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3、It can make a person's heart dry and hurt all emotions.

4、Corruption has become omnipresent mediocre weapons, and you can feel the glint and flash of cold steel.


6、The real thing about a real scholar is that he has done a lot of great work secretly and is not so famous for his life.

7、Appetite tyranny has never been described, because everyone has to survive, so even it let go of the literary criticism. But in order to eat and destroy the people you really can't imagine how many.

8、Frank and deep friendship, should not be used to measure the length of time.



11、Since he has the courage to die, he should have the strength to fight. Refusing to accept suffering is not a sign of strength, it is a sign of weakness.

12、More noble people not willing to believe that people will always be evil, heartless; until by the cruel lessons that corrupt people know what to see light suddenly, and they instructed the fields; only to express their heart wide.


14、Love is a pure spring water, it grows from cress and flowers, full of gravel bed, change the nature and shape in each flood, or into a stream or a river, finally flowing into a vast expanse of water, where the spirit of the poor people only see the heart is still monotonous, people would indulge in high keep in meditation.

15、A jealous or stupid person because never know the motives of clever wit, always immediately caught some surface conflict allegations, temporarily highly intelligent people as a defendant.

16、Chance is the world's greatest novelist: to Vince inexhaustible, as long as the research on the line by chance.



19、To rise, there are two things, that is, to be an eagle, or to be a reptile.

20、I think that the best ideas of life and the happiest results of human life are no more than learning.

21、Emotional impulse, can be said to be a sweet and painful mistakes, for those who do not have enough experience to control their future happiness of the girls, will make their lives affected by misfortune.




25、A mother's heart as deep as the sea, in the mother's heart will always find forgiveness.

26、Equality in suffering.









35、I want you to come to me, not passion, not despair, but reason.


37、I like life, like a young man and his fiancee as fresh, cool off to teach me to see ten years after marriage scene.



40、Love can not resist the tedious chores, at least one party must be very strong quality.


42、I never did anything embarrassing, I couldn't sleep.


44、There are at least one good thing about a man who knows who is a true friend.






50、Question mark is the key to any science.

51、In a sense, the interest is fixed, is the true self-esteem. It is the proof of superiority.


53、Continuous labor is the life of the iron law, also the art of iron.


55、Some of life behavior, although from the thing itself but as sure as a gun, look like, often is not possible.


57、The secret is like a young girl, the more you watch over it, the easier it is to find it.



60、Time is the wealth of the people, all the wealth, as time is the wealth of the country, because any wealth is the result of time and action.


62、The man who has always been right is the one who doesn't believe everything. He doesn't believe in feelings. He doesn't believe in people.

63、The people who do not need are always poor.


65、Unfortunately, the genius is stepping-stone; the water baptism of believers; capable of priceless; the bottomless abyss.




69、Never flatter from great minds, but little tricks, they try to put their bow and scrape, narrow, in order to ingratiate oneself to the character of life into their core.

70、Pain, like joy, creates an atmosphere. Into the house, you can know at the first glance what it is the tone of love or despair.


72、There is only one step from great to ridiculous.

73、All human power is nothing more than a mixture of patience and time.




77、Beauty is easy in the blink of an eye, but ugly is forever.


79、The life meets the big worry, the friendship should be the effective comfort.


81、Really, when money is like life, activities, going back and forth, will be sweating, babies.


83、Good at waiting for the people, everything will come in time.




87、A lead a fast life, was as easy as it, but to meet friends, but impossible.







94、Love is a religion, which is much more expensive than religion, and will soon disappear. It will be like a naughty child, and it will be a disaster.

95、All human power is just a mixture of patience and time. The so-called strong both meaning, but also wait for the opportunity.

96、The mother's heart is an abyss, in its deepest, you will always be forgiven.

97、He compliments the way, superficial people seem very charming; fine people think it is an offense, because of this, it can scarcely wait to be able to guess curry favour, he goes out.

98、With their own pain to deceive their own hope, but also do not belong to their own future, to deceive the current pain, all human behavior, all the contradictions and weak brand.


100、Buried in the absence of experience of the data may be a once deceived by the original love.


102、The purpose of noble, will do the same noble.



105、People are not perfect, somewhat hypocritical, hypocritical when the fools will cheer in corruption.


107、A noble heart is only the most tender emotions and beating, but it still has to endure the human interest about suffering, money is probably the indifferent colour defiled her glorious life, make such a woman of human emotion emotion also doubt.




111、The woman is like a harp, it only knows how to play it to reveal the artist wonderful mystery in tune.


113、Squeeze the lemon peel, his two daughters put lemon peels on the street.



116、Honesty, like all our emotions, should be divided into two categories: negative and positive. Negative honesty is honest when there is no chance of getting rich. Positive honesty is every day without inviting temptation.



119、What is the spirit of some clothes, use it, regardless of it, just like wearing or feathered hats off.

120、We admire the true politician, as the man who wrote the most magnificent poem for us. Always look forward to the future, in front of the fate, beyond the right.

121、There are some obvious heavy moves like a birth certificate that can't keep secrets.


123、The rich are always less than the poor; therefore, once the struggle becomes a contest of human and material resources, the victory always belongs to the poor.



126、She is carrying a series of good deeds to the kingdom of heaven. The soul of the great, offset her education and early shallow habit. She was born to a monk, but neither her husband, and as an understanding wife and loving mother, no children, no family.

127、Follow the code of ethics, noble martyr which!

128、They want you to always be great, always beautiful, they never thought that genius is always sick.


130、The highest art is the idea into the image. A word contains no thought, a picture of the whole philosophy.

131、The mind reflects life, the face reflects the soul.

132、A daughter of the parents, should not be a strange young man into the house, the two will not read the books everywhere. The innocence of the girls, such as milk, a thunder, harmful aroma, hot days, a little bit of what, even a wind, will make the milk sour.



135、Rich people don't buy my time. My time belongs to the people in the mountains. I do not honor, nor wealth, I do not want my patients to praise me, nor do they appreciate me.




139、But you must fight against envy, slander and mediocrity, and fight with you.


141、For a waste of people, money is round; but for the thrifty people, money is flat, is a piece of land can be piled up.

142、Disinterested life, honest in character, regardless of class, even if not the worst people will respect.

143、Art is the treasure house of virtue.


145、Truly talented person is always good, honest, forthright, not reserved.

146、Before the dignified woman who, before her husband coquettish, long-term marital relationship is the secret of love.



149、Influence of thoughts and feelings of interest, ethicists will never fully understand that. This effect, with interest influence on the thoughts and feelings be roughly the same. All the laws of nature have the opposite effect.


151、Of course, their moral is Stupid Flower Bear bitter fruit, the fruit is suffering. If God and we open a small joke, not to the end of the trial, the old man to frown, laugh or cry.

152、Women fall much, men have much vanity despicable.


154、We dashed hopes, abortion can cause failure, frustration of ambition, often accumulated into envy.

155、Without a hobby, a middle course is completely in line with the people, it is a demon, is not half angel wings. The Catholic Christ Myth, angels and nothing else, only the mind.



158、Rich people never miss a chance of tacky.


160、Here, as in other social areas, in order to do a good thing, not only to offend some interests, but also violated a deal with more dangerous things, it is transformed into a superstitious religious thought, it is the human mind too strong to break the habit of.

161、Equivocate road not big.


163、A very small thing can be a frightening thing to love, and a little thing can make love happy. For love, anything, anything can be a fierce light or light.


165、The only thing I can trust, I like the lion of courage and invincibility in labor effort.

166、When a failure fails, it becomes a crime.

167、This kind of life on the surface of the heart is affected by remorse shine with great splendor, like parasites generally eaten results of pleasure is long suffering The loss outweighs the gain., bring a pain, wound will not escape.

168、A talented person, more have a reputation in the distance, at the more disappointing; others think him more radiant, meet under the more he is be cast into the shade. In this case, once the curiosity is empty, it often produces an unfair evaluation of the character.

169、Pity is one of the virtues of a woman over a man, the only thing she wants to feel.

170、Conscience is considered legal James, an indescribable pain.

171、One must be great, not to pay the price. The work of genius is irrigated with tears. All living things, with all creatures as it disaster in childhood.

172、He can use the money as a tiger, every speculation a cannon aimed at a fortune, he as a man, but to listen to the mercy of happiness.

173、In the nature of the planning, the weak or Born Under A Bad Sign life, it should be.



176、An objection, of course, like Valentine's forbidden fruit become more valuable.


178、Life is not full of roses, but sometimes it hurts you.

179、Interest than any artificial resistance are strong. The so-called interest is God's call, God only fancy people have interests! Your objection only makes the child suffer!

180、How happy it is to be a busy man! And a man who does not take office, or because his family is rich and has nothing to do all day long, is a heavy burden on women.


182、A person wants to keep the promise, is more important than to guard him because you can get to keep the promise of property; property, and no matter how much the property can not be denied because of failure caused by the stain on the conscience.

183、For a long time, people will find that happiness is the soul of the property, in order to pleasure by love, not for money than people love more enjoyable.


185、She first felt the taste of the foot of the very delicate flowers, and therefore can not walk on the road covered with glass.

186、Pride is a dignity that cannot be supported.

187、The more you judge, the less you love.

188、There are no rules in the world, there are only events, there are no laws, there are only opportunities.

189、The more passionate, the more sincere, the more subtle.

190、When you see something that cannot be understood and confused, the truth may be veiled in your presence.





