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1 . 无论闲忙,莫要把孝心传递;无论远近,莫要把心意表达。回家看看,尽尽孝心;打个电话,报声平安。母亲节就要到了,愿妈妈幸福健康!

2 . 每段故事都有一个结局。但是在人的一生中,每一个终点同时也是一个新的起点。

3 . (到了夜晚,最美的要数麒麟山了。站在山脚下,向上望,整座山被五颜六色的灯光,装点的分外壮丽。走过级台阶,还要继续爬崎岖的山路,才能达到山顶,站在山顶上向远眺望,整个城市尽收眼底,像灯的海洋。

4 . 多点挂念,常回家看看;多点时间,常陪她聊天;多点空闲,常做些美餐;多点依恋,常把她陪伴;多点问候,常信息传传;愿天下母亲节日快乐永平安。

5 . sir, when I go to school in the little-known, but your respect, so that now I can no longer remain silent, I would say that out: Hello, teacher!(sir,在上学的时候我就默默无闻,但对于您的尊敬,使现在的我不能再沉默,我要说一声:老师您好!

6 . 如果最寒冷的是北极,那么最温暖的就是母亲的怀抱;如果最难看的表情是哭泣,那么最美丽的风景就是母亲的微笑;祝愿母亲节日快乐,永远健康!

7 . I understand you have called content, and you don&#;t understand is th

8 . 又是一年母亲节,妈妈,今天是属于你的节日,你辛苦劳累了一整年,真的太累了,无论如何今天一定要好好休息。在这里特别送上节日祝福:母亲节快乐!

9 . 日子是什么?日子是一个可以互吐心事的人;日子是一个不会教你做坏事的人;日子是一个与你共同奋进的人。

10 . 今天是母亲节,你就不要再发短信了,回家吃个饭,完了刷刷碗,随便说说话,逗逗妈妈哈哈哈,夸夸妈妈顶呱呱,妈妈心里一定乐开花!


1 . On this special day, I want to say to my mother: Happy Mother&#;s day! May my mother be more healthy and happy in the days to come!

2 . 西山白雪三城戍,南浦清江万里桥。——杜甫《野望》

3 . Distance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there

4 . Mother&#;s day, there will be a blessing, and sent to her mother, like my mother, happy, happiness around; Xu wish, to the mother, hope mother, young, beautiful in the filial piety, mum, we look forward to mother, health, peace with; to mother&#;s day, may the mother in the world laugh, good luck in everything

5 . 母亲,您的双眼是永生难忘的清泉,您的双手是无限温柔的宇宙,您的胸膛是永恒明媚的天堂,您的发丝是我永远不变的牵挂。母亲节到了,愿母亲健康长寿,快乐永久。

6 . 有许多话藏在口里,有许多情藏在心里,有许多感动藏在平日里,母亲节了,让我把它们曝光,亲爱的老妈,感谢您,祝你节日快乐,幸福健康,开心每天!

7 . 母爱,是世界上最无私,最伟大不求回报的情感!母爱,也是世界上最平凡,最琐碎朴实无华的情感!母亲节,祝福敬爱的母亲开开心心,健健康康,平平安安,快快乐乐!

8 . 打我骂我指使我,这天都由你了。我保证打不还手,骂仅还一口——亲你一口,老妈,你辛苦了。

9 . 的结果,是从大量错误中得出来的;没有大量错误作台阶,也就登不上最后正确结果的高座。

10 . 无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来《登高》


1 . 母爱是一生相伴的盈盈笑语,母爱是漂泊天涯的缕缕思念,母爱是儿女成长的殷殷期盼。明天母亲节,祝母亲身体健康,越活越年青!

2 . (正确

3 . I&#;ve been coughing day and night

4 . 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

5 . (台阶两旁立着一对栩栩如生的狮子,张着大口,瞪着铜铃般的大眼睛,威武雄壮,像是两个站岗的卫兵。

6 . Teacher, the gift table like a token of the students: I hope that when you turn the invigilators a blind eye; Panjuan paper when Gaotaiguishou; write reviews, a lot of kind words(老师,这份礼物略表学生的一点心意:希望您监考时睁一只眼闭一只眼;判卷纸时高抬贵手;写评语时多多美言。

7 . Teacher: I was the sun every Yilv of your blessings, each is a star I see your eyes, holding each slightest drizzle I deeply miss you, miss you(老师:每一缕阳光是我对您的祝福,每一颗星星是我看您的眼睛,每一丝细雨牵着我对您深深思念,想念您。

8 . 一切都会好起来的`。

9 . 生我,您承受着痛苦;养我,您承受着艰辛;育我,您承受着劳累;教我,您承受着辛劳;母亲节到了,带着我的孝心,愿妈妈开心,拿着我的诚意,愿妈妈顺心顺意,祝妈妈节日快乐。

10 . In such a season, my sincere blessing to you, may happiness always on your side "Qing Shan Xi lighting everywhere" wish you happy life, health and longevity! Mother, no matter where you are, there is the place where we are most happy and yearning


1 . 亲爱地姐妹,有你们相伴的日子,我每天的笑容都很开心很灿烂。

2 . You are a tree, leaning against the spring of your imagination, summer, leaning against you lush, fall against you mature, winter musters your meditation

3 . Scold, total contains love; nagging, reveals a concern; silent, hidden miss; a show of hands between total hope peace child; this is the motherly love, mother love is great, difficult to return, only happy mothers day fast, safe and healthy!

4 . Do not, for one repulse, forgot the purpose that you resolved to effort

5 . Hit me, scold me, letting me, this day by you I promise not to hit back, scold is only one -- kiss you, mom, you were laborious

6 . 今天是母亲节,愿您永远健康,美丽;一切事情都顺心,如意。送上鲜花,送上我深深的祝福!在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

7 . Through so many years, I just know, I love you, my mother

8 . (总有一种喜悦让我心潮荡漾,这就是祖国前进的步伐如此铿锵。年的梦幻,承载了华夏子孙太多的心酸和太多的希望;年的台阶,铺满了炎黄儿女太多的汗水和太多的收获;年的变迁,挥洒着龙的传人太多的豪情和太多的文明……

9 . 中有万里之长江,回风滔日孤光动。《王兵马使二角鹰》

10 . 心灵烙印着母亲的爱,成长寄存着母亲的牵挂,行程链接着母亲的思念。母亲是回家的渴望,母亲是心灵的航向。愿天下母亲节日快乐!


1 . Don&#;t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory

2 . Dear teachers, a thousand words can not express the gratitude of the I, I can only say that I am the truth: the teachers happy holidays, you would like to have a better tomorrow(老师您好,千言万语表达不了我的感激之情,我只说一句我的心里话:老师节日快乐,愿您有一个更美好的明天。

3 . 你们是最棒的,你们是最优秀的。

4 . When you feel lonely and helpless, when you are sad helpless, when you the joy of victory, when you cheered when, a person you are happy for you worried, she is our mother Today, mother&#;s day, remember to contact

5 . (漫步雨中,雨滴为我送来了微微的凉意,聆听雨滴碰撞青石台阶的微妙音乐,让她们,洗却我心灵的尘埃。

6 . Guarantee: dear mother, mother&#;s day comes amid, I assure you that after the money will give you buy the best cosmetics brand fashion, wish mom youth!

7 . 借问江潮与海水,何似君情与妾心?相恨不如潮有信,相思始觉海非深。——白居易《浪淘沙·借问江潮与海水》

8 . 虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈!

9 . 我觉得我好象要死了一样。

10 . Want to send you carnations, you say too much waste; would like to invite you to eat a big meal, you say outside the family did not eat incense; want to send you a gift You always say that the home has But I have to send a gift: Mom, I love you forever!


1 . (夜晚,春风柔和地吹着。我托着下巴,坐在落英缤纷的台阶上,脑海里又浮现出一件难忘的事。

2 . 在这个特别的日子里,我想对妈妈您说声:妈妈节日快乐!愿妈妈在今后的日子里更加健康快乐!

3 . 妈妈,在今天的母亲节里,我想对您说:您是我母亲知己和朋友的完美结合。

4 . 我不知将去何方,但我已在路上。

5 . 有本事任性的人,也会有本事坚强。

6 . 母爱是一生相伴的盈盈笑语,母爱是漂泊天涯的缕缕思念,母爱是儿女病榻前的关切焦灼,母爱是儿女成长的殷殷期盼。母亲节到了,祝福亲爱的母亲,一生平安,幸福快乐。

7 . 在我需要帮助时,你们总会雪中送炭,让我的眼睛不禁模糊起来,感动不已。

8 . 江雨霏霏江草齐,六朝如梦鸟空啼。——韦庄《台城》

9 . Time passes, we have grown up to your Liangbin already Banbai We can only Duinin Shui: to vote in the Peach, at the Lee, teachers, Thank you!(岁月流逝,我们都已长大可您的两鬓却已斑白。我们只能对您说:投之以桃,报之以李,老师,谢谢您!

10 . (正确的结果,是从大量错误中得出来的,没有大量错误做台阶,也就登不上最后正确结果的高座。


1 . 我头晕。/ 我头昏脑胀的。

2 . 中原事业如江左,芳草何须怨六朝。——纳兰性德《秣陵怀古·山色江声共寂寥》

3 . Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!

4 . 扬子江头杨柳春,杨花愁***渡江人。——郑谷《淮上与友人别》

5 . Miss you, miss you - teachers! For your blessing and will miss the growing, Momo scenes with deep feeling and blessing Ying Man, the good life of peace!(想念您,怀念您--老师!对您的怀念与祝福将与日俱增,让一幕幕脉脉深情与祝福盈满,好人一生平安!

6 . 距离会让你遗忘,但是回忆却会永驻。

7 . 峨眉山月半轮秋,影入平羌江水流。《峨眉山月歌》

8 . You are a GREat teacher, like others lit a candle burning themselves I wish you a happy holiday, take care of themselves!(老师您是伟大的,像一支蜡烛照亮别人燃烧自己。祝您节日快乐,保重身体!

9 . 在这样的季节,把我的真挚的祝福捎给您,愿幸福常在您身边。“满目清山夕照明”愿您老晚年幸福,健康长寿!妈妈,不论您在哪儿,那里就是我们最快乐和向往的地方。

10 . Mother&#;s Day is up, send me the most sincere blessings, thank you for my mother, my mother, is your love, gave me courage, let me in the lonely plight of courage, I really want to say to you, mom, I love you!


1 . Vicissitudes of growing back, no longer straight waist, mother turned in the years to come, let sad white hair, freeze the life how much warmth and emotion Mother&#;s Day is approaching, children know Thanksgiving, please take care of yourself!

2 . He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well

3 . All endings are beginnings, we just don&#;t know it at the time-Mitch Albom

4 . 妈妈,我愿您快乐多一点,烦恼少一点;健康多一点,伤病不再有;幸福多一点,我不再让你担心。母亲节来到,我只想和您说声:妈,辛苦了!愿您永远健康,永远快乐,永远美丽,永远幸福!

5 . It is a year of mother&#;s day, mom, today is your holiday, you have worked hard for a whole year, really tired, anyway, today must be a good rest In particular, to send a holiday blessing: Happy Mother&#;s day!

6 . 不要只因一次挫败,就忘记你原先决定想达到的远方。

7 . (让乘客下台阶,我们的服务就上了一个台阶。

8 . 世上最动听的是母亲呼唤孩子的声音,最镌刻在心的是母亲容颜,不管在何时,失意或者得意妈妈总是最接纳你的,母亲节祝福妈妈健康永伴。母亲节快乐!

9 . 让我们多给母亲一点爱与关怀,那怕是酷暑中的一把扇子;寒冬中的一件毛衣,让母亲时刻感受儿女的关心。

10 . Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune

