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1 . Class and class : unity and enterprising, innovation, hard work and first class

2 . , transcend the limit, transcend the self

3 . 青春处处是赛场。

4 . , the brave struggle first, unite one heart, create good achievements together

5 . 护航G创建平安线

6 . , carry forward the spirit of sports, improve the quality of teachers and students!

7 . 志愿服务我先行平安护航G

8 . , the revitalization of the Chinese, I class Wei yang

9 . , class: unity and hard work, striving for the feat, leap dream, unremitting self-improvement

10 . 发扬拼搏精神,振兴荆州体育。


1 . , keep pace with the times, pioneering and innovative, tenacious struggle, won the first

2 . 口号:九班九班,勇夺桂冠,齐心协力,共创辉煌。

3 . 口号:山中猛虎,水中蛟龙,六班六班,卧虎藏龙。

4 . , Hunan stadium exhibition majestic, Kyushu athletes jingfeng!

5 . 口号:竞速时代,xx班最帅,团结友爱,不可阻碍。

6 . , I am wonderful, I exercise

7 . 迎接G当好东道主

8 . 和谐省运会,魅力新荆州。

9 . , civilization and discipline embrace victory

10 . 最美榕城赛青春。


1 . , learn from each other, learn from each other, make persistent efforts, yongpangaofeng!

2 . , work hard and strive for the first

3 . 小手拉大手护航G

4 . , unity and struggle

5 . , the Olympic spirit shine, young athletes show grace!

6 . 论赛场英雄,扬荆楚风范。

7 . 文明杭州精彩有我

8 . 让激情在江陵碰撞。

9 . 平安护航G,你我共同携手

10 . 你我的`一言一行,杭州的文明形象


1 . 体育的盛会,荆州的节日!

2 . 希望在福州放飞,激情在青运点燃。

3 . 人文绿色和谐,助力荆楚复兴。

4 . 弘扬奥运精神,拥抱健康人生。

5 . Class , class : youth like fire, beyond self, eight years and five classes, struggle bravely

6 . Class , class : hard work, embrace victory, eleven, eleven, bravery first

7 . 德育重在坚持,文明贵在行动

8 . , unity and struggle, always create brilliance

9 . 活力,阳光,梦想。

10 . 青春无限,福州有约。

