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1 . Wafts of early summer, the warmth of the sun is burning, in this colorful season, come out in fast, the happy mood to tan, tan your days。 The sun the happiness to you。

2 . 我听了一宿梵唱,不为参悟,只为寻你的一丝气息。

3 . Really want to call you, always in a hurry, temporarily forget about it。 Caring than actually big, so send you two flowers: one is rich flower, tow it is literally flowers。 Have a nice weekend!

4 . 感动是春风吹拂下冰封已久的慢慢融化的小河;感动是白茫茫的雪地里一株傲然挺立暗香浮动的红梅;感动是浓密的丛林中汩汩流淌的一泓清泉;感动是无边的暗夜里那一轮如钩的月亮。

5 . 车快开了,当我向父亲告别时,我又看到了那充满爱意的目光,它在诉说着无尽的希望与期待,我的泪水又流出来了……

6 . 想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚的友谊,永远不会忘,愿我的祝福将你围绕。

7 . I would like to have you out of the window of a tree, with my green wash your vision is weary, with my swing to bring you the summer cooling。 I wish you have a easy weekend!

8 . 但愿我寄予您的祝福是最新鲜最百读不厌的,祝福您新年快乐,万事如意。

9 . 睡一睡,精神好。烦恼消,快乐长。睡一睡,心情好。做美梦,甜蜜蜜。睡一睡,身体健。头脑清,眼睛明。睡一睡,幸福到。好日子,明天见。

10 . Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to


1 . 初夏的气息扑面而来,温暖的阳光渐渐灼烈,在这个五彩缤纷的季节,快出来晒晒吧,把心情晒得快乐,把日子晒得多彩。愿你越晒越幸福!

2 . “上下五千年,龙的看火不灭;古有愚公志,而今从头越……”站在新世纪的门槛上,我们的追求就是让祖国灿烂的喜悦飞扬在美好的明天。

3 . 当你翻开这本纪念册的时候,我们又一次把祝福送给了你,虽然青春也不在,但友情永相连。

4 . The stars in the Milky Way the blink of an eye, patrol I stay up all night for you; Moon hangs in the sky, and for your peace day worked off; The other side of the I in the same city, for your dreams wish: dear, good night!

5 . Department Yu Cheng met in edge, the bosom friend, a true friend no matter where, always always pay off and love, is willing to friends peace and happiness。

6 . 浪漫的夜是你的情人,她柔情似水,陪伴你左右,给你按摩,为你捶背,甜言蜜语哄你入睡,祝你晚安!

7 . 每天早上起床之后我都会默默地鼓励自己:连起床这么艰难的事你都做到了,接下来的一天还有什么能难倒你的!

8 . Those that make the best use of their time have none to spare

9 . 并不是因为安定了,所以想要结婚,就是无法与某人安定下去了,所以才要结婚。

10 . Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high


1 . 结婚是失误,离婚是觉悟,再婚是缪误,复婚是执迷不悟,生孩子是犯个大错误,一个人过什么都不耽误。

2 . 有的爱情,活在相片里;有的爱情,活在你心里。但最能让人踏实幸福的爱情,还是要那个人,活在我们的身边。

3 . 轻轻推开冬季的窗,静看雪花飘起,给你捎个讯息,你还好吗?真是惦记,祈愿你新年快乐甜蜜!

4 . 三十二 我的心因你而笑。You make my heart smile

5 . 十一 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。Where there is great love, there are always miracles

6 . 每一年被初夏秋冬谱写,我的心情跟随着四季被感动填的满满的。

7 . 感动是心灵深处的震撼,感动是情感神经的高压触电。

8 . 一首《北极星的眼泪》让我心绪不宁,或许是因为写歌的人注入了太多的感情;或许是唱歌的人倾注了所有的投入,词美,音符美,让我太过于感慨这人类的感情世界是如此的美妙与奢恋。

9 . Bowed their heads and have the courage, look up to have bottom spirit; Has a vision to have state, have power to charm, to have idea to have a way out, as only status; Mentality is close friends certainly, you don&#;t need the most。

10 . 五 Industry is the parent of success勤奋是成功之母


1 . 感动是一份热情,只要你还能被感动,你就不至于丧失良知和天性,你就会充满**地去面对明天那轮崭新的太阳。

2 . 回家的路上我哭了,眼泪再一次崩溃了。无能为力这样走着,再也不敢骄傲奢求了。我还能够说些什么,我还能够做些什么?我好希望你会听见,因为爱你我让你走了……

3 . 我的梦中夜夜有你。我想,我也一定走进了你的梦里。愿我们在同一星空下编织思念!晚安,祝今晚好梦!

4 . 新年到了,将一声声贴心的问候,一串串真挚的祝福,一片片深厚的情意。

5 . 离别与重逢,是人生不停上演的戏,习惯了,也就不再悲怆。

6 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

7 . 十八 为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候…就让…回忆来陪我。Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of

8 . When you open this book, we once again to send blessings to you, even though the youth is not in, but our friendship forever。

9 . 二 真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。The heart that once truly loves never forgets

10 . Three smiling face every day qiao, seven and eight full man not old, meet the mo ask leave spring, indifferent silence is better than medicine。

