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1 . - May I ask you several questions?

2 . - I want to go to hospital But I can&#;&#;t My leg hurts

3 . 三表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

4 . - May I help you?

5 . 四道歉和应答 (Apologies and responses)

6 . your letters are so much fun (comfort (entertainment (company

7 . charity sale 义卖

8 . - You and your friends must come over to my house and see

9 . many thanks for your kind and warm letter

10 . LH:那倒是,多年都是这样,要改恐怕也难。可是,你说他们喜欢这样做,这不太可能吧!


1 . chronic unemployment 长期失业

2 . - OK Thank you

3 . bank clearing 银行之间的划拨结算,银行票据交换

4 . - Yes, here you are

5 . - OK Thank you very much

6 . - OK When?

7 . I am very sincerely (most (truly grateful to you for

8 . 你永远都会是世界上最漂亮的,那个伴娘叫什么名字?

9 . 大年三十吃饺子,团团圆圆一家子,磕头要钱是孩子,磕头带响是孝子,知道拜年是才子,收到祝福是金子,不回祝福是傻子。祝你除夕快乐,开心过节!

10 . 他非常英俊。


1 . chamber n会议室

2 . That’s worthwhile 那是值得的。

3 . collective account 集合账户

4 . 一年最美除夕夜,温馨温暖家里坐,合家团圆乐融融,笑看春晚包饺子,红包压岁老少喜,彩灯映照全家福。祝除夕快乐,新年吉祥。

5 . - Could I buy half a kilo oranges?

6 . That’s the way it is 就是这么回事。

7 . - May I call you James?

8 . We’ll see 再说吧。

9 . collateral adj间接的 n附属担保品,债务抵押品,抵押资产

10 . We can work it out 我们可以解决这个问题。


1 . 北风呼啸飘雪花,坐上火车赶回家,想念亲朋想爸妈,除夕之夜聊家话,小小短信含牵挂,愿父母健康身体佳,朋友生意天天发,爱人笑容美如花,幸福美满好年华!

2 . LL:Sometimes,theyarejokingWhenmymompicksonmydadaboutthekindofmusichelistensto,Iknowshe&#;&#;sjustjokingOthertimes,Ithinktheyarejustbeinggrouchy

3 . - Mr Green, please

4 . - Look! It&#;&#;s on the other side of the road

5 . chartering broker 租船经纪人

6 . - Must I clean the classroom now?

7 . That’s disgusting 真讨厌。

8 . Mrs Smith:I’m very touched and I can’t help bursting into tears at a wedding。

9 . additional circulation 追加流通手段

10 . checkout n检查;结账,结账柜台

