 . Keeping in mind the rain seed dedicated told, enhances the outstanding courage

5 . I learned a lifetime, and now I am still learning, and in the future, as long as I have the energy, I have to learn to go --Billingsky

6 . 敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须充满光明。

7 . At first Jonathan thought: “ My father was right I must forget this foolishness I must fly Home to the Flock and be content as I am, as a poor limited seagull” He seemed to surrender to his predestination

8 . Keep conscience clear,then never fear

9 . 如果你能多做善事,你会比王子还要幸福。

10 . Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself?


1 . A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become 一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们就变得越自然。

2 . 学习英语的名言:学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。——爱因斯坦

3 . The good seaman is known in bad weather

4 . Keep flax from fire,youth from gaming

5 . 蒙骗得了一人,但蒙骗不了所有的人。

6 . 学习的敌人是自己的满足,要认真学习一点东西,必须从不自满开始。对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“诲人不倦”,我们应取这种态度。——***

7 . 如果你想攀登高峰,切莫把彩虹当作梯子。

8 . 我们愈是学习,愈觉得自己的贫乏。——雪莱

9 . Think twice before acting

10 . “One day,” you said to me, “I say the sunset forty-four times!”


1 . let me know告诉我。

2 . Who has deceiv&#;d thee so oft as thy self?

3 . not yet 还没有。

4 . Nothing is impossible for a willing heart 心之所愿,无所不成。

5 . 青年是整个社会力量中的一部分最积极最有生气的力量。他们最肯学习,最少保守思想,在社会主义时代尤其是这样。——***

6 . 如果你年轻时就没有学会思考,那么就永远学不会思考。(美国发明家 爱迪生。 T。

7 . dont tell me that 不要告诉我。

8 . 我们应该赞美岩石的坚定。我们应该学习岩石的坚定。我们应该对革命有着坚强的信念。——陶铸

9 . how long are you staying? 你要呆多久?

10 . is it far? 很远吗?


1 . A man should keep his friendship in constant repair 只有经常“浇灌”,方能保持友谊长地久

2 . Now, I am afraid that it is not the hard life, but can not learn and understand the world I want to understand the urgent need to understand the world Dont work for me, or die -- Lomonosov

3 . 梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的,它只是 让人们的脚放上一段时间,以便让别一只脚能够再往上登。

4 . 学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。——米南德

5 . “Were you so sad, then?” I asked, “on the day of the forty-four sunsets?” But the little prince made no reply

6 . The situation is constantly changing, to make their own ideas to adapt to the new situation, you have to learn -- Mao Zedong

7 . You can&#;t force myself like to do something, but you can make yourself do doesn&#;t like!

8 . If the fear of front and rocks, life can only ever be a backwater

9 . Control the destiny of the rudder is the struggle Not a fantasy, do not give up the opportunity, do not stop on the驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点 机会,不停止一日努力。

10 . Labor through the body, learning through the soul -- Smith


1 . At the peak of the climber, not intoxicated in a step along the way志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

2 . The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,when cowards and fools shew no mercy

3 . 留得青山在,不怕没柴少。

4 . We dont need to die to read memorize something, we need to develop and enhance every learner with basic knowledge of thinking -- Lenin

5 . 读书是最好的学习。追随伟大人物的思想,是最富有趣味的一门科学。——普希金

6 . i would like a cup of coffeeplease 请给我一杯咖啡。

7 . You may be too cunning for one,but not for all

8 . He dares to declare war on the dark people, the heart must be full of light

9 . 好好学习,天天向上。——***

10 . Interest in the content of the knowledge may become a learning motivation - Zankov

