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1 . Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad

2 . If life only such as first, then timesong will prosperous some

3 . 我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。

4 . 平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。

5 . I wold like to give you a prison(我愿为你画地为牢)

6 . 时间是个盛大的玻璃容器,任何事情都可以被它毫无保留的收纳。

7 . Life would be so much easier if we only fell in love with people that would love us back

8 . 心是我的, 可里面装的全是你。

9 . I wish to be generous for the rest of my life

10 . You want me but you missed me(你想我但你错过了我)


1 . Twinkle 闪烁

2 . 也许,路并没有错的,错的只是选择;爱并没有错的,错的只是缘分。

3 . 任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

4 . 永远记住,无论你觉得自己多没用,你总会是某人微笑的理由。

5 . Always welcome a new day with a smile

6 . Accompany in your side and heard the voice of the heart

7 . Don&#;t give up,just be you,cause life&#;s too short to be anybody else

8 . Some people can&#;t be lovers,but they also can not be getted by others

9 . 学着做你自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于你的东西。

10 . Every little kindness you show me would shake my determination


1 . I passed by your city, but I dare not enter your door

2 . 没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

3 . I&#;m working toward the slice of the unknown future step away, never stop

4 . Has not been difficult, then does not have attains

5 . 没人能改变另一个人,但是某个人能成为一个人改变的原因。

6 . Be what you want to be, not what others want to see

7 . 希望我退让的每一步,都会让我们离彼此更近一点。

8 . The heart of a loved one is the best house

9 . Always remember that, no matter how useless you feel, you’re someone’s reason to smile

10 . 爱情,让时间匆匆而过,时间,让爱情消逝于无形。


1 . If it is important to you, you will find a way If not, you’ll find an excuse

2 . How long will I love you As long as stars are above you

3 . 童心未泯,是一件值得骄傲的事情。

4 . I&#;m doing okay, not great, not amazing, not horrible,just okay And that is okay

5 . 只要心里还存着不甘心,就还未到放弃的时候。

6 . People are always hungry for nothingAnd get rid of what you have

7 . 不要浪费时间敲一堵墙,你无法将其变做一扇门。

8 . From what I can see in your eyes, I know you are my MrRight

9 . I have always loved you,but you do not know

10 . 生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。


1 . Tears are no color of blood。眼泪是没有颜色的血。

2 . No one can change another But one can be the reason for another to change

3 . It&#;s a pity that the best you and the best me don&#;t have in the same period

4 . All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it

5 . 我想哭泣,可是我的骄傲告诉我不可以。

6 . 愿你的生命中有足够的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。

7 . 我会用最初的心,陪你走最远的路。

8 . 心酸纵有千百种,沉默不语最难过。

9 . 戳到痛处的玩笑从来都不是玩笑。

10 . I do not bother you(我不会打扰你了)


1 . I love a man should not love 。我爱着一个不该爱的人

2 . 这个世界有你在就好,余生只望岁月静好。

3 . 你朝我伸出手的时候,我差点误以为,这一生都可以跟你走。

4 . Some people don&#;t belong to you, but it&#;s good to meet them

5 . Each person as happiness is to be given their own

6 . 被真相伤害,总比被谎言安慰要好。

7 . 对相爱的人来说,对方的心才是最好的房子。

8 . 有时候,顺其自然,你才会知道那些事是否值得拥有。

9 . Time forget me, or I forgot to follow, a turn around, is a lifetime

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