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1 . 祝你心情舒畅,节日愉快,注意身体,多多保重!

2 . 生日来临,带给你无数的快乐日子,一年中天天都会想起,生日的快乐温馨。

3 . National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you million:

4 . Many happy returns of this special day All our best wishes go to you on your birthday

5 . 愿你的生日特别快乐,愿新的一年中心想事成!

6 . And then find a favorite person, so at eight in the evening to six points is happy, this is life

7 . May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true

8 . 妈妈们应该得到的不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。

9 . without the country, how can there be home; no home, how can there be you and me national day approaching, let us wish of the family yuan yuan, everything!没有国,哪有家;没有家,哪有你我。国庆来临,让我们共祝愿国圆家圆,家和万事兴!

10 . 喜欢在春光明媚的早晨,享受那娇艳欲滴的一抹新绿;喜欢在阳光灿 烂的午后,感受那一片绚烂所淋浴着的温暖。


1 . 祝您有个最棒的父亲节。

2 . In the morning, we leave home, take our love, hope and trust When we encounter the difficult setbacks in the road, these are our wealth

3 . 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福

4 . 我们祝你欢庆这一天,愿你生日的快乐与分俱增!

5 . 人说遗传基因很重要,我要特别谢谢你爸把你生得如此好,人说后天培养是再生力量,我要特别谢谢你爸爸的好家教!父亲节,祝你的父亲节日快乐!

6 . 人们都说慈母多败儿,都说严父出孝儿,您的教育您的辅导您的支持您的鼓舞您的训斥…陪伴我度过岁岁年年。今天父亲节,祝福所有父亲节日快乐。

7 . 衷心感谢你在过去一年为公司做出的贡献,祝五一快乐,万事如意!

8 . 谢谢您不断地扶持我。祝您母亲节快乐。

9 . china recalling the road traveled over so many years, i am glad he is a chinese! and i would like to have the same idea - a happy national day! ! 回顾中国这么多年走过的路,我庆幸自己是一名中国人!愿和我有同样想法的人??国庆快乐!!

10 . This is for all the things that you have done for me


1 . Roses are red, violets are blue This card on Mother’s Day is especially for you

2 . 劳动是人类的幸福之源。

3 . 五一是个祝福日,祝你平安福满园!

4 . 愿你宿愿得偿,快乐幸福更胜以往。

5 . when you see i will give you the blessing of this, you should first hard wall, see not, you immediate countless stars is unlimited i wish a happy national day! 当你看到我给你的这份祝福,请将头用力撞墙,看到没有,你眼前无数的星星是我无限的祝福,国庆快乐!

6 . as always ,i hope the sweetheart festival to be joyful!

7 . 万事如意: hope everything goes your way

8 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day

9 . 当你看到这条短信时,我的心正在为你祈祷,祈祷你心中充满幸福,祈祷天使永远在你身边,祈祷你的未来无忧无虑,祝父亲节快乐!

10 . The man who can get a success in this world is to get up in the morning to find the opportunity they want, and if they can&#;t find it, create it


1 . Dont labor labor day!So Im just tired fingers move,give you clockwork SMS to wish you a happy labor day!

2 . 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!

3 . 年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for

4 . 虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。

5 . Live for the moments, not for the memories Live for your present and your future, not for the past!

6 . I hope everything goes well

7 . Affectionate birthday greetings Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life

8 . Birthday comes and birthday goes each year, and this leaves the happy

9 . I want to be one of the first who say "Happy birthday to you" May everything it take to make a very happy and successful year!

10 . Have a great day, for today is your birthday and a wonderful event Wish you happiness unfolding like the petal of a rose


1 . Be happy, be cheerful It"s time to celebrate My friend was born today Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through

2 . 大吉大利:wish you good fortune and every success

3 . Labor glorious!Labor,live forever!With their own hands to create brilliant,for the most beloved people to happiness!

4 . 名列前茅: always come first in examinations

5 . 小小的生日祝福。略表我的心愿。愿你的追求孜孜不倦,愿你永远学而不厌。

6 . may day is a gas station,fill up the body for you!

7 . throughout the carpet of flowers forms the sky music critics in this beautiful day, let me with the most sincere blessings with you through神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。在这美好日子里,让我用最真挚的祝福伴您渡过。

8 . in this season of heavy fragrance, pleasant day across the country, there is a feeling worried about is, there is a miss is thinking sincerely wish you a happy national day 在这馥郁芬芳的季节,举国欢腾的日子,有一种心情叫牵挂,有一种思维叫想念。衷心祝你,国庆快乐。

9 . Just off the beautiful Chang E, ushered in the birthday of the motherland I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success! ! !

10 . you use industrious hands,and create a better life,today is you of festival,i wish you a happy holiday!


1 . Thanks for being there, mom Happy Mother’s Day

2 . 有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。

3 . Workaholic,May Day off,take girl friend to go to play,dont always stay inside I wish a happy holiday!

4 . I leave you in the morning and dusk; I leave half my half to you 我把早晨和黄昏留给你;我把我的一半留给你。

5 . 我爱您胜过一切。

6 . 时值父亲节,致以最真挚的祝福!

7 . The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going

8 . 如果一片树叶代表快乐我送你一片森林;如果一滴水代表一个祝福,我送你一个东海;如果一颗流星代表一份幸福,我送你一条银河,祝父亲节开心!

9 . autumn years, the harvest season, i wish the most sincere smile with you, deeply wishes you happy national day, cause brilliant touch down! ! !金秋的岁月,丰收的季节,愿我最真诚的笑容伴随你,深深的祝福你,国庆节快快乐乐,事业辉煌腾达!!!

10 . 每当想起你我就无比的自豪。在这个特殊的节日里我祝福你!父亲我爱你!祝父亲快乐!

