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1 . 谁都不是谁的,我们终究只会,属于我们自己。

2 . 我们不需要死读硬记,我们需要用基本的知识来发展和增进每个学习者的思考力。——列宁

3 . 学习要有三心,一信心,二决心,三恒心。——陈景润

4 . 坚强,真实,做自己。

5 . If you fall in love with a person。[如果你爱了上一个人。]

6 . 一些给我们上课,一些让我们痊愈,有的用来分担分享,有的用来真爱。

7 . Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one

8 . 摘一株薰衣草放在你的枕边,煮一碗小米粥放在你的床头,冲一杯红糖水放在你的手中,说一句悄悄话飘在你的耳边:祝今夜好梦,舒畅无限!

9 . 【I like you most in the scenery of all things】

10 . When we face two choices ,the coin will give us a right answer


1 . With you, the long night is not sleepless, you are accompanied, the sky is no longer alone You are the warmth of my warm memories, the sails on the road of my life Good night night

2 . 并非一切都是命中注定的,但一切都是值得一试。

3 . 聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。所谓天才,实际上是依靠学习。——华罗庚

4 . I am not greed but I envy。我没有贪婪但我羡慕海枯石烂。

5 . 当你最终放开了过去,更好的事就会来临。

6 . “早点休息吧。明天还要上班,你今天坐车也累了。”你要乖乖的哦!晚安,亲一下睡觉!

7 . Really hope must is an extension of reality, the way of moving forward step by step, is constant for the realization of the good preparation for the next step

8 . I always guess, what is the future

9 . Life has three things to be truly happy: a person with love, a career that loves, a dream Good night

10 . 环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。


1 . Time is willing to let me make you well

2 . Never regret something that once made you smile

3 . On this beautiful night, the stars of the night sky represent my warm wishes The bright moonlight on your window is washing away the tired day&#;s work for you Wish you have a sweet dream tonight

4 . Each person as happiness is to be given their own

5 . 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。——培根

6 . Person alive is a kind of mood, grasp today, set tomorrow, storage forever

7 . 学会学习的人,是非常幸福的人。——米南德

8 . 好好学习,天天向上。——***

9 . 有你陪伴,漫漫长夜不在无眠,有你陪伴,缘分天空不再孤单。你是我温馨回忆里的温暖,是我人生道路上的风帆。夜色漫延,道句晚安。

10 . 树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。


1 . Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine

2 . 你不问我,我就不会说谎话

3 . 别让过去的悲催,或者未来的忧虑,毁掉自己当下的快乐。

4 . On this quiet night, I take the stars to my deep yearning for you, strong blessing! I would like to wish you a day of work can dissipate fatigue and worry! With you into a beautiful dream! Good night!

5 . Good q, do only a fool for five minutes; He who is ashamed of asking questions, lifetime for a fool

6 . We are too young talk about forever。 (我们太年轻,谈不起永远)

7 . 懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。

8 . 昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。

9 . Let&#;s put aside our work, worry and worry, and put stress away Sleep is the most important thing I wish you would sleep well tonight Good night

10 . (我一直都在猜,什么才是未来)


1 . If you want to climb, don&#;t put the rainbow as a ladder

2 . 遥遥的梦亮起一盏灯,听我心愿一声声,但愿你的人生再也没有伤痕,但愿你平安一程又一程,但愿所有的美好装满您的梦,祝你今晚好梦。

3 . A lasting relationship with you。[白头到老陪你走]

4 . 冒险是值得的。如果赢了,你会得到快乐;如果输了,你会得到智慧。

5 . The quiet night, the beautiful sky! You go to the balcony to look at the sky, there are two meteors in front of you, one is late, and the other is Ann Did you catch it in your hand? Have a good dream!

6 . At ordinary times did not run hair who km, accounting for when it will be difficult to one hundred metres sprint

7 . Should always learn, learn everything; Should concentrate on, in order to know more, know everything

8 . 轻轻的闭上眼睛,慢慢的酝酿心情,将白天所有烦恼不快撒向天空,随着流星的坠落一起沉淀,愿今夜有个好梦,晚安!

9 . Use your bedtime yoga to stretch your body and mind, relax your nerves with mellow milk, relax your brain with soft music, gather your carefree with your intimate messages: sleep well tonight and dream well!

10 . On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind


1 . 你若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。

2 . 【总是做一个很悲伤的梦, 在梦里他很爱我】

3 . 敏而好学,不耻下问。——孔子

4 . 快乐的日子,幸福的你。美妙的生活,温情的你。快乐幸福的日子里,希望与你分享。美妙激情的生活的里,有你的温情快乐无比!晚安!好梦!

5 . I want a not my hand hug (我想要一个不用伸手就有的拥抱)

6 . 脚步怎样才能不断前时?把脚印留在身后。

7 . 在学习上做一眼勤手勤脑勤,就可以成为有学问的人。——吴晗

8 . Reading for GuoMuChengSong can, the most is weak

9 . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart

10 . 烦恼再多,工作再累,也要休息,安心睡觉,养足精神,充足睡眠,健康生活,活力四射,才能快乐每一天,夜深了,快安心休息吧。


1 . Don&#;t give up,just be you,cause life&#;s too short to be anybody else

2 . 我只做你世界中的一颗星星

3 . All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it

4 . Caught up in your smile。 (沉迷在你的微笑里 )

5 . 过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

6 . 卸去一天的重负,轻轻闭上你的眼睛,让快乐悄悄进入你的梦乡,让幸福静静守在你的身旁,让我的祝福为你建造一个美好的梦境。晚安。

7 . 奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里,将事业之舟驶到了理想的彼岸。

8 . 漆黑一片,手机来照亮,看一看,瞧一瞧,晚安问候就来到,爬出被窝兜一圈,回来保准睡大觉,再道一声:晚安!

9 . The sunset with my blessing, shone golden sunset; in my greetings, to bring you a warm breeze slightly; with my care, blow into your mobile phone: good evening!

10 . 不要靠馈赠来获得一个朋友。你须贡献你挚情的爱,学习怎样用正当的方法来赢得一个人的心。——苏格拉底


1 . 现在的一切皆为果,而你过去曾做的那些选择皆为因。

2 . 如果你不曾为自己想要的努力,就别为你曾失去的哭泣。

3 . The dark to light, mobile phone, a look, a look at the night, came to greet, crawl out of bed for a ride, I come back to sleep, again said: good night!

4 . Stars twinkle, to do "hypnosis" for you; the moon is bright, to induce you into "beautiful dream"; breeze blowing, please lose your "tired"; SMS, love, I want you to "sleep"

5 . Learn a lot of tricks, just suddenly don&#;t learn a lot

6 . 你不能无所事事的坐等人生带给你一切,你必须得自己努力争取。

7 . I never go far。(我从未走远。)

8 . 前奏非常细腻,让心非常细密,所以睡眠不再是秘密,伴奏相当美丽,让你相当舒逸,所以失眠不再屹立,希望你好觉到天明,好梦到永远。

9 . I want to be your sun around you。[我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁。]

10 . 有时候,顺其自然,你才会知道那些事是否值得拥有。


1 . When the sun knocks on your eyes, do you still remember the melancholy of this night? It&#;s exhaustion or shine It depends on whether you have the precise eye and see my short message glittering I wish you good dreams

2 . 当心情跌落谷底的时候,唯一的念头就是放弃所有

3 . Can only be seen on the top of the hill, on the other side of the scene

4 . Is ordinary is great, depending on your diligence, can also be related to you the opportunity, also have contact with your fate

5 . 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。

6 . I&#;m doing okay, not great, not amazing, not horrible,just okay And that is okay

7 . The law of success is very simple, but simple doesn&#;t mean easy

8 . 勇士搏出惊涛骇流而不沉沦,懦夫在风平浪静也会溺水。

9 . Then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well

10 . 先生不应该专教书,他的责任是教人做人;学生不应该专读书,他的责任是学习人生之道。——陶行知



