1 . 串 string
2 . 头结点 head node
3 . 熟悉Novell Lan,NUIX,Foxpro,C++ 联网数据库的应用。
4 . counter 计数器
5 . e迷阳光e阳科技益阳科技易扬科技阳光科技昭阳电脑公司朝扬电脑公
6 . adder 加法器
7 . 拓扑有序 topological order
8 . Furthermore, because most answers seem to be only a few clicks away, students are likely to refrain from thinking imaginatively and working out solutions on their own Computers follow instructions and help students get ready answers So powerful is the Internet that except for a few things which are not meant to be known, for all the rest there are search engines like Google The result could be too much information and too little imagination Nevertheless, whileinformation has limit, imagination can go beyond the borders of computer screens In view of this, students had better understand that a computer is capable of doing a job of perhaps persons, but even computers can hardly match the imagination of a human mind
9 . 优扬电脑公司龙阳科技公司龙阳电脑公司无忧电脑科技公司
10 . 虽然涐知道你的承诺,只是虚幻的山盟海誓,但涐还宁愿自欺欺人的相信
1 . 总的说来,电脑有优点也有缺点。但如果人们能够正确地使用电脑,电脑对他们的一生都是有用的。
2 . I/C systems design experience background
3 . alphanumeric 字母数字的
4 . 没有不能在一起的两个人,只有靠不拢的两颗心。
5 . EDO:Extended Data Output,扩充数据输出。当CPU的处理速度不断提高时,也相应地要求不断提高DRAM传送数据速度,一般来说,FPM(Fast Page Model)DRAM传送数据速度在-ns,而EDO DRAM比FPM快倍,达ns目前最快的是SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM,同步动态存储器),其存取速度高达ns
6 . code 代码
7 . channel 通道,信道
8 . 你什么都没有做我却傻傻的以为那就是幸福
9 . To begin with, excessive use of the Internet to learn information may become an addiction in the long run Some experts say that the Internet is as addictive as alcohol, and neither is easy to go away With the help of the e-learning, more information is made available more quickly, of course But it is also true that sitting long hours in front of a computer screen, surfing for answers in an ocean of digital information, only to be drowned therein In terms of speed learning, the Internet may symbolize a giant step ahead on the information superhighway leading to anywhere In this sense, teenagers obssessed with the Internet are not very unlike getting trouble physically with drunk driving
10 . console 控制台
1 . 你是数字的魔术师,一瞬间彩虹挂在天边!你是符号的训导师,一眨眼温馨传递心间!程序员日,愿健康编入你,快乐刷新你,幸运点击你!
2 . 邦捷实惠,秒为单位。
3 . ·bit:位(与这两种电路状态, 计算机数据最基本的单位
4 . 以列为主的顺序分配 column major order
5 . cybernetics 控制论
6 . 增广路径图 augmenting path graph
7 . 名扬科技公司铭阳科技公司弘扬科技公司凯烨科技商务公司
8 . 和为你伴舞,键盘翻译你的命令,网线将你与世界相连,虽然你的工作只是面对屏幕敲打键盘,但你向世界输出的是快乐的音符,程序员节到了,给你的双手放个假,蓝天白云等待你的仰望,清新的空气将把你包围,愿你有一个健康的身体永远开心快乐!
9 . 邦捷维修,创造时间的价值。
10 . 酷阳数码度阳光一米阳光阳科电脑公司阳光电脑昇科技飞阳科技朝阳科技
1 . 如果你能记住我,全世界忘了我又如何。
2 . 懂电脑操作技术。
3 . advanced hand-held computers,larger portable computers,desk-sized models,and free-standing units that pull down more power than the Hoover Dam puts out during any given hourAny of these things can be called a computer
4 . 子串 substring
5 . On the other hand, computer has so many attractive things that some people will be addicted to it Some of them may busy finding funs on it, and then ignore their real duty, such as, study and work As a result, it will have great bad effect on their future
6 . to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除
7 . 森塞尔仕亨通金世信
8 . 会数据库编程并具网络知识。
9 . 在那办公室里电脑面前有一群程序员,他们沉默又腼腆,他们聪明但没钱。他们一天到晚辛辛苦苦拼命写软件,如果累了就咬倒在沙发上睡!哦苦命的程序员,哦苦命的程序员,只要老板不满意他们就要重新搞一遍,但是期限只剩下最后的一天。
10 . 有电脑操作经验,熟悉Windows,word和Excel。
1 . 一叫就到,电脑立好。
2 . 头指针 head pointer
3 . 另一方面,电脑有许多吸引人的东西,有些人会对它上瘾。有些人可能会专注于在电脑中寻找乐趣,而忽略了真正任务,例如,学习和工作。结果,电脑就会对人们的未来有着不良影响。
4 . SDRAM:Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory,同步动态随机存储器,又称同步DRAM,为新一代动态存储器。它可以与CPU总线使用同一个时钟,因此,SDRAM存储器较EDO存储器能使计算机的性能大大提高。
5 . Computers range in variety and size,from the simple game-playing computers to
6 . ·MB:主机板MotherBoard
7 . address 地址
8 . What is A Computer?
9 . Warning to students: over-using technology to learn information can be dangerous to your body and mind Behind this warning is the fact that new electronic devices, particularly computer and with it the Internet, have become unhealthy among those mouse potatoes who rely entirely on technology for easy acceto information This may cause them to be gradually more addictive and leimaginative
10 . 关键路径 critical path
1 . 对称矩阵 symmetric matrix
2 . ·POST:开机检测Power On Self Test
3 . 链表 linked list
4 . 用智慧点亮生活的画面,用键盘敲出靓丽的人生;用字符谱出幸福的程序,用灵感创造网络的精彩;用热情投入冰冷的电脑,用语言激活网络的世界。程序员节,愿你活出自我风采,编写出属于自己的幸福快乐人生!
5 . ·ATX:指目前电源供应器的规格,也指主机板标准大小尺寸
6 . 具坚实的硬件知识。
7 . ·SCSI:指SCSI接口规格Small Computer System
8 . 转置矩阵 transposed matrix
9 . TFT:有源矩阵彩色显示器,简称TFT显示器,专用于笔记本电脑。TFT显示器具有刷新速度快色彩逼真亮度鲜明等优点。此外,它还具有无闪烁无辐射无静电等“绿色电脑”所必需的特点。
10 . 空白(空格)串 blank string
1 . 你把抽象符号变成快乐笑容,你把简单代码变出复杂意义,你演绎枯燥变情趣的游戏,你把辛苦留下捧出生活的神奇。程序员节日里,祝福程序员被幸福刷屏,被快乐链接。
2 . 邦捷价值,与时共进。
3 . 服务选邦捷,满意更舒心。
4 . to edit 编辑
5 . 邦捷上门,优快好省。
6 . Have experience in computer operation, proficiency in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel
7 . 不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。
8 . Knowledge of microcomputer and software programming
9 . 深度 depth
10 . digit 数字,数位,位
1 . 邦捷上门,互联互通。
2 . “咳嗽贫穷和爱”,无法编程,不能隐瞒,你想隐瞒,却欲盖弥彰;“身体金钱和爱”,无法编程,不能挥霍,你想挥霍,却得不偿失;“生命时间和爱”,无法编程,不能挽留,你想挽留,却渐行渐远;程序员节,愿你把“珍惜呵护和爱”编入人生程序,幸福快乐就会永远把你伴随!
3 . ·Speaker:喇叭
4 . to code 编码
5 . 邦捷服务,秒计财富。
6 . 外部排序 external sort
7 . AOV网 activity on vertex network
8 . 生命中有很多东西,能忘掉的叫过去,忘不掉的叫记忆。
9 . 冷静的思维,点亮智慧的殿堂;抽象的理念,交汇灵感的火花;平凡的字符,串起别样的精彩;细腻的语言,盘活冰冷的程序;非凡的才华,开启幸福的天地。程序员节,愿你开怀,收获精彩!
10 . floppy disk drive 软磁盘机
1 . buffer storage 缓冲存储器
2 . 散列表 hash table
3 . 你从不玩游戏,你只编写游戏程序。你很少用QQ,你可以在网络的任一角落留言,只要你愿意。你很枯燥,但从不无聊。你娱乐很少,但却常常微笑。你醉心于脑力的激荡,你是网络的源代码,你是人类创意的奇葩。程序员节,祝你健康并快乐着!
4 . 具坚实的电脑知识和经验。
5 . integrated circuit 集成电路
6 . 有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱了。
7 . The first IBM PC was like the first car ever made,and all computers produced since its introduction look and behave similarly(but without the crank to start them up
8 . to interpret 解释
9 . card punch 卡片穿孔机
10 . 原来你所说的永久,只不过是那一瞬间。