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1 . Well, maybe you should Oh, I have no idea Could we talk about something else?

2 . A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; two years of storms, a rainbow in ones life

3 . After a hundred days, the proud party

4 . This is really an unusual experience

5 . Withtheincreasinguseofmobilephonesandcomputers,lesspeopletendtowritelettersSomepeopleeventhinktheskillofwritingletterswilldisappearcompletelyTowhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?Howimportantdoyouthinkletterwritingis?

6 . People used to ……however , things are quite different today

7 . Wouldn’t you love to be at the beach right now?

8 . 这是一个放松的好地方。

9 . I feel sad about it

10 . 这是一个旅游的好地方。


1 . One mistake, more than a year of hard work Hard year, ushered in a wonderful life

2 . Class eight is invincible Make concerted efforts and achieve good results

3 . 天气是一个很好的开场白,因为它会影响到我们身边的每一个人。天气能够决定我们的心情(我们的感受,它能使我们取消预约或者其他活动。对于优秀的语言学习者来说,它也是一种打破冷场的很好的对话开场白。

4 . Confidence determines everything, and details determine success or failure

5 . Its not good to wait for opportunities, but to create them

6 . 如果你努力去发现美好,美好会发现你;如果你努力去尊重他人,你也会获得别人尊重;如果你努力去帮助他人,你也会得到他人的帮助。

7 . The golden rooster returns to the spring, zhishi short, race against time, efforts to achieve a great leap; The drums are beating

8 . 祝愿你有一个好的旅行。

9 . Somebelievesthatculturaltraditionswillbedestroyedbythemoney-makingattractionsaimedattouristsOthersthinkitistheonlywaytosavetheseculturaltraditionsDiscussbothviewsandshowyourownopinion

10 . Lost time is never found again


1 . The hundred day vows, youth like fire, the pledge to take the red flag - ambition to the cloud

2 . We &#; re often told that ……But is this really the case ?

3 . 今天天气怎样?

4 . One, one, youth infinite, glamour forever! Unite and forge ahead Work hard, miracles happen!

5 . He who does not care whether others appreciate him or not is bound to succeed

6 . 没有比今天更好的天气了,不是吗?

7 . How about football?

8 . Fly your heart and spread your hope

9 . There is no royal road to learning I am the peak of the sea to the boundless sky

10 . 美,美不过草原;阔,阔不过蓝天;深,深不过大海。我的朋友呀,你的胸怀,就像草原一样美丽,像蓝天一样宽阔,像大海一样深邃。


1 . Somepeoplethinktheuniversityeducationistopreparestudentsforemployment,othersthinkithasotherfunctionsDiscussandgiveyouropinion

2 . For three years, I have tried my best to pay for it One hundred days of hard work on the oath

3 . Don’t you just love this warm/cool weather?

4 . The road is ones own; the opportunity is ones own creation

5 . How about this weather?

6 . Cherish the time to create wonders without the rain or the rainbow

7 . 人生就像一座山,重要的不是它的高低,而在于灵秀;人生就像一场雨,重要的不是它的大小,而在于及时。

8 . As long as you are determined to succeed, failure will never knock you down

9 . Its a little hard today and a little more tomorrow

10 . Challenge yourself and break through the limit

