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1 . 不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely。

2 . the father is a big umbrella, in rainy days holding love is a mountain, tall and stalwart

3 . 我不知道做一个父亲竟然会这样不容易。这使我更加感激您。

4 . 能了解自己孩子的是聪明的父亲。嘿嘿,老爸,节日快乐!

5 . Congratulations on your birthday! May all this be full of joy and success!

6 . 愿你的生日伴随着幸福与喜悦,从日出到日落。

7 . i owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad happy fathers day

8 . 别的孩子也是这样吗?也像我一样,这么想吗?

9 . father, you are a generous friend

10 . On Fathers Day, I wish you a happy New Year and a happy sunset


1 . 正做着有趣的梦,又听见大人叫着:“该起床了!”哎,我好想再睡一会儿啊。不过,起了床可以玩很有趣的游戏呀!

2 . 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much。

3 . I wish you good health and good luck

4 . 刚吃完午饭,又听见大人叫着:“快拿书来看!”唉,要是不用看书就好了。不过,在知识的海洋里遨游是多么开心的事啊!

5 . Dad, Happy Fathers Day, I will never forget the way home

6 . 您是天,您是地,有天地的容纳,才有我快乐成长的年华。

7 . May you enjoy todays joy and have a happy birthday!

8 . 一个人的时候,就会想着,前面的道路,可能充满了艰辛。但,我一定要坚持到最后,

9 . the father is a bank, the issue of knowledge, pay love

10 . 我一个人生活,有很多的不习惯,也有很多的难过。如你所愿的,我摘去了笑容,可是我还是留着你的礼物,我的龙凤铃,它们不断的在提醒我,我曾今错过,我不会在错过。


1 . have thought the moment, be happy; have feelings of pleasure, happiness; have fatherly love is happiness

2 . love is a ray of sunshine, let your mind even in the cold winter can feel the warmth of spring

3 . The room is very dark, without your company, I become very timid Happy birthday!

4 . Wish dad never worry, every day is beautiful, happy Fathers Day!

5 . 常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心快乐幸福失落伤心痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你……Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful I miss you ,and miss you so mach……

6 . It is a wise father who knows his children Hey hey, Dad, happy holiday!

7 . 拥有思想的瞬间,是幸福的;拥有感受的快意,是幸福的;拥有父爱也是幸福的。

8 . Blessings like the breeze to pursue you, bring you a beautiful mood, Fathers Day wishes a happy family!

9 . I wish you: the momentum of wealth, such as the galloping horse, a thousand miles a day

10 . Wish you a happy birthday!


1 . 晚上,我和小伙伴正玩着写大字,就听大人叫着:“快回家睡觉!”唉,我好想再多玩一会儿啊。不过回家睡着了,倒可以做各种各样的好梦呢!

2 . 曾经,在梦里,我幻想着一个人生活,无忧无虑,不在为一点小事就争的面红耳赤,不在会与朋友发生这样或那样的事情,也不用担心受到别人的欺辱,甚至打骂。

3 . words cant tell how much you mean to uswe wish you happiness on this special day

4 . 希望你放下思虑,祝生日快乐!

5 . 父爱一直陪伴着我,无论我走到何方,父亲节到了,祝爸爸父亲节快乐!

6 . 父亲节到了,我愿做父亲生命里的桥,歌和天空,给他无尽的`爱。

7 . I hope I can spend your birthday with you today next year

8 . 祝你人比花儿美,生日过的喜洋洋!

9 . 你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart。

10 . I helped you order your birthday wine, also helped you drink, happy shell day


1 . Father is a warm ballad, so that life is always happy Fathers Day is here Happy Fathers Day

2 . 希望以后的日子里,眼里是阳光笑里是坦荡。

3 . 父亲节爱心连线,一头是他,一头是你!

4 . You are the day, you are the earth, there is the accommodation of the earth, only then can I grow up happily

5 . 明智和尚听从了师父的引导,在入定之时,备了一支红笔,乌鸦一出现,他便飞快地在其身上画了个圈。乌鸦受了惊,仓皇地逃走了,明智和尚很快便安然入定。等他出定时,却发现自己的肚子上居然有一个大红圈!方恍然大悟,原来,阻挠自己的并不是什么怪物,而正是自己的心魔。

6 . Daughters gratitude to father is beyond words Thank you, Dad!

7 . 愿你往后路途,深情不再枉付。

8 . 祝福像轻风追寻你,把美丽心情带给你,父亲节祝一家快乐!

9 . 祝愿你,在这特别的日子里,幸福平安,心情美丽。

10 . 父亲节到了,我向你的父亲致敬!希望他健康长寿!

