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1 . When there’s no expectation, losing won’t bring hurt, gaining makes you surprised

2 . 一辈子,有多少真心话,是以玩笑的方式说了出去?

3 . 把握一个今天,胜似两个明天。

4 . 如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。

5 . A mans life is the time he has grasped

6 . You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday

7 . 觉得自己做得到和做不到,其实只在一念之间。

8 . (奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命地努力。

9 . the mind, sharp but not broad, stickat everpoint but doenot move心是尖锐的,不是宽博的,它执着在每一点上,却并不活动。

10 . There is no natural success, and there is no unreasonable mediocrity


1 . i love it when i catch you looking at me then you smile and look away我喜欢这样的时刻:我抓到你正在看我,你笑了,然后害羞地别过脸去。

2 . (天生我才必有用。

3 . 我说不爱你,那是假话;我说不在乎,那是假话;我告诉自己对你再不会有感觉了,那也是假话。

4 . May you go away half your life and come back as a teenager

5 . In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing爱情的方程式:+=一切;-=。

6 . 在坎坷的生活道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬天为我们歌唱的小鸟,那歌声使冰天雪地的寒冷变得较易忍受。

7 . 成功是,你即使跨过一个又一个失敗,但也沒有失去热情。

8 . Im proud of myheart Its been played, burned, and broken, but it still works

9 . 第条 The wise man seeks the time, and the fool moves against the time

10 . No sweet without sweat


1 . 平平淡淡看世界,踏踏实实写人生。

2 . 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。

3 . All that I gave was likely to consider as negligible

4 . 第条 人生最大的失败,就是放弃。

5 . Bravery never goes out of fashion。勇敢永远不过时!

6 . Everything can be achieved only through hard work

7 . 第条 长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮是本事。

8 . because had because, so had so, since habecome since, whsawhy因为有了因为,所以有了所以,既然已成既然,何必再说何必。

9 . 青春,就有自信,就是希望。

10 . 愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年。


1 . never, never, never, never give up永远不要不要不要不要放弃。

2 . I feel strongly that I can make it

3 . 因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。

4 . A great man is always willing to be little 伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物的。

5 . I’ll think of you every step of the way

6 . life iabsolutelcant lose things: homemade strength, cool headed, hope and confidence人生绝对不能失去的东西:自制的力量,冷静的头脑,希望和信心。

7 . Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile

8 . The heaven is but one remove from the hell, love stands between them天堂与地狱的一线之隔,原来是爱。

9 . If we didn&#;t have stupid thoughts, we&#;d have no interesting thoughts at all

10 . Life is not only the wolfberry in front of you, but also the habit of not giving up


1 . Secretly sad, not as immediate action

2 . 天堂与地狱的一线之隔,原来是爱。

3 . 人们痛恨的不是改变,而是被改变。

4 . 第条 Victory is the most tenacious man

5 . Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival

6 . There are only two creatures, says a proverb, who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail

7 . In love folly is always sweet

8 . 真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难伤心和烦恼的时刻。

9 . 今天,给一个陌生人送上你的微笑吧。很可能,这是他一天中见到的唯一的阳光。

10 . 举起你的酒杯吧。不要吝啬洒上你最好的香水,你想用的时候就享用吧!


1 . there will be difficultieand setbacklife! frustration ia successful pilot, not afraid of setbackmore preciouthan the desire for success人生必有坎坷和挫折!挫折是成功的先导,不怕挫折比渴望成功更可贵。

2 . 当你和你亲近的人吵嘴的时候,试着就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻烂谷子的事。

3 . To be a man, just to think of themselves is not the first person

4 . Although its hard to clean out thousands of pieces of sand, its not until the yellow sand is blown out

5 . Lets go crazy for the best

6 . Nothing is impossible to a willing heart心之所愿, 无所不成。

7 . The good seaman is known in bad weather。惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。

8 . Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

9 . Give up worryingabout what others think of you What they think isnt important What isimportant is how you feel about yourself

10 . 第条 There is nothing to succeed in the world


1 . 凡事只要经过努力,总可以实现。

2 . There is no eternal victory, only efforts forever

3 . 相爱并非最难,相处才是最大的挑战。

4 . 第条 鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春。

5 . 并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变。但是,如果你不肯面对,那什么也变不了。

6 . 第条 I walk slowly, but I never go back!

7 . Forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times,and the confused times真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难伤心和烦恼的时刻。

8 . Do n&#;t let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present

9 . 英雄气概,威压八万里,体恤弱小,善德加身。

10 . We all have moments of desperation But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are


1 . 第条 The perfect thing is art

2 . How much truth of heart in one’s life is told in a joke?

3 . 第条 不论成功或失败,皆存乎自己。

4 . 坏事做得太多,终将自取灭亡。

5 . 以宇宙为教室,牵自然为宗师。

6 . The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable

7 . Complacent people will suffer, humble people will benefit

8 . 记住:任何事情的发生都有因有起。

9 . All things in their being are good for something

10 . Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd:a little bit more

