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1 . Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes勇敢说出你的想法,哪怕声音会颤抖。

2 . who love you more than me 谁能比我更爱你

3 . You are my destiny

4 . 第一次听到你对我说“我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

5 . Women is a water bottle, it is full, the but again as if nothing at all

6 . If you can get happiness in this lifetime, who may displaced此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流离。

7 . You make my heart smile

8 . I&#;m a slow walker, but I never walk back我走得不快,但决不走回头路。

9 . Do not wait for the perfect moment Take the moment and make it perfect不要去等待完美的时刻,把握好现在,让此刻变完美。

10 . Not together cannot be with you, in fact not so long for不能在一起就不能在一起吧,其实一辈子也没那么长。


1 . When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness当你放弃了对自己未来的控制,你就能拥有更多的幸福。

2 . 我们恰恰是因为在乎太多,所以总是有无法释怀。

3 . Hold on to whatever keeps you warm inside留住让你内心温暖的一切

4 . 你的生命就是我的生命。

5 . 那一场盛世流年我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。

6 . 手心里的幸福,脆弱地经不起你一点点的冷漠。

7 . 生活不是话剧它比话剧残酷的多。

8 . When you find the best, the past really means nothing当你找到了最好的那个,以往的真的都不重要了。

9 . An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgettingA badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding

10 . The virus falls in love with my computer, I can only help them


1 . I love you not because of who you are, but who I am when I am with you

2 . Anything you want me to do, I remember, you remember

3 . The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have。真正富有的人,是那些懂得享受自己所拥有的人。

4 . An appreciation of their own people, it is difficult to be happy一个不欣赏自己的人,是难以快乐的。

5 . Sometimes, instead of multicore, as less jin。有时候 , 与其多心,不如少根筋。

6 . Memories are still warm, but the promise has cooled

7 . I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me, and myself becomes the faint flower in the story

8 . In the game of love, who will pay the first who is the loser

9 . 无论做什么,记得是为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。

10 . 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。


1 . 有些人说不清哪里好,但就是谁也替代不了。

2 . Domani tornerà, ci sono chilometri e chilometri di estendere amore。明天还会再来,还是有无边无尽的爱蔓延。

3 . Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

4 . 在我的心中只有你一个人,无论你信还是不信。

5 . Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes

6 . 爱上了却发现爱错了,错过了却发现爱上了。

7 . 恨,能挑起争端,爱,能遮掩一切过错。

8 . Everytime you come to mind, I realize I&#;m smiling每次想到你,我就发现自己是微笑着的。

9 . No matter where you are, I have only one turn away from you

10 . But happiness is too simple, so easily broken

