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1 . The meaning of the holiday is, a morning that can&#;t afford to say, a night that says not to sleep, and a day to say not to go out

2 . 在这个什么都有保质期的年代,我要创造一个奇迹,有一种友谊叫永远。

3 . 我们各自去过对方的世界,但却没能一起面对这世界。

4 . .考试就像得了病一样,考前是忧郁症,考时是健忘症,考后病情开始好转,拿回卷子时,心脏病就发作了。

5 . no展我智慧,秀我风采

6 . "Feel as light as before the holidays" "talk" "do not write"

7 . 世上惟一没有被污染的爱——那便是母爱字严

8 . no今朝我以校为荣,明日校以我为耀

9 . 下学期大家不用去读书了,学校被我炸了!

10 . Summer vacation is coming, have fun in the sun, according to the time for you, put the happiness in the breeze, blow out best for you and the lucky into text messages, send blessings to you, summer vacation is coming, wish you a happy holiday, by the cool and refreshing


1 . .快出苹果时乔布斯死了,快开演唱会时杰克逊死了,快出速度与激情时保罗死了,快开学了老师你多保重。

2 . 迫不得已放弃一个人放弃一些事。只有放弃之后才会明白为什么要放弃为什么要学着放手。只是当初从来没有想过放弃,不是放弃之后找理由,而是事实就一直存在着只是自己单纯的不愿意相信罢了。

3 . no做一题会一题,一题决定命运。

4 . Summer vacation, I went back to my grandma&#;s Just after lunch, the new good friend li Lin and Paul haenle will come for me to catch loach I and they hit it off, and come to the edge of a small county

5 . 老人愕然。

6 . Put down the heavy schoolbag, relax the numbness of the brain, forget the classroom formal, enjoy the beautiful summer vacation Let the joy shine in the heart, let the happiness run in the field, let the happiness follow the qingxi flow, let the comfort and the holiday hug Wish you a happy summer holiday!

7 . “我要出去看山外面的山。”孙子答道。

8 . no十年一博六月梦,赢得寒窗锦绣程!

9 . 一个疯子放弃一个人只因为一个骗子。

10 . During the holiday, I woke up and didn&#;t mean I got up When I go to school, I wake up and don&#;t mean I&#;m awake


1 . The most joyful is the holiday, the summer holiday is long and happy Stay up late and get up early and live regularly, watch TV computer to rest, air conditioning room to ventilate, outdoor play to prevent sun protection, swimming is accompanied, safe and happy is the first Eat less cold drinks and drink more water Remember that friends are always in touch Wish you a happy summer holiday!

2 . I don&#;t want to go to school because the holidays are boring Just as I love you, I don&#;t want to let go

3 . .学校啊~你虽然得到了我的人,可是却得不到我的心。

4 . 每一个人刚刚开学的一句话肯定是:“这一学期,我一定要好好学习”。

5 . no我高考我自信我成功!

6 . I was not very good at studying when I was reading, and I found that I was not very good at it after the holidays

7 . .姑娘们,以后找老公找个姓夏的,孩子叫夏克,这孩子应该不会被老师提问吧。

8 . no精神成就事业,态度决定一切。

9 . no无才无以立足,不苦不能成才。

10 . no点点心血勤育英才厚泽九州


1 . .“对于暑假只剩天左右,请问你有什么看法?”“时间都去哪儿啦?还没好好看看暑假就开学了~”

2 . no迎吉祥犬吠待明朝笑傲高考创辉煌

3 . 第二天,孙子带着小黄,背着弓箭,腰里别着柴刀,准备出发。

4 . 即将毕业了,我们说好不哭泣,可散伙饭那天眼泪却不听话的流出来了。

5 . 开学第一天总会有一堆人穿的跟相亲似的。

6 . 毕业照上,并没有我们灿烂的笑容。因为我们即将分离。

7 . Summer vacation comes, I invite you to travel, you pay; Watching a movie together, you buy a ticket; Buy a gift, you give me, what do I give you? I write a message to you, bless you happy to spend the summer holiday every day, laugh often, I just make you smile

8 . no有来路,没退路;留退路,是绝路。

9 . no只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝唱;只有经历地狱般的磨练,才能炼出创造天堂的力量。

10 . 你要知道,就算大雨把这座城市淹没,开学我们也得准时滚回学校。


1 . 即将毕业了,满足是最真实的财富。贪婪是最真实的贫穷。

2 . no喜迎阴晴圆缺,笑傲风霜雨雪

3 . " put down your burden, take off your tiredness, sweep away all your troubles, relax your mood, cheer up your spirit, open your heart, and give my regards to you, please don&#;t forget May you be healthy and happy during the summer holidays"

4 . 九分喜欢,一分尊严,放弃你,也放过自己。

5 . 望着孙子渐渐远去的背影,老人久久不语。

6 . 我们一起留级再来初中三年把!

7 . Class is for the end of class, school is for the holiday I can&#;t imagine how I could have the courage to come to school without such a great heart

8 . no一朝金榜题名成八斗奇才傲天下

9 . no风雨夏秋冬,十年磨一剑。用我们自己的智慧成就梦想。

10 . .我有一特异功能,就是可以两天内把作业写完,只不过它只能在开学前两天开启。


1 . What did you bring to school? "A heart ready for a holiday"

2 . 开学后我打算做一个安静的少女,上课做的就是抬抬头看黑板低下头做笔记,下课做的就是文静的坐在哪里写作业。

3 . 万爱千恩百苦,疼我孰知父母?《小儿语》

4 . 如果你要放弃一个人,那么同情心就不要作祟,就请不要给他任何的希望。

5 . .暑假过了一半多了,想想开学就感到呼吸困难。

6 . no十年磨剑争分夺秒砺志凌绝顶;今朝竞渡你追我赶破浪展雄风。

7 . no为了最好的结果,让我们把疯狂进行到底。

8 . 慈母爱子,非为报也〖汉〗刘安

9 . 我也想放弃你,可怎么才算放弃。

10 . 即将毕业了,身边的朋友一个个各奔东西,开始学会自己撑起生命的暖色。


1 . 毕业啦,送你一礼物:劳资的签名,将来这是无价之宝……

2 . 我的同桌你好吗,虽然现在各自天涯,我也知道这个夏天永远不会再来了。

3 . 我做过最勇敢的事那就是喜欢你,我准备做另一件最勇敢的事,那就是放弃你。

4 . no滴滴汗水勇赴学海逐鹿中原

5 . no携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁

6 . Summer vacation to happiness, in the summer breeze fun, leisure and entertainment arrangements, travel safety, living science law, exercise learning mo forget I wish you a happy and safe summer holiday

7 . 作为一个学生,我有一个特殊技能,那就是能把暑假作业一天写完,可这个技能要开学前一天才会启动。

8 . 我会学着放弃你,是因为我太爱你。

9 . The summer vacation comes, please: pick up the day as "dance" passion, relax "insides" nervous, "eclectic" activities, enjoy the "colorful" happy, feel the happiness of the "colorful"! Happy holidays!

10 . no拼搏改变命运,照亮人生。


1 . 远离,不是放弃你,只是无法再接受你以我不愿意不适合的方式来对待我。

2 . The most recent distance in the world, holiday to school; The furthest distance in the world is the beginning of the school holidays

3 . 最后一个夏天,没有心情去海边,只想静静躲在房间翻照片。

4 . 老人沉默了许久,道“我不知道。”

5 . In these days, there are not dozens of papers on hand to tell others that school holidays

6 . 失望攒够了就放弃吧,难道还要攒够绝望吗!

7 . 如果有一天你发现我不再计较那么多,那不是体谅,是放弃。

8 . .考完了,我哭了,数学考完了,我发现我哭早了。

9 . no静下来,铸我实力;拼上去,亮我风采。

10 . If your military training is a sunny day, if you have a holiday, you will have a lot of homework

