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1 . Love is like sentence spell always let people willingly addictions

2 . Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly awayAnd yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign

3 . 生活中若没有明天,就像生活中没有阳光一样。

4 . When you are lonely, I will stay with you When you are happy, I will turn around and go

5 . 有时候,最适合你的人,恰恰是你最没想到的人。

6 . As I become more polite to you, we may become more and more strange

7 . 凭的是感觉,从来没有过的感觉,心动的第一眼,却不是因为你的脸。

8 . 我们也要乐观面对成长。虽然我们最终都会看到镜子中的自己一点点憔悴,但也不要失望,谁的身体都会老去,幸亏自己的内心还在成长。更值得庆幸的是,我们现在还没有老去,正植青春年华,正有着蓬勃的朝气,正是成长的最佳时期。

9 . 成长是一种幸福,他是酸甜的,酸酸的味道新鲜而刺激,甜甜的味道温暖而美味。当你尽力了种种第一次时,这种味道便涌于心头,酸酸的挫折,甜甜的经验,使你回味无穷,它给你挫折的经验,成功的喜悦。

10 . 成长是放在床头的那一摞摞的武侠小说。英雄美人,侠客伴侣,一部一部惊心动魄,荡气回肠。


1 . , it is better to give him freedom than to hold his heart in prison

2 . 离开以后,大声的告诉他:我爱你,与你无关。爱是你的权利,把想说的都说出来,平静的回忆你们的过去,然后哭吧。哭完就把一切都留在昨天,永远不要去触及。

3 . I, miss the night, like the light sadness of the night

4 . I was the love, only interprets the supporting role of tragedy of that person

5 . 成长的痕,是看似闪烁却暗淡无光的。我们想要天上的星,故可以登高楼去摘折。我们要的是闪烁,要的是光芒,却不知,我们早已遗忘了它的本质。虚荣的光环套在身上,却怎么也掩盖不住它本身的暗淡无光。当心开始敏感,我们再也找不回幼时的耀眼,幼时的骄傲。

6 . where there is love, there are always wishes

7 . Give up is completely lost, persistence will have at least a glimmer of hope

8 . 成长因奉献而精彩,奉献因坚强而美好。只要人人心中乘载着一双飞翔的翅膀,就一定能够找到适合自己的成长殿堂!

9 . , lonely people will always remember the heart of every person in his life appeared, so I always get enough to think of you a few of my lonely stars fall in each night over and over again

10 . Some things, some people, if you really want to forget, you will certainly forget


1 . I like your life across the meteor, fleeting

2 . 积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。

3 . 成长,似乎是一个不可逆转的话题。处在这个阶段的我们总是十分兴奋,十分叛逆,十分迷茫。我们会偷偷注意身边的人的一言一行;我们开始狂躁,不再是父母身边乖巧的安琪儿;我们失去了那份“初生牛犊不怕虎”的勇气,变得唯唯诺诺。

4 . 当初若只是心跳与悸动,又何必夸张成爱呢。

5 . In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness

6 . Of all the faults, the easiest to forgive is laziness

7 . Heartache is only a matter of a moment, pain for a long time there is no consciousness

8 . , if all the love of all that is clear, simple and beautiful

9 . The love that you don&#;t love will never go bad So, we are flirting, we are ambiguous, but never love each other

10 . Wandering in the edge of renunciation cannot, if not self-esteem from I won&#;&#;t just go


1 . 一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。一颗被深深伤了的心,需要的不是同情,而是理解。

2 . 离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水

3 . To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

4 . 每一分每一秒直到一天结束。

5 . My back is out of your world There is only silence Fear that never happened Originally, my courage is so vulnerable

6 . 当我们上学的时候,我们就被教育生活并不总是一帆风顺,我们会遇见各种各样的困难。每个人都听过这些话,但是当遇到困难时,对于他们来说是很难接受的,觉得生活无望,就如说起来是一回事,做起来是另一回事。

7 . Since I love you, why dont you say it? If something is lost, I wont come back!

8 . After leaving, tell him loudly: I love you, and I have nothing to do with you Love is your right, say what you want to say, recollect your past quietly, and cry When you cry, leave everything in yesterday, never to touch it

9 . 哪里有爱,哪里就有希望。

10 . An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgettingA badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding


1 . 一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。

2 . When you know confusion, you are not pitiful When you dont know confusion, you are pitiful

3 . 我们经历过“春秋冬夏”还不如“分手”来的伟大!

4 . 如果爱你是错,我情愿一错再错,选择你所爱的然后爱你所选择的。

5 . 我失恋了,你怎么可以把我弄丢了。

6 . Memories, you forget completely, and I, has been staying at the beginning

7 . Let go of the lonely sadness, but become the eternal melody

8 . 滚滚红尘中,我有一刻宁静的心,喜欢在音乐和文字中游离,只愿世间多一些完美的爱情。

9 . , if you do not want to, want to end as early as possible, I&#;m not going to old together

10 . 我的童年,现在的社会压的我喘不过来气!有时候会自己一个人哭,哭过了又是明天,接下来的路还是要走的。


1 . 我就像你生命中划过的流星,转瞬即逝。

2 . The greatest pain of human beings is that the soul does not belong, whether you know it or not, whether you accept it or not

3 . 你再怎么强颜欢笑 一切都还是回不到原点

4 . , such love, not ferocious and not warm This love, at the beginning, is old

5 . 如果所有的恋爱都是这样的,风轻云淡,简简单单,多美好。

6 . 因为曾经爱过一场疯狂,所以看你依旧笑着沉默。

7 . If my life is a joke, you are in my life the only true

8 . 可能我是你生命里演技最差的演员,只是潦草客串一番便匆匆退场。

9 . 我这一生要走多远的路程,什么时候才能停下。

10 . 有时候,你需要做的就是闭嘴,放下所谓的自尊,承认自己的错误,这不叫放弃,而叫成长。


1 . For all the things you do, and is not worth, who also don&#;t understand

2 . 心里有个死角,别人走不进来,自己也走不出去。

3 . Some people meet with each other just like meteors, which burst out enviable sparks in an instant, but it is doomed to be just in a hurry

4 . 成长是一条很曲折的路,很难走,长着很多的荆棘,因为成长的路上需要挑战和坚持的太多,所以成长路上无捷径。

5 . I don&#;t know I just want to see how you play with me

6 . When love is not around, please say a blessing to him After all, you have loved

7 . 无忧无虑的童年在我们天真浪漫的笑声中一天天过去,我们从整天过家家的玩童成长为朝气蓬勃的少年。如今,打开成长的匣子,看见了童年的欢声笑语,但是,也有挥之不去的烦恼。

8 . , one is a gorgeous and short dream, one is a cruel and long reality

9 . 昨天把你放开,今天不一定再把你找到。

10 . Im very good I dont quarrel or show off I dont feel wronged or ridiculed I dont need others to know

