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  You have to be first,best or different.


  Confidence doesn't need any specific reason.If

  you're alive ,you should feel 100 percent confident.


  There is nothing se-xier than being confident and taking care of yourselves.


  Be confident,not arrogant.------PA Teacher MiT

  自信 但是别骄傲

  I believe i can fly.


  Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel.If people believe in themselves,it's amazing what they can accomplish.---Sam Walton


  Jim Rohn

  Whatever good things we build end up building us.

  Maxwell Maltz

  Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-break on.


  Self-confidence and self-reliance are the mainstays of a strong character.自信和自力更生是坚强品格的柱石.

  You ' re too timid you must try to assert yourself more

  你太畏缩了- -要尽量增强自信心

  Strengthen your self - confidence sharing a rod comparing with others in the same field

  拥有与国内外同行比较的“标尺” ,增强自信心。

  Try smiling as you go into the exam room - this can give you extra confidence


  To help students improve their studies , develop maximum potential and to build self esteem


  Over 600 , 000 people have benefited from hkyaf programs in terms of art skills learning and personal growth . about morgan stanley


  All children , including the girls will take part in martial arts classes as a way to strengthen their self - esteem and discover their bodies , and creativity workshops will be organised for the for the children and the staff - a concept entirely unknown in yemen


  Conclusions : in sum , the group counseling as well as the individual counseling has a remarkably effect on the psychological health level of poverished collegiate students and enhancing their confidence . the group counseling focusing on economic factor is effective in enhancing the psychological health level of both the poverished and impoverished collegiate students and the former benefit more


  " it can be hypothesized , " they write , " that , een in the absence of a recognized orthostatic hypotension , our findings may help patients and physicians to promptly identify symptoms and early signs of orthostatic intolerance and start treatment with pressor drugs , salt , and water

  文章中写到, “假如假设成立,可推想即使患者无直立性低血压,上述检查结果可帮助病人和医生迅速辨别早期直立耐受不能的一些症状和信号,然后通过一些增压药物、食盐和水治疗,减轻直立耐受不能症状程度,如减少摔倒次数、增强自信心和生活质量等” 。

  This product modelling is artistic , may satisfy the disposition which the baby likes moving , when the pulley circles in flight when the track , but enormously transfers baby ' s interst , simultaneously lets the baby correctly identify the color , trains the operating process the enhancement self - confidence , the creation pleasure


  Communicate with the elders before feeding , e . g . discuss the menu with demented elders to enhance their cognition and stimulate their interest . for elders with visual impairment , guide them along by informing them the food types and position of the food and utensils . ensure all the food and necessary feeding aids are within their reach




