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1 . we want you to know how happy we were

2 . shes a wonderful (fine(splendid(marvelous(charming(very lovely(pretty girl in every way

3 . It was good (fine(charming(thoughtfulof you

4 . permit me to congratulate you

5 . 哦,我忘记了自己为什么要首先给那人打电话。

6 . 感谢失败让我找到成功的足迹,感谢挫折让我领悟人生的真谛,感谢坎坷让我领略幸福的魅力,感谢朋友让品尝友谊的甜蜜。感恩节,让我们心怀感恩!

7 . 请允许我向您祝贺……

8 . This is to thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing you again

9 . You couldn&#;t have given me anything that I wanted (would enjoy more

10 . 母亲刚才告诉我们这(重大的(令人高兴的消息。


1 . He that respects not is not respected 欲受人敬,要先敬人。

2 . 雨降落人间,落入地里,滋润植物;阳光挥洒人间,洒满大地,照耀万物;你出生人间,与我为友,情意永存;感恩节到了,感谢你我的朋友,愿你永远快乐,幸福永存。

3 . 人须有感恩之心,而后乃心静,心静乃豁达,豁达乃知进退。感恩节,感激身边的每一个人,是他们陪你度过了这样的生活,心存感恩,幸福长久。

4 . I don&#;t know when I have had such a delightful(pleasant(memorable(enjoyableweekend as the one

5 . A girl does not need a guy to be happy女孩们,即使没有男朋友,一样可以很快乐!

6 . 向家人感恩,浓浓亲情相依相偎;向爱人感恩,甜蜜爱情浪漫相随;向朋友感恩,情义无价有你相陪;向生活感恩,懂得知足快乐加倍!感恩节快乐!

7 . 我们结束我们的友谊。我们的婚姻出现裂痕。

8 . ……使我们深受感动。

9 . You were kind to send a gift

10 . 星星对月亮说你真好,大地对太阳说你真好,小鸟对绿树说你真好,我对你说你真好,一切都缘于感恩的心!祝你感恩节快乐!


1 . he has everything a girl could want in a husband (both feet on the ground ( a good background!

2 . 艾里丝极其幸福。

3 . 追求一份更有意义的职业

4 . 感谢相遇过相伴过我的人;感谢那些关心过关爱过我的人;感谢你们给我带来的精彩;感谢你们正在看短信,感恩节快乐!

5 . 我认为这真了不起!

6 . 西德尼和我同向您问好(致意。

7 . 再没有比您的礼物更为我所想要的了。(更能使我喜欢了)

8 . 希望不久您能有机会到纽约来,使我能答谢您的盛情。

9 . I am very sincerely (most (truly grateful to you for

10 . In order to invest in our retirement or save for that down payment, we would have needed to make wiser financial spending choices Things like buying or holding on to that perfectly reliable used car, instead of splurging on the new model…because we could, eating out less and saving for a house instead, buying fewer shoes and purses and clothes and paying off student loans sooner So many saving opportunities lost, money spent on tangible things, instead of on the future


1 . Many thanks for your kind and warm letter

2 . The end of the prelude is no longer two saying 结束的前奏是两个人不再有话说

3 . I sincerely (deeply (warmly appreciate

4 . 祝一切顺利(万事如意(无比幸福。

5 . 今天!虽然我不信基督,但我认同感恩,真的感谢上苍让我们相识,愿我们成为一生的朋友!祝福你,我亲爱的朋友和你的家人月日感恩节快乐!

6 . 不因碌碌无为而气馁,只因平平安安而感恩;不因风雨奔波而沮丧,只因心怀梦想而知足。人生路漫漫,因感恩,而格外添彩。祝感恩节快乐!

7 . 今天感恩节,忙碌的朋友,请停一下匆匆的脚步,看看周围那些可亲可爱的亲朋,回顾往昔恩情共度的记忆,满怀感恩和快乐!

8 . Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of my heart 老师,感谢您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途,对您我满怀感谢之情。

9 . WestopstartingWequittheclub

10 . Send you our everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness on this special day 在这特别的日子谨向您致以我们永恒的感激之情。


1 . 问为什么没什么问题。

2 . we have heard so much about her (we are eager to meet her

3 . i wish you many more anniversaries -- each happier than the last

4 . 我们如此兴奋地(高兴地(激动地获悉(从这一消息中获悉……

5 . 我愿您知道……

6 . Ithinkweneedindeedremindusofwhy

7 . 我们停止开始。我们退出俱乐部。

8 . we hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together (in your chosen career

9 . Iguessthatcountstoo

10 . I wish I had learned to ski and paint, speak Italian and do the Tango I regret not living somewhere else before settling down Others have said they regret not pursuing their hobbies or learning to sky dive or mountain climb I prefer to stay on the ground, but I do regret not learning more, not trying new things that are hard to fit into the life of a forty something working wife and mother


1 . the best of everything (to both of you

2 . 但我在谈论一个更深层次的问题,而且更为重要,那就是为什么?

3 . 惠赠结婚礼物是我们收到的最佳的礼物之一,现陈设在壁炉架上最显眼的地位。

4 . 祝您长寿!

5 . 这是一个记忆问题。

6 . 人生总是充满遗憾。问问你周围的人他们有没有遗憾的事情,他们会轻而易举的列出一大堆“遗憾清单”。由于某些原因,多岁最容易犯错的年纪。

7 . Your lovely gift came this morning(was waiting for us when

8 . 在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

9 . many happy returns!

10 . i am gladder than glad

