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1 . , open your sails, go to the wind and wind the waves, hang my blessings on the mast, the whistle on the wharf has ended the dream of yesterday, and the thoughts of the years will recall the time of the past

2 . 一声汽笛,跌落在旷野;无限的惆怅与孤独,在别离的那一刻,一齐从心头滋生。

3 . , the migratory geese have queued up in the long sky The spring flowers of the message have bloomed, dear friends and friends, we love each other so much that the separation will only make our hearts close

4 . 一朵花中有一个世界,当片片花絮织成了深厚的友谊时,谱下年少时的诗意篇篇。在以后的日子里,愿你在未来的天空中自由的翱翔,攀登知识的峰。

5 . 我们在学校结下了深厚的友谊,虽然只有一年的时间里,你也有许多的朋友,我们的友谊比水晶还要透明,互相谦让,从不打架。要毕业了,我希望你朋友像天上的星星一样,在这个世界展开翅膀,自由飞翔。

6 . 梦想的蓝图等你描画,美好的未来等你创造。祖国的明天等你建设,成功的道路等你摸索。开学日到了,背上书包,愿你汲取知识的力量,创造辉煌!

7 . 比起生活在一个依靠现在的智力就能理解一切的地方来,我宁愿生活在充满新奇的神秘世界。那么,你呢?

8 . 青山在,人未老,同学情正浓;岁月增,水长流,情怀依旧深。

9 . 四十二时光流逝,岁月如歌,转眼间,我们走过了十个春夏秋冬。今天我们又欢聚在母校,共寻纯洁浪漫的时光,找回失落的梦想和记忆。

10 . 我们就要告别敬爱的老师告别母校这个美丽的家园。母校是我们人生的摇篮,母校更是我们腾飞的起点。让我们在这里起飞,飞向祖国的蓝天,飞遍祖国的各个角落。今天,我们以母校为荣。明天,让母校为我们而骄傲!


1 . 热爱书籍吧!请相信:它是一切大厦和纪念碑的基石,它是一切栋梁之材的根系。知识是一匹无私的骏马,谁能驾驭它,它就属于谁。

2 . 十五你我的朋友们,我们要暂时分别了;“珍重珍重”的话,我也不再说了。在这欲去未去的夜色里,努力铸造几颗小晨星;虽然没有多大光明,但也能使那早行的人高兴。

3 . 四年风雨同舟成就兄弟缘,三十载天南地北重续同学情!

4 . , life is a picture of smooth and setback, joy and pain intertwined Just as our farewell to today and the meeting in the future are the inevitable tracks of life, then why should we lament, why should we cry Stepping on the distant train, the future is no longer a misty dream Do not know when to reunite today, send you a rain flower stone, but wish many years later, you can still remember the friend who is laughing and weeping with you! Cherish it!

5 . , wound like me, is a stubborn child, refused to heal, because the heart is warm and humid place, suitable for anything growth

6 . , hide at a certain time, miss a period of palmprint; hiding in a certain place, miss a standing on the road also standing in the way, let me worry about people

7 . , the cause is made of tenacity, ruined by impatience In the desert, the hasty travelers often fall behind the calm ones; the fast horses are moving ahead, and the slow camels are moving forward

8 . , the life of six years of primary school is over Looking back to the alma mater to educate the English, I would like to thank you for the hard education of our teachers, and thank you for the class of students who have been through the wind and rain Thank you for the small garden that accompanied us all the time Let us always keep these thanks in our childhood memories

9 . 十斗转星移,当岁月不停的轮回,不免有着年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同的感慨,告别了曾经天真烂漫的容颜,彼此的脸上多了一份成熟,一份自信,一份淡泊。

10 . 艺术是人们司空见惯的景象,路边的一草一木,一花一树,只要是顺其天然的天性而动,都可以是美的拥有者,都可以称之为“艺术”。人们生活中缺少不了艺术,即不会欣赏艺术的人亦不会生活。


1 . 十三一闪一闪亮晶晶,天上的星星眨眼睛,寂静的夜空,送你一堆好梦,愿你在人生的旅途中,烦恼都成空,朋友,晚安!

2 . , growth is no end of the journey, sincerely hope that tomorrow is a sunny day, we can all get ahead

3 . Time is flying away, and years are passing by Only our friendship is always in my heart Farewell, my friend! Take care, my friend!

4 . 艺术是花,美丽处处可见,艺术是雪,洁白纯洁让人永生难忘,艺术是海,其中藏着无数珍宝,艺术是灯,为我们照亮前进的路,艺术是一块磁石,将人吸引,艺术是歌,让人沉醉。

5 . 风雨历程三十载难舍难分难忘;同甘共苦四春秋如梦如幻如歌。

6 . 年轮在更换,岁月漫漫,他日好胜之心,今日非同惜比,人生有多么的悲伤和痛苦,俱往也,今日来重逢,一切不如意,伤死过路人。同学看不起,人生真可悲。

7 . “艺术”这个词,乍一听起来好象离我们很远。总以为它是属于艺术家们的,是高雅者的研究对象,很难与我们这些寻常百姓套上近乎。可是,如果你真的留意一下生活,那些艺术,其实无处不在地存在于我们周围。

8 . 回忆这六在一起学习生活的美好时光,你们每个人都是一颗璀璨的星星,用你自己最耀眼的光芒,感染着这个集体中的每一个人。

9 . 六年的小学生活过去了,我们即将离开亲爱的母校。这时,我们才发现,“毕业”不是一个轻飘飘的名词,而是一份沉甸甸的留恋。对于难舍难分的同学,对于循循善诱的老师,对于朝夕相伴的校园。我们有太多太多的依恋与感恩。

10 . 这些张扬轻掷的时光,这些肆意胡闹的日子,这些荒唐无聊的岁月,如指缝间流逝的沙砾,过一天就少一天,永不再返。


1 . Don’t be disappointed on the journey of life There are friends in the world Seize your chance and value your opportunities May our friendship be everlasting?

2 . 希望最美好的祝福和希望,都送给你!希望最香甜的蛋糕和奶油,都出现在你面前!祝你生日快乐!

3 . 真正的艺术不是也不可能是再现性的。

4 . 四十六往事如烟,温馨如昨,相聚使我们重温起那一同走过的日子,回忆起那段激情燃烧的岁月!历久弥新,永不褪色!

5 . 二十二同学聚会绝非是简单的吃喝玩乐,她是需要用心去策划和组织,因为这是一种情感,是一种需要维护的情感,人生并不是拥有很多年,年,年难得相见,每一次都值得我们好好珍惜!同学聚会最终是要留给大家珍贵的,美好的回忆空间回忆的时候只有感动,只有憧憬,而没有一丝遗憾

6 . 艺术是浑然一体的,只有融合了一切种类的艺术才能臻于最完美的境界。

7 . 四十七我们是同学,友情就会紧紧追随牵动多少年,岁月还在四季里奔跑,期望同学之间的友谊像常青树那样四季温存,密云的山水散发魅力永远湛蓝碧绿。

8 . 二十七大家相见的第一刻,竟是那样地放纵那样无拘无束地惊喊打趣戏谑握手拥抱仿佛忘记了自己的年龄,仿佛又回到了二十年前的校园。彼此想说的话太多,有聊不完的前尘往事,有说不尽离情别绪,更有道不完的喜悦与之沧桑。

9 . 祝福同学,祝福老师,永远健康快乐!一帆风顺!

10 . 柳荫下握别百般惆怅,同窗数载少年情长,望征程千种思绪,愿友情化为奋进的力量!


1 . 相信自己,我会在远方为你送去最真挚的祝福,付出就会有收获的!放松心情,去迎接挑战,我相信你,你一定是最出色的!

2 . , the university is coming to an end, but the struggle is not over In the future, I would like to continue to strictly request the status of the graduates of the Southern Division, work conscientiously and work hard, and strive for the best results

3 . , I will bring the knowledge I learned in four years into the society, and thank every teacher and every student I meet here

4 . , some people will always be engraved in the memory, even if they forget his voice, forget his smile, forget his face, but when thinking of him, it will never change

5 . , time did not wait for me, is you forgot to take me away, my left hand never forget the firefly, right hand is ten years a long meditation

6 . 四十八合影留念是同学的心又一次的相聚。在通讯便捷的年代里让我们拿起手机把号码拨出去,一句轻声的问候,带着关爱的心情,一条祝福的短信,承载友爱的桥梁。

7 . 岁月如梭,弹指一挥三十年,昔日风华正茂的少男少女们如今已两鬓斑白,步入了天命之年,我们风风雨雨沟沟坎坎。

8 . 很荣幸与你同窗共读六载,使我结识了你这位潇洒的“才子”,我欣赏你的气质,敬佩你的为人,想必你今后一定会成为我的挚友。

9 . 自从学了葫芦丝,我感觉自己好像变了一个人似的,喜欢生长在有艺术气息的地方。可以说,没有艺术,我就没有乐趣。

10 . 每一天,对咱们来说,是一个挑战,是一个新的开始,是昨日的结束。每一天,咱们在发奋,在学习。但是当那一次次残忍的考试打击者咱们,咱们又失去斗志。

